reviving an almost dead community

Jul 06, 2012 22:38

bearrs ► varices
Many months ago I switched accounts to fletrir but then decided another move was in order so now I am as you see me: varices. Originally I was going to come on here awhile ago and say that I had moved to rhoecus but seeing as how I love this place and have worked hard to keep it maintained, I am offically announcing that I am ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

flyssa July 7 2012, 06:26:11 UTC
You already know me, but I love filling out these memes, ahaha. Even if my answers are extremely weird.

name/username| Ana
age| 18. Allllmost 19! UGH I FEEL REALLY OLD ALL OF A SUDDEN.
gender| Female
location| San Diego, CA!
fandoms?| Manga: Bleach, The Wallflower, Kuroshitsuji, Yankee-kun to Megane-chan. Tv: MODERN FAMILY, omg that show is the most hilarious thing ever. And Ace Attorney & like 10 other video games, LOL.
journal?| Is this asking what my journal posts are about? WELL. I'm gonna answer it that way anyway, haha. Okay, my journal is just my blabber and vacation pictures. Right. Lots and lots of blabber...
autobiography?| Super lazy college student who likes reading, sleeping, eating, music, online shopping, and video games. Woohoo!
music?| JASON MRAZ ♥ Panic! At the Disco, Mika, Fun., We Are the In Crowd, Queen, All Time Low, etc.
other?| Okay I recently read this book Love In the Time of Cholera. Idk if you've read it or heard of it but oh my goodness all the characters are floozies. Seriously. Hahaha. I have no ( ... )


varices July 7 2012, 17:07:43 UTC
It is quite alright, I love filling out memes as well but always end up being late, hahah!

Nineteen eh! I will be twenty on the twenty-third! You do start to feel old but eh, I'm excited.
Yes the 'journal' question is asking what you mainly post because it concerns some people (such as if someone mainly posts fandom and someone wants mainly real life woes: they'll know). LOTS of vacation pictures indeed! However, they are most welcome so it is allll good. c:

I have not heard of that book. I'll have to read it after I get somewhere with my actual reading list to see for myself, hahah. However I suppose it made it entertaining that they were all floozies-or was it super bad? Thank-you! I'm working on a few things here and there, but yeah hopefully I can get back into my anime/manga groove!

I wanted to post my meme comment but for some reason livejournal is forbidding me from doing is weird.


flyssa July 8 2012, 03:15:23 UTC
Omg, we're almost exactly one year apart! My birthday is on the 24th! July birthdays are obviously the best. Wahoo!

Oh, I see, I see. Well I'm glad I answered that one correctly then, ahaha. I like sharing pictures, so it's like a super win-win situation!

It's by Gabriel Garcia Marquez who is such a wonderful writer. His works are translated from Spanish into English, but they are usually really well-translated. The book itself was alright, I guess. I think I disliked the characters so much that I didn't end up liking the plot. But it's sooo beautifully written omg ♥ I kinda wish I knew Spanish so I could read the original, haha. I bet it's even more magical than the translated version.

I see your comment down there! I guess LJ fixed itself, yay! You formatted your comment so much better than I did. And I realize that I used the old font before it was changed into courier new. LOL, dang it!


varices July 8 2012, 16:21:40 UTC
How awesome is that! July birthdays for the win!
Yeah sorry I did not make a 'lingo' box, but I figure people can interpret it how they wish. It does not bother me.
I believe I have heard of that author through my World Literature class but have yet to actually read any of his work. I'll look into it. Sometimes it happens that the writing itself is beautiful but the actual plot/characters are dull or just not worth the read. I feel that way for a lot of Oscar Wilde's work. I try really hard to like it, but often it leaves me bemused, but not entertained or even enlightened. He is a great writer technically, and he does have some beautiful ways to describe scenery though.
I found out I was past the 4,300 characters (but it took me a day to realize it). However, livejournal was nice enough not to tell me that. I just hoped that was the issue and it was as it let me post my comment after I shortened my 'other'. Yeah sorry about that! Firefox has decided to be like Safari and hates certain fonts. That was one of the ( ... )


varices July 7 2012, 17:28:08 UTC
sorry mine is a little late.

nineteen, though I shall be twenty on the twenty-third.
usa; ohio
tiger&bunny (tv/anime), mononoke (tv/anime), merlin (bbc), sherlock (bbc), psych (tv), the office (usa & uk), community (tv), monk (tv), qi (uk tv), anonymous (2011;film), the avengers (film), x-men: first class (film) +more
my journal consists of mainly real life rants. I rarely ever post about fandom, unless it somehow gets mingled within. once upon a time you could have called me a major anime/manga fan; however, as time has trudged on I have lost interest in most (if not) all fandoms I once loved. however much this may be, I will not consider myself against it-I just do not watch/read it as I once did (which is why my fandom interest has declined to two animes and a cartoon show...). that being said: i love to add my opinion to fandom posts if i can, as a way to reflect on "the good ol' days." (noooo, i'm becoming an old foggie!) I rant often in my ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

varices July 8 2012, 00:19:09 UTC
Ah you probably put everything between the < blink > commands. I coded it so that you just need to write everything outside of the codes. So where it says,

< font color="#B7B552" size="2" face="terminal" >name/username< blink >|

you'll want to write after . That also explains why the color/font/size is still the same.


rinhail July 8 2012, 09:41:53 UTC
Ah, thank you. Usually I can figure these things out myself but I never encountered one where there's blinkage. XD

Unfortunately, livejournal is being a fart and won't let me edit the comment. So I'm going to delete it and just make a new one. Sorry about that.


varices July 8 2012, 16:23:39 UTC
You are quite welcome! Sorry about the blinkage-I was trying to be cool but you know how those things turn out...
It is okay, livejournal would not let me post my comment for awhile because I was past the 4,300 characters but did it tell me that-no, it just would not let me post it. It is no big deal! c:


tokugawa July 8 2012, 03:37:23 UTC
name/username| John/tokugawa
age| 24 (will be 25 this August on the 13th)
gender| male
location| Texas
fandoms?| Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (very excited for the new series that's coming out in 2013), Tiger & Bunny, Ao no Exorcist, Fullmetal Alchemist, Kuroko no Basuke, Hyouka, The Legend of Korra, The Avengers ಠ_ಠ, Star Wars (like Sailor Moon and Pokemon, it's one of my oldest and cherished fandoms), Pokemon, BBC's Sherlock, Musical Theatre (gotten back into Phantom since last year thanks to the anniversary concert), anything from the Food Network like Giada de Laurentiis, Nigella Lawson or Paula Deen ಠ_ಠ plus more except anything 5-0 because I don't like that show TBH /hides\. I'm also getting into Once Upon a Time and I love it so far and I'm putting Game of Thrones and The Borgias to my "Will Watch Very Soon" list.
journal?| My journal will contain a dash of personal stuff, a dash of fandom stuff, a dash of random stuff plus a lot more (like pic spams for example).
autobiography?| Lazy x5 A random, fandomy person who is now ( ... )


varices July 8 2012, 16:40:14 UTC
I have yet to watch Ao no Exorcist-what is that all about? Is it another anime about fighting demons/ghosts, etc? Also, does its main theme lie in the mystery category because I am a sucker for mystery/horror/paranormal anime genre's (though half of them end up being the same so idk why I keep watching them, hahah). Sorry to bombard you about this, but a lot of people have been talking about it on my livejournal as well as through other sites I inhabit that I wonder if I'm missing something. (Of course, I end up being a late joiner of fandoms, taking for example my late entering of the Tiger&Bunny fandom.)

Seriously? You are a man after my own heart-you have listed almost everything I love (and cherish from my childhood, though I'm still nineteen so I have no idea why I talk as if I'm thirty). I'm a Food Network lover, and I adore Musical Theatre, though I am also a fan of Mystery Theatre as that is where I can watch shows like Wallander and Sherlock (both the new BBC version and the old versions for kicks as they are in no ( ... )


tokugawa July 8 2012, 18:01:48 UTC
Ao no Exorcist is about a teenage guy named Okumura Rin who seems to be living a normal life until suddenly, Satan comes in and says that he's his son (Rin also has a twin brother named Yukio but for some kind of anime-esque reason not to question logic of biology in anime, the demon gene didn't transfer to Yukio but went straight to Rin). Rin doesn't accept this until a priest that's been caring for the boys, tells him the truth. Not to give much away, Rin now is attending this academy (in which, to Rin's surprise, his twin brother is teaching there), in order to become an exorcis in order to exorcise Satan once and for all. It's kinda like Bleach in a sense that you have a main protagonist who wants to protect his friends and defeat the supernatural (it also helps that both Ichigo and Rin are 15, LOL). You also have likeable characters like the very older looking Suguro Ryuji (seriously, he looks like he's 20, LOL!), and the adorkable and loveable Shima Renzou just to name a few. Sadly, this is a monthly manga and it'll take ages to ( ... )


varices July 8 2012, 18:22:08 UTC
Thank-you that helps me a lot! I know I could just (in essence) wiki this stuff but I like hearing it from people who have watched/read the series themselves. It is often true that you get no where questioning biology in the anime world. Half the time it just leaves you in confusion. Wow he does look like he is 20. Hahah some people's maturity genes (did I really just say maturity genes? Ugh, I mean hormones) just kick in a bit sooner than others I suppose. I will probably watch the anime first (lazy) before the manga, but I'll be sure to read the manga when times allows!

Yes I remember that show! This was not on Theatre classics but I use to watch Murder She Wrote too. Good times, good times. Man that makes me want to watch that show now. Game of Thrones is a fairly good book that while most fantasy/sci-fi novels leave me a bit ehing, GOT has a decent writer (who knows what grammar is), though his writing can at times come off being a bit dull. However, the characters are what really get you in GOT like most stories do, ( ... )


rinhail July 8 2012, 09:48:09 UTC
name/username| Christy
age| 23
gender| Female
location| North Carolina, USA
fandoms?| Rurouni Kenshin, Soukyuu no Fafner, Toyko Majin, Gundam 00, Berserk, Blue Exorcist, Tsuritama, Magna Carta, and many books. The list could really go on forever.
journal?| My journal is a mix of personal thoughts, daily happenings, and not-really-reviews about anime, games, and books. But I occasionally put up a random quote or something strange.
autobiography?| I'm shy and socially awkward and obviously I'm a novice at a whole bunch of things. I can be moody and stubborn, but I love to try new things. I'm also very open-minded.
music?| Super Junior, The Bee Gees, White Snake, Kokia, The Gazette, and anything Jazz or old Rock n' Roll.
other?| I'm sorry about the trouble before. I hope this one turns out exactly like its suppose too. Excited to get to know you a little better. C:


varices July 8 2012, 17:33:37 UTC
Rurouni Kenshin is an oldie but goodie. I use to stay up really late to watch it when it aired on adult swim (ah back when adult swim had stuff I liked to watch on it).

Our journals sound about the same, especially come the not-really-reviews and the random quote or something strange. I'm a socially awkward butterfly myself, and tend to be a very anti-social person by nature, but I have the stubbornness of a mule (and probably the attitude of one). It seems we have quite a bit in common both in personality and in fandoms/journal postage. I'll be honest when I say I have wanted to be your friend ages ago but am so awkward about asking to be friends with people that I end up going in circles and getting nothing accomplished.

It is no trouble at all! I apologize for not being clear on where to put the information! I am excited to get to know you as well! Friends then?


rinhail July 10 2012, 23:09:57 UTC
I know. I'd stay up all night watching Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop, and Gundam Wing. Then I'd watch the repeat episodes. lol.

So we kinda just passed each other, wanting to strike up a conversation, but just couldn't do it. Whoa! I'm having a twin moment.

Friends indeed. But I must warn you, I can probably be just as stubborn as you and please forgive my childish tendencies. I may legally be an adult, but I'm a far cry from one. Sure, I can be responsible and adult-like, but then the little kid in me rears her head and the bluntness that most children have tends to put people off.

So... if I get too excited just tell me to calm down and I'll try to be on my best behavior.


varices July 11 2012, 04:33:43 UTC
Same for me minus Cowboy Bebop because I did not watch that show during that time period. Adult swim did a good job at repeating episodes almost to the point I felt as if I was developing déjà vu on loop.

Indeed! it seems that way! I believe I am as well, freaky stuff.

It is quite alright and you are prematurely forgiven. I can act the same way at times, though most bluntness I have I tend to try and keep inside me. Often I walk away from the computer before making comments as if I do not it leads to trouble for me. I'm not a mean-spirited person, nor am I saying that my bluntness is always in regards to negative aspects of lj/f-lists, but more often than not-that is when I get knee deep in 'blunt speech.' Either way I'll be sure to keep that in mind when we comment back and forth.

Hah I shall indeed!


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