Boston | Paradise | 2 December 2007

Dec 03, 2007 06:11

Good Friday
May Day!
Moon Woman II
The Dumps (!)
Ash Wednesday
Weeping Pilgrim
The Night and the Liquour
New song (Setting Sun?)
All The Night Without Love (Dearland version)
Sad World
Impromptu Variations on a Theme by Phil Spector
Sleep Sandwich
1-2-3 Goodbye
While You Were Sleeping

I'm not going to post a long review yet, as I have to get dressed and haul my snowy ass out the door, but I did have to say one thing:


No, really. As most of you know, I knitted hats for the Dearlanders and a scarf for El, and when I gave him the scarf I made one request: that he play "The Dumps" in Boston. So three songs into the set, he steps up to the mic and says (quoting from memory, this is not verbatim): "This is a new version of an old song, a song that almost made it onto Ash Wednesday. But we just couldn't get it on there. This goes out to a young lady who knit hats for these gentlemen --" and at this point he gestured at Brigham, Wyndham, and Nick -- "and made me a scarf. Out of nothing. [pause] Well, not out of nothing, but out of alpaca." then, off-mic, "She's an alpaca wrangler."

It ended up being more of a rockin' version than the solo acoustic rendition on eMusic, in keeping with their recent NMH-meets-Buddy Holly aesthetic. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to cry or dance around, and I stood there looking at them with a big grin on my face. At the close of the song El looked down at me and said "What did you think, Chelsea?" And I was so in awe that he played the song and that he referred to me by name, and all I could do was yell back: "I LOVE it!"

More of a review when I get home from work...
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