Ohana 2 - John 1/?

Mar 26, 2012 16:04

Title: The Incubator: Ohana 2 - John
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Danny, Kono, Chin, Kamekona, OC's
Summary: Danny wants another baby and soon Steve is Incubating again. But their relationhip has never been an easy one to always tread, the lines of Master and slave can often become blurred. But in the hardships ahead, they both learn lessons on how love and commitment can overcome obstacles if they try hard enough. And on the way, a new baby joins the family.
Warnings: AU/AR!Future, M-preg, slash, slave!fic
A/N: A continutation of the 'Incubator- verse' which began with 'The Incubator'.


It's just a normal evening when Danny tells me. We're in bed, he's reading and I'm using him as a pillow, dozing contentedly when he sets his book down.

"Steve?" He says after a long pause.

"Hmm?" I say, shifting just a little closer as I get comfortable.

"I want to try for another baby," he announces.

It takes me all of a moment to drift from dozing to full awakeness. I lift up to look at him more closely and he gives me a small smile of amusement. I shouldn't be surprised, after all it's part of the reason he owns me. But he's not once alluded in the past months or even years since we had Grace that he wanted another child. I can't help feeling a hint of excitement at the idea.

"Really?" I ask, more in earnest than questioning. It isn't like I have a choice.

"Yes really," he teases back smile widening as he twists and pushes me onto my back, lying flush to me. "I want another baby and I think it would be great for Grace to have a little brother or sister in her life."

My heart skips a beat at his words. A brother. I eye him keenly in case it was a slip of the tongue but there's nothing to suggest he only wants another daughter. I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer, more enticed and excited by the prospect the longer it sinks in.

"That's great Danny," I say flushing in anticipation and arching my head up to kiss him quickly. "When?"

"RIght away," Danny mumbles as he presses his lips against my neck, body curling naturally against my body. "No more repressant medication."

Pulling back he gives me a teasing smile. "I know it takes a while for the repressants to wear off and the new meds to start taking effect. But that doesn't mean we can't start practicing."

"Don't we always practice?" I grin back and he ducks his head down, sucking at the hollow of my throat greedily.

"I guess, yeah," he replies. "But it's also making love and then there's the times I just need to fuck you. Times when I've been to work all day and strung out and desperate because all day I've been thinking about you, remembering how it feels to own and claim you over and over."

My cock stirs at his words as well as his physical movements, the way his hands skim over my skin and his mouth settles over a nipple. He bites and nips at the nub for a short time before he pulls away.

"You like it when I'm in that mood don't you baby?" He asks knowingly. Danny has fucked me countless times, countless ways. But at times, when he's in that feral dark mood of ownership I'm left stripped bare of any thought other than being his. He doesn't wait for an answer, simply clamps down on my nipple again with his teeth as his fingers wrap tight around my cock and starts jerking me off with long, meaningful strokes.

I moan appreciatively at his attentions and writhe under the onslaught of his torturing teeth, they don't let up on my nipple until it's sore and throbbing under his tongues caress. He changes his tone as he moves down over my body, tongue licking at my chest, down over my definded abs and stomach.

"Wonder if we'll have a boy or a girl?" He questions quietly, licking around my stomach which may well soon be swollen through an Incubation. "Wonder how long it will take for you to go positive?"

I really can't concentrate properly on his questions as his hand still moves with certainty up and down my cock. I want to reply that it doesn't matter what the sex is as long as everything goes well and we know all too well how long it could take for a positive Incubation to occur. Instead I gasp out as he licks the sensitive area of my hip and I settle on resting a hand gently at his shoulder just for something to hold onto.

I barely hear his 'don't come baby', whispered dark and possisive once more, before he swallows me down. I gasp and force my hips to stay on the bed. It's rare Danny does this to me, nothing more than a tease before he fucks me. He's the first Master ever to carry out such an intimate act on me, usually one a slave like me bestows upon their Owner on a regular basis but never reciprocated. But I learned a long time ago Danny isn't your usual type of Owner and few things surprise me any more about his behaviour, especially when we make love.

I squeeze my eyes shut, suck in deep breaths and concentrate on not bucking up, surrendering to his manipulations. I have to chase away the building pleasure he's causing, let it wash over me without taking me to the edge. He pulls off my cock merely to give me more instructions as he looks up at me with lust filled eyes, pushing at my legs. I bend my knees and plant my feet on the mattress as I watch him slick his fingers with lube.

"Gonna prepare you Steven," Danny tells me with a low growl. "Then I'll fuck you, just how you like it. How you need it."

I'm already half gone by his promises, I drop my head back to the pillow and sigh in my surrender because I'm already his, he doesn't have to claim me or fuck me senseless for me to understand he owns me. But I want it anyway, because it's nice to be reminded. Because part of me likes it when he's a little rough and insistent and possessive, demanding my full surrender, everything of me, my mind, soul and body.

"And you're not going to come until I allow, are you?" He says, a dark, teasing whisper that shivers over my cock.

"No Master," I manage to reply, though I hate it when he puts such demands on me. Especially when he knows every way of bringing me to orgasm and will use every tenchique to torture me through that specific order.

HIs mouth closes over my cock again as his fingers thrust in and out of me. I groan out a loud 'fuck' and bite down on my lower lip trying to control my urges somewhat. His fingers pull out and his mouth lifts off me as he sits up, fingers cupping and rolling my balls as he lines up, looking down at me with a possesive air, eyes full blown.

When he pushes in it's an enjoyable stretch, he doesn't pause or give me time to adjust, just takes me with a thrust of his hips. I watch his face, always a combination of emotions, eyes watching me with intent, focusing on my own reactions. It turns him on the way I react to him, I know it, see it in his face. He's greedy to see me wide open and laid bare for him and I can't ever hide anything from Danny. He knows me better than I know myself and that's a fucking scary thought at times. It also makes me feel safe and secure.

His hips start moving at a measured pace, he isn't in a rush and I'm more turned on than he is. It's how he wants me, desperate and on the egde and waiting for an order that may never come. Like a test of my willingness to obey him, he knows it's there but he likes to make sure I'm completely his at times. He settles low over me, just his hips thrusting in their gentle rhythm as he kisses me, buries his mouth over mine and swallows my moans as every shift of his hips rocks his cock deep into me. My own cock is caught between our bodies, teased and tortured by the soft friction and I groan at the feel, sounds caught up by his lips and tongue.

I wrap my legs around his waist, gently holding him close. Even in his dark feral moods he can be gentle, he pulls his mouth from mine and latches onto my neck, sucking and biting, a bruising reminder of his ownership. I'm long past being self concious about such evident proof of our private moments together amongst my fellow slaves. His mouth doesn't give in until I know there's a mark there, tongue teasing the spot before it roves up my neck to lick at my ear lobe.

"Gods I love you so much," he whispers, though possessive, he's honest and caring.

His thrusts are shallow, keeping himself deep and driving his cock more and more against a part of me that has me breathing hard and unable to really respond with words. Every part of me is concentrating on not falling over the edge before he allows. I can feel his lips curl into a smile against my ear and neck as he pulls back to watch me come undone little by little by his actions.

He pushes up from me, pausing and sliding out completely, clamouring back onto his haunches.

"On your stomach baby," he orders and I don't waste time in rolling over onto my hands and knees. His hands rove over my back and press down firmly until I get the message, laying out on the matress, my hard cock trapped between my stomach and the sheets, thighs spread eagerly for him.

I hum out his name as he slides back inside, a slow glide that makes me arch in delight. His hands settle onto my shoulders as he props himself up, his weight pinning me down as he holds himself steady. His hips thrust with a slow building rhythm, my cock rubbing against the soft sheets and I gasp at the pleasure.

"Danny, fuck, gods," I moan out, not quite close to begging but it will happen.

"Yeah thats what you need," Danny assures me, grinding his cock deep into me.

He moves again, this time pushing back and his hands slide over my ass cheeks before settling at my hips. His hold is tight, fingers digging into my skin and his thrusts become more purposeful. It's rough and intense and I groan from the overwhelming need I have to fall over the edge. I grit my teeth and spread my thighs wider, greedy for more of his dominance.

"Fuck, Danny please," I groan against the sheets, my cock leaking desperately.

If he hears me he doesn't respond to my pleading but keeps on with the torture and I start to writhe under him. It's all too much and not enough, I arch my back and whimper, pushing back against him for more even if it's too much to bare.

"You want more Steven? Is that what you want?" Danny asks, dark edge to his tone.

I let out a strangled groan because I can't take much more but I want everything, greedy with lust for my lover.

"Danny, yes, more," my fingers grip the sheets tight, breath hot against the pillows. I want him to touch me everywhere. "Fuck, oh gods. Please, please."

He pulls my hips back to him with every thrust, getting lost in his own pleasures as well as giving me mine.

"Fuck baby you feel so good," he grunts out and I can feel the way he grips onto me, the way his hips start to stutter in their thrusts that he's close. "Come on baby, come for me."

It doesn't take much more for me to fall. His cock drives into me with intent to push me over and his permission unleashes the pleasure like a flood. I writhe against the sheets, moaning as my balls empty and sticky the sheets under me.

"Fuck Steve, Steve," Danny gasps out before he shudders, hips grinding as his cock spasms inside me.

He collapses onto me, laying over me like a blanket and we lay there trying to catch our breaths.

"Fuck baby," he mumbles against my neck.

"Hmm," I muster in reply, devoid of speech for the meanwhile. I smile contentedly, in the next few weeks, when we make love, it will be to make a baby.


It takes days for the repressents to wear off and the new medication that stimulates my system into reproduction to take effect. We'll only know when my body is ready when Danny has the urge to take me and he arranges to spend a week or so at home so he isn't away from me. It can be a suffocating routine as I'm expected to constantly be around him and seeing as he works from home it's a case of sitting boredly in the study with him. My body goes through the usual changes, it's nothing I've not experienced before, the strange aches and pains within me as my body adjusts to it's purpose. I wonder how this Incubation will be different to my previous two.

We've already been to see Chin and he's personally going to oversee the Incubation, be it a boy or a girl. He's happily willing to step into that role, he's a close friend as well as our Household's doctor and both Danny and myself feel at ease knowing Chin will be in charge. I can talk to him as freely as Danny so any concerns I have I know I can speak directly to him about, without having to go through Danny in order to communicate as with other doctors.

The seeding process begins in the usual sudden manner, the first time right there in the study, me bent over Danny's desk as he fucks me with a dark intensity. It's rough and a little painful, I'm going to have bruises on my thighs from the angle against the desk. Afterwards he slips in the plug, we straighten each other out and he pulls me to him with a slow kiss and hopeful look in his eyes. The first time is never a success but I feel a twinge of hope myself, of what the future is going to bring us.

As it happens it's take four tries before I feel the change in my body. It's a natural instinct that I know and I advise Danny we should make an apointment with Chin at the hospital. Within a few days Chin confirms my self diagnosis. The seed has taken and a harvest period is in effect. I'm pregnant and in a few months we'll need to go back for further tests to check for the sex of the baby. My history of carrying females means it's important we find out the sex as soon as we can and Chin schedules us in.

The early months of Incubation don't change me much, I can carry on with my chores within the house as usual. But as the months go on I experience different things, sickness hits me in waves and I can't keep a morsel down, at times even the smell of food sends me teetering to the bathroom. Travelling back to the hospital to find out the sex proves difficult, the drive provokes waves of nausea, though I don't throw up. But by the time we arrive I'm white as a sheet, barely able to move, shaky on my legs. Danny is used to the various reactions my body goes through whilst I incubate but even he's worried by the intensity of the sickness.

We're both relieved when Chin, upon seeing me, suggests a few medicines to try me on to even out the nausea. I lay out happily on the bed, it's cool and comfortable and I'm tired of feeling so ill that I hold Danny's hand weakly and nearly dose off as a nurse smears my belly with gel as we wait for Chin to return. Danny just leaves me to it and I wake with a jolt when the door shuts suddenly, Chin handing Danny a tub of pills.

"We'll try these, see how they work," he explains as I glance at them sleepily. He leans over me and brushes a cool hand against my forehead. "How you feeling?"

"I'll be fine," I shrug.

"Course you will," he tells me with a smile. "Got some pills you can take. See if they make you feel a little better until the sickness wears off. One a day when you first start feeling nauseaous."

"Okay, thanks," I reply and he pulls back, walks around the bed and pulls up a stool.

"Well, shall we take a first look," he says breezily, preparing the machine.

A few minutes later we're all staring at the image of the baby on the monitor, the quick heartbeat coming through the speakers. Danny leans close with that goofy face he sometimes gets, the kind that shows how ecstatic he is we're expecting another child.

"Well Danny, Steven, everything reads as healthy, good heartbeat, good growth rate," Chin said looking over at us with a wide smile. "He's developing well."

"He?" Danny said catching on the last part, hand squeezing mine a little.

"Yeah, congrats guys, you're having a son," Chin nods patting me on the arm.

Danny leans down and presses a kiss to my temple as he smiles. "And everything is good. For the baby and Steve?"

"Yeah, I'd say we shouldn't have any difficulties this time round," Chin nods. "Of course I'll keep a close eye on you but there's no need for any extra treatments or having to take it one day at a time like with Grace."

"That's great," Danny says, "That's good news."

"Thanks Chin," I agree with a nod.

To be honest I didn't mind what I was having, but knowing it isn't a girl lifts a small amount of worry off my shoulders. And a boy, a son I will get to meet, help bring up. Hold. I feel the sudden urge to cry but I swallow down the lump in my throat and try not to think of the past. Not now, now I need to look forward at how our family will change with another new addition.

character: grace, character: kamekona, story: ohana 2-john, character: danny, rating: nc17, character: steve, character: chin

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