Info on the Bobble Heads

May 28, 2006 22:04

So, as everyone knows, the twins' new line of Bobble Head Dolls have been released to the general wizarding public. Now... unlike MUGGLE bobble heads, these speak and/or sing, if one hits them square in the forehead. Each doll has 3-5 sayings and I thought it would be a good idea if EVERYONE knew what each one said... ;)

Order of Merlin

1. Sings "Princes of the Universe", by Queen
2. "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!!"
3. "Don't you know who I am?"
4. "Halt Evil Doer!!"
5. "Yes! I am THE Harry Potter..."

(The doll the twins gave Ginny also says: "I love Ginny more than anything in the whole, wide world!", "Why are you here and not in my room?" and "The twins really don't scare me THAT much... But you'll protect me from them, right?")

Holiday Edition


Order of Merlin
1. Sings "The School Song", to the key of "The Ode to Joy"
2. "Serbert Lemon"
3. "I am the Great and Powerful Tim!" (okay, yes... not many purebloods will know this one, but the twins think it's hillarious!!)
4. "Death awaits you all! With nasty, big, pointy teeth!"
5. "I'll turn this afterlife right around, if you don't behave yourselves!"

Hogwarts Collection
1. Sings "The School Song", to the key of "Revelee"
2. While I believe in being fair to all students, I must admit that I have a fondness for Gryffindors.
3. If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding, if you don't eat your meat?
4. Merlin, Smerlin... I have more talent in my little finger than he did.
5. Who are you calling "Bumbling, Old Fool?"

Holiday Edition

1. Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night!
2. Why do you keep wanting to sit in my lap?
3. No, that wasn't me under the mistletoe with your mum!

Order of Merlin
1. "50 points to Gryffindor"
2. "50 points from Slytherin"
3. "Of course, all we want is a fair match for the school cup"
4. "I can teach you how to brew the most powerful love potion in the world."
5. "There's no sneering match I cannot win."

Hogwarts Collection
1. The House Cup never looked very good in my dungeon, anyway. Neither does the Quidditch Cup, for that matter...
2. The Weasley Twins were, by far, my best students. You should all learn something from them.
3. What are you looking at?
4. If Lucius Malfoy is innocent, I'm a chinchilla.
5. Slytherins will no longer receive preferential treatment from me. It's high time they learned to be treated just like any other student.

Holiday Edition

1. And God bless us, every one!
2. My supply of mistletoe seems to be short. Whoever's been into my stores will get double detention for life.
3. I'm off to read christmas carols to underprivilaged children...
4. No, we will NOT be learning how to make candy in Potions Class... I don't care WHAT time of year it is!
5. This year, for Christmas, my gift to you is double detentions.

Order of Merlin
1. A Puppy Growl
2. "I hate my job..."
3. "You know, a bit of chocolate will fix that."
4. "No, I don't only dog-paddle..."
5. "No, I don't ever find the 'doggy-style' joke funny... Ever."

Hogwarts Collection
1. Sings "Hot for Teacher"
2. Dogs rule, Cats drool!
3. There's no way in HELL I'm doing the kissing booth next year... No way, what so ever... Just... no... Well, okay... maybe...
4. Has anyone seen the trunk with the boggart I was keeping in my office?
5. That wasn't a guard dog, in my office...

Holiday Edition

1. Barks "Jingle Bells"

1. Sings "Tip Toe Through the Tulips", by Tiny Tim
2. a lengthy dissertation on the properties of a rare plant found in Bora Bora
3. Sings "Who's afraid of the Big, Bad Snape?"
4. "I'm sure I'm forgetting something..."

Order of Merlin
1. "Cats rule! Dogs drool!"
2. "Gryffindor House will start every school year with a 100-point lead, from this moment onward."
3. Purs
4. "Its all about the game. As teachers, we must remain neutral."
5. "The Quidditch and House cups look much better in MY office, don't you think?"

Hogwarts Collection
1. My school, my rules.
2. Whoever put the kitty litter in my office will be expelled immediately!!
3. PLEASE stop leaving dead mice outside my office!
4. Excuse me, while I sharpen my claws...
5. As the new Headmistress, I decree that the Quidditch and House Cups will occupy my office... Permanently...

Order of Merlin

1. Sings "I Feel Pretty"
2. "Have you met my friend, the Minister for Magic? Ka-Ching!"
3. "The papers NEVER lie... Ka-Ching!"
4. "I'm innocent, I swear! Ka-Ching!"
5. "Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching!"

Holiday Edition

1. Bah humbug!
2. Sings "We Wish You Weren't Living With Us"
3. Let there be peach on Earth.
4. Sings "On the first day of Christmas, the Dark Lord gave to me..."
5. At Christmas time, I like to dress up my house elves to match the Holiday theme.

Order of Merlin
1. "Let's have Gilderoy take a crack at healing this..."
2. "The only thing you're suffering from is Lack of Studying. Back to class with you!"
3. "It has to hurt if it's to heal."
4. "Stop your whining!"
5. "It's just a flesh wound..."

Hogwarts Collection
1. The old ways are really much better. Bring me some leeches.
2. One of Professor Binns' lectures should fix you right up.
3. This will not get you out of Professor Snape's detention, you know...
4. Sorry, I'm all out of potions. You'll just have to suffer through this one...
5. No whining in my presence!

1. I've spliced Devil's Snare with Mandrakes. Would anyone care to help me repot them?
2. Party in Green House 5!
3. Someone planted narcotic herbs in a corner of Green House 3...
4. Would someone please go out to the Forbidden Forest and collect a bushel of tree moss?
5. Eye of Newt, Toe of... What, exactly, does this have to do with Herbology?

Hogwarts Collection

1. That's "Professor Shorty", to you!
2. Levitate the feather, not the professor. Levitate the feather, not the professor!!!
3. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were aiming at me...
4. No, I will not teach you those kinds of charms.
5. Sings "Little People"

Holiday Edition

1. I am NOT from the North Pole!!
2. Sorry, dear, but you'll have to find another way of getting your message to Santa.

1. The stars know all...
2. Who needs a Divination class, when all the answers you need are up there?
3. Sings "TWinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
4. Why is everything out of place, in the Astronomy Tower? Who's been in here again?
5. A great conjunction is coming. Things will get very interesting, very soon...

1. I see only gloom and doom, in your future, my dear... And that goes double, if you're name is Harry Potter.
2. You're just jealous because the Voices talk to me...
3. I do what the voices in my head tell me to do.
4. I'm stronger than I look! Did you think I wear all that jewelry just because it looks pretty?
5. Do you happen to have any sherry?

Professor Frenze (Not Pictured)

1. Why is there a bale of hay in my classroom?
2. Please stop leaving horseshoes outside my office.
3. No, I will not give rides at the next carnival!
4. I kick...
5. Sings "The theme to Mr. Ed"

Professor Binns (Not Pictured

1. A very long lecture on the last goblin war.
2. Would you please stop looking like you can see right through me?
3. I hope that book wasn't buried, along with my body...
4. A very long lecture on the founding of Hogwarts.
5. The next person to shoot spit wads through me gets detention!

Professor Hagrid (Not Pictured)
1. This year, we will be raising dragons... Straight from the egg.
2. Now don't you worry. These manticores are completely harmless.
3. Has anyone seen Fang?
4. I'm not just on the Brute Squad, I am the Brute Squad.
5. It's not my fault, being the biggest and the strongest. I don't even exercise...

1. Who needs to go to class, when you can play Quidditch?
2. Who replaced the Quidditch balls with cabbages?
3. It's just appalling what they did to the Quidditch Pitch, for the Tri-Wizard Cup.
4. Why doesn't anyone like my idea for a faculty Quidditch match?
5. Someone swapped the Snitch with a canary.

Madam Pince (Not Pictured)

1. I've turned the Restricted Section into an all-night Discotheque! Come join us!
2. No, I did not request two dozen copies of the Anarchist's Cookbook.
3. The potions section? Got rid of it to make room for the romance novels. Why? Did you need those?
4. Yes, you may take these books out of the library... It'll only cost you your soul.
5. No, we do not have any books on Disney Magic.

Hogwarts Collection

1. My only regret is that I was never able to flog the Weasley Twins.
2. I have some lovely chains in my office...
3. If only the Headmistress would let me decide what is fitting punishment.
4. Has anyone seen my set of thumb screws?
5. The rack... Ahh, how I miss the good, old days...

Holiday Edition

1. Santa never brings me the cat-o-nine tails I ask for...
2. Sings "I aint gettin' nothing for Christmas 'cause I aint been nothin' but bad."
3. Mrs. Norris and I will be enjoying our holiday torturing students and ruining their spirits.

1. It was so cold, that the snowman was in my refridgerator trying to get warm!
2. That mistletoe just appeared, I swear!!!
3. I've been a VERY good boy this year, I swear...

1. Don't go in that closet! It's full of coal...
2. Sings "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer"


1. I'm Harry Potter's bitch.
2. I am the GREAT and POWERFUL... YOU-KNOW-WHO!!! See! I'm so scary I can't even say my own name!!
3. Sings "Trust in Me"
4. Honestly... All I ever really wanted... was a hug...
5. No, I will NOT turn myself into an albino mouse!

weasley's wizard wheezes

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