At first I was thinking, "Meh, no thanks" but the more I saw her character concepts the more badass they looked. I've always wanted to play a game with all females (and not FF X2, I mean like men never existed sort of thing) and these kinds of characters would be perfect for it.
That's a very interesting idea for a study, and I like the artwork. I'm also glad to hear of the responses from the survey, though I'd take them with a pinch of salt (Cynical? Me?). As the Gamasutra comments (soooo ignorant!) indicate, there are quite a lot of people who have negative responses to such approaches, though I'd like to believe that they're not the majority (and, if they are, I still don't see why one should be catering to them).
Comments 7
The medic is also one badass looking mofo.
The evopsych mansplainer on Gamasutra can go diaf, though.
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