Title: Long lost
Fandom: Crossover - X/1999 | Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Kamui, Alphonse
Pairing: Kamui/Alphonse
10. Just a memoryWord count: 590
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own.
When you leave, you forget.
Every little detail, every little occurrence, every little memory would be forgotten within the moment of leaving the godforsaken realm. A person could spend years there, make many acquaintances, and see it all fade away after but a second back home with all the usual comforts. Or the lack of comforts as the case may be with certain people and their worlds.
That which happens here, stays here. Friendships, relationships, all will be but a memory.
Kamui sighed as he stood once again by the window, woken up in the middle of the night by dreams far more confusing than his usual ones. No longer was he haunted by the screams of people dying as various Kekkai fell around him, Fuuma and his dead sister had since flown from his memory, all the lectures about how he was entwined into destiny had been wiped away. No, these new dreams were as far from this world, his world as possible. A desert world, filled with a mixture of people who seemed familiar though he could never place why, and always creatures lurking within the shadows that seemed to worry him far more than Fuuma’s cold words had ever done.
He’d see flashes of what he assumed were memories of some kind, why he thought they were specifically memories was still far from his grasp, but they were always there and so very vivid. Always, never without, he would remember a boy. Blond hair, soft eyes and a kind face. He would always say something, although Kamui would never recall what it was, and it would give him a tiny ray of hope for the next day and all of its hardships. Even when he’d dream more so of the creatures which he could only assume dwelled within such a place, just by seeing that boy’s face things would seem slightly better when he awoke during the night only to stare outside for an endless time until the others awoke.
He was losing sleep, a vast amount, with all of these visions and yet he couldn’t find the anger to be frustrated with them. Something about that kind smile from that boy...and if anything was frustrating then it was the mere fact that this person had meant something, that he had been someone special, and he had forgotten them completely. Maybe that was the reason why he would awake and then stay like that until the next night, haunted by silent words and long lost feelings.
Sorata had asked one day about what was bothering him, he hadn’t said a word. After all, how can you tell someone that you’re dreaming about people you can’t physically recall ever meeting and then explain that you think there are deep feelings connected to at least one of them? You can’t. He’d sound desperate, imagining perhaps the perfect person for him due to something which was most likely stress and a lack of a decent amount of sleep.
Yet...that voice, that face...those arms. Some nights he could swear that he’d awaken and feel soft arms holding him while he shook and tried to wipe away the sights he’d seen. A ghostly hug with whispered words, keeping him safe even though he was a lost cause on most respects.
Kamui sighed, ran a hand through his hair out of habit and turned towards the bed. If only he could remember why he felt so safe and yet so torn apart by imagining those arms, that boy, holding him close.