Safe - Chapter 21

Jul 10, 2007 16:41

Characters: Peter/Claude-centric ensemble
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Word count: 1,200ish.
Spoilers: AU; at most 1.06 ("Better Halves"), but not really.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine but the words.
Summary: Holocaust-era Heroes
A/N: We're back! Today catches up with Claire, and provides her with some back-story.  ( Previous chapters)

For a long time, Clara had ( Read more... )

fic, safe, claire, heroes_fic, heroes

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Comments 24

betterthanlegos July 10 2007, 16:20:25 UTC
Yay it's back! Claire was pretty spot on and she didn't annoy me here, so that's something. Bravo ;D. Very keen.


indyhat July 11 2007, 06:00:42 UTC
Glad you liked! And if I can write Claire in a way that doesn't annoy, then, well, that's all to the good :)


gladdecease July 10 2007, 19:01:09 UTC
Clara backstory, huh? I like it. and the more refined geek you turned Zach into

Misha manages to jump ahead in class in this one, instead of simply not doing any work? Considering how many years he jumps--what is it, four?--I'm impressed.

But, then again, what could he do with his power in this timeframe? Computers are huge, if they exist at all...which probably leaves him with machinery. Not much fun to talk to, or as accessible in a school (which is part of why Micah did so poorly in school, I think).

It wasn't dull to read, but I agree with you on the "lack of plot" thing. Still, I liked the chapter.


indyhat July 11 2007, 06:02:25 UTC
*g* Everyone's a sucker for Zach as a maths/physics geek ;)

Misha manages to jump ahead in class in this one, instead of simply not doing any work? Considering how many years he jumps--what is it, four?--I'm impressed.

Misha's smart, in this one. I've ... changed things, a little. You'll get some reveal ... eventually ;)

Yeah, I'm not crazy about this chapter. But I think I've worked out what's going to happen to Claire next, which is a good thing.

Thanks for reading!


cucumber_k July 10 2007, 19:26:57 UTC
Not dull at all, dear!

Poor Clara, reproachful pickles are a scary thought. You made Zach a physics geek! That's so cool. What's Clara gonna do alone? Don't let anything evil happen to her.


indyhat July 11 2007, 06:04:39 UTC
LOL @ reproachful pickles! You see, it wasn't like that in my head. But now, Clara will be haunted by ghostly pickle-jars everywhere she goes ...

... well, OK, maybe not ;)

I'm glad Zach being a physics geek works for people ;)

And Clara isn't going to be alone for long ... though I can't promise that nothing bad will happen to her (sorry, hun).

While I have you, dear, can you help me out? You mentioned that Claude would like Schopenhauer and one other philosopher, and for the life of me, I can't remember whom. Do you mind if I rummage through your brain?

(No, I'm not writing back-story. Why would I do that? Why? *whistles innocently*)


cucumber_k July 11 2007, 21:51:28 UTC
God, I can't remember either, but Kierkegaard was just as gloomy, the man wrote The Concept of Dread and The Sickness Unto Death; and probably Sartre, no, wait, I dont think he had many books before the 50's, or at least mid 40's, so let's forget about him. But something tells me Claude would probably love Kafka, with all that being different in an ordinary world. (Back-story?! *wants*)


indyhat July 12 2007, 08:00:34 UTC
I don't think Kirkegaard was one of the names mentioned ... I'm looking at Goethe, (wasn't who you mentioned either), and thinking that he's definitely more Peter's cup of tea ... oh, and Schiller, too! And oh no, now I've got Peter listening to Beethoven, which Claude thinks is populist and therefore vulgar ;)

Kafka I like as something Claude would read. Definitely :)


(there was another writer you mentioned ... someone who had a history of being in gay relationships, at least in a closet way ... and now I can't remember who!)


trippypeas July 10 2007, 23:05:22 UTC
I love you and Zach is precious!! i love Clara!! and you of course ;)


indyhat July 11 2007, 06:04:56 UTC
*huggles you* Thank you! :)


visiblemarket July 11 2007, 03:05:14 UTC
Ohhh, Clara. As if that age isn't awkward enough, and all of the sudden you can heal spontaneously.

It wasn't dull, it was...sad. And I'm worried about Bennet...things did not look like they'd be going well for him at all.

By the way, it's especially rich of Nicole to be so concerned with Clara what with her selling her family down the river before.

Coherence right now? Not my strong suit. Sorry. But I'd missed this story; I'm glad it's back.


indyhat July 11 2007, 06:07:21 UTC
Ohhh, Clara. As if that age isn't awkward enough, and all of the sudden you can heal spontaneously.

Yeah, I could have gone off on one here about self-harm and self-esteem and just general teenage angst ... ! But then we'd never get on to the actual plot ;)

I'm worried about Bennet...things did not look like they'd be going well for him at all.

We'll come back to Bennet in not too long. You did read the chapter where he's in the police-cell, right? So we know he's not dead ...

By the way, it's especially rich of Nicole to be so concerned with Clara what with her selling her family down the river before.

*g* Bwahahahah. Don't feel bad: you were supposed to to think that. But actually, she didn't!

Thanks for reading, as ever :)


visiblemarket July 11 2007, 13:35:16 UTC
Don't feel bad: you were supposed to to think that. But actually, she didn't!- Oh, you're a tricky one, aren't you? And quick, too...another chapter up already, plus the fallen angel one? Impressive.

How soon is "not too long", re: Bennet? I know he's not dead, but...SS officers, not a good sign.


indyhat July 12 2007, 12:08:55 UTC
Well, the Clara stuff and the Peter and Nathaniel scene I wrote while I was away, so I can't take credit for having turned all that out in a couple of days.

Bennet's chapter is the next but one, I think. I hope to turn out another chapter today but it might be Saturday/Sunday before we get to catch up with Bennet, because I seem to be ridiculously busy between now and then!

And you're right, SS officers are never a good sign.


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