From the pilot episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles:
Cameron: The Skynet missile defense system goes online April 19th, 2011. Declares war on mankind and triggers a nuclear apocalypse two days later.
Signups: Now to Feb. 28, 2011
Minimum length: 1000 words.
Assignments distributed: by or before March 2, 2011
Stories due by April 21, 2011.
To sign up, comment below with the following:
- LJ username
- Email
- Pairing/Character you want to receive
- *Prompt 1 (setting/character/genre/what have you)
- *Alternate prompt
- Anything specific you don't want (ie pairing, whining, whatever)
- What character/genre do you feel most comfortable writing
- Is there anything you absolutely won't write:
- Are you willing to be a backup?
Please pimp this ficathon.
eta: Added awesome banner from
roxybisquaint ETA: Sign ups are officially closed. Assignments will be delivered soon!!
ETA: Assignments have been sent. If you didn't get one, let me know ASAP.