Dear Rarewomen Author:

Feb 08, 2012 00:38

Dear Author,

Thank you so much! I’m really looking forward to seeing what you’ll write.

I like: hurt/comfort (especially physical injury, but other types are fine), friendship, sisterly relationships, introspection, plot, roadtrips, communication, Bechdel test pass, slice of life, gapfiller, original characters, science, adventure, in-universe AUs, and happy (or at least hopeful) endings.

As far as relationships go, I like gen, het, femslash, and polyamory. But I’d really prefer something that wasn’t about romance (unless Daja’s found a new girlfriend, of course).

My dislikes: character death, pet or animal death or abuse, bees/wasps/etc. (phobia), rape, dubcon, incest, explicit sex, BDSM, cheating, jealousy, character bashing, mind control, embarrassment, plot caused by misunderstandings that could be fixed in seconds if people just talked, pregnancy of any sort, kidfic, the “humans use only 30% of their brains” trope (it’s been scientifically proven wrong), m/m slash (it does nothing for me), AUs that don’t take place in the canon universe, and crack.


~ Doctor Who: R for violence, hard PG-13 for sex. Fade-to-black is the most explicit I like.

~ Circle of Magic: PG-13 across the board, please.

Individual Fandoms:

~ New Who: I like pretty much every major character in the show from either era, though I prefer Eleven’s. Feel free to put in whomever you’d like. I’d love to see Christina’s further adventures, Jenny reuniting with Eleven and/or meeting River, or Jenny’s further adventures. Really, them being their awesome selves, with or without any other canon characters.

In general: the Doctor is fully alien. Also, I only take the show itself as canon, so please don’t bring in anything from the books, audios, etc. If you bring in or mention River, please don’t mention the Library. And it bears repeating-- I love them all.

~ Circle of Magic: I love the family-by-choice. It’s one of the best things about the series. The worldbuilding and diversity make the stories seem real. It’s really hard to put into words what I like about the books-- pretty much everything-- because I love it so much. Tris is by far my favorite (she’s a bookworm!), but I like all the main characters. Really, anything to do with the family-by-choice would thrill me, as would the prompts mentioned in my sign-up.

fandom, dear author letter

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