23 Spinner's End, Before and After

Mar 09, 2006 23:36

No laughing. I was not joking when I said I had all the artistic talent of a flea. ;)

Reposted because this is re-edited to now reflect the addition of Theo and Draco's rooms. And Re-Re-Re-edited to get the allotment of June, Zak, and Glamis' rooms correct. Where it says 'Male Werewolf', please read "Perry's Room" and where it says "Female Werewolf" read "Mandy's Room". I can't find my original drawings to edit them and re-scan.

Draco's room was 'converted' to a private study for Severus when Draco moved out. Theo's room stood empty for a very long time, but was 'given' to Perry and Pansy when they moved back in after the row with her father. It remains 'their' room for whenever they come back to the house. Perry's old room is now empty and has probably become a repository for 'storage' of the sorts of things Severus never possessed until he had a houseful of people - winter clothes in the summer, heavier bedding when not needed, Christmas ornaments(!), those sorts of things.

Anyway, very rough pictures--with only room-sizes, no furnishings depicted, and complete description of the house, behind the cut. If you don't care or need to know, don't feel obliged. I know I get *very* long-winded.

The House as I imagine it to be in canon. hp_britglish had a huge discussion on the British house style called the 'two-up, two-down', and how that was exactly what JKR seemed to describe in the Spinner's End chapter. They are built like town-houses here in the US, though our 'town houses' are usually for the ritzier folks, where as these are more the common joe sort of house, in the UK. The working man's house. So, when it was a Muggle dwelling, it would have had another house attached right to the side of the house on both sides. Still does, in fact, but the Muggles can't see the property at all, including the very small front yard (brit='garden') and the sightly larger rear-yard (brit=garden) which actually has a fairly extensive potions-ingredients-garden taking up almost all the space.

So--The Before Image:

Now then, what I imagine happened is that basically Minerva came, and between the two of them they were able to 'bump out' walls here and there magically. The stairs stay in basically the same location. Snape had to buy the rough-materials for the new walls and plumbing, but I think magical construction on a relatively simple scale as this would be, would not take much time or effort between Minerva and Severus. Especially not with help of House Elves doing the more detail-oriented stuff.

Please note that I am horrible with trying to make what I see in my head come out on paper. I thought I had the scale okay, and realised when I got everything done, inked, and scanned in, that I goofed all the upstairs bedrooms. All the bedrooms are supposed to be identical in size, except Snape's, which was slightly larger in the original house, and stayed proportionally slightly larger after the expansion.

*Draco and Theo's rooms are now supposed to be the 'largest' bedrooms in the house. Draco's, deliberately, because Snape was trying, in his own acerbic way, to house him in something like the manner in which he was accustomed. Theo's, because it is identical in size to Draco's.

So, Floor one and two:

Edited, again, to now be more 'to scale' and also to reflect the additions of Theo and Draco's rooms. I have no idea what *size* these rooms actually *are*. I'm guessing roughly 18 inches per 'square' of my graph-paper, so the doors are 3 feet wide, etc.

Ground Floor:


The 'new' rooms and hallways are very bare. The 'old' rooms and hallways are covered, almost floor to ceiling, in books. Anywhere there was room to put a bookshelf and books, while still leaving a reasonable passageway of space, there is a bookshelf and books. Snape is actually pleased with the additions, and will slowly be filling the 'new' space--the neutral territory like the hallways--with more shelves and more books.

Also, the end of the downstairs hallway near Zak and Glamis' rooms is a fairly wide-open space--I could see more shelves and some sort of mini-seating area with a chair or two, lighting, and an end-table, with a similar set-up with only one chair and lamp in the small alcove behind the stairs, in front of Theo's room.

The 'dashed' line on the drawing of the upstairs reflects the shape/size of the downstairs. The additions are all 'wizard's space', like used in wizard's tents, the room of requirement, Grimmauld Place, etc., and have not altered the appearance of the exterior of the house at all. Theo and Draco's room do not extend out into what is the rear-garden. The actual Muggle structure butts up against identical two-up-two-down houses on either side. There are charms on the house and property which make it invisible/inaudible to the Muggle neighbors.

Each non-Snape's bedroom contains one twin-sized four-poster bed like seen in the HP movies, and one tall chest of drawers. It also has at least one window, two if it is a corner room, and a very small fireplace for heat. If I knew how to do these things properly, I'd draw all the fireplaces and line up all the chimneys, but I don't, so I won't. :) I think 'borrowing' a chair and small desk from Hogwarts for each room is also reasonable for those who want it.

Almost all his books have the pages dog-eared and written in. Particularly those of a text book/research/scholarly nature, though he does sometimes 'correct' or 'edit' works of fiction as well, merely out of habit.

The reason he didn't want any of his 'guests' to dog-ear his pages, is that he has a 'system' to his vandalism.

The sitting room furnishings are set far enough away from the walls that a person can walk between furniture and walls in order to get to the books, like a library. The only furnishings directly against walls are the bookshelves themselves. All the books are filed alphabetically by author, so he periodically has to shuffle everything when he fills up the 'empty spaces' he leaves for new books. He also has a section of shelves solely for periodicals such as his Potions Journals--a few of which contain articles which he has written. There are two large sofas and six over-stuffed armchairs. Minerva brought four of the chairs and a sofa summoned from Hogwarts, and two chairs and a sofa were there already.

Severus will not be found sitting on the sofas. He is too touchy about his personal space to risk someone sitting 'next' to him.

There are a few threadbare and beaten ottomans--with long legs like Snape's, he does like to have somewhere to put his feet up when he reads. Several low tables so there is always somewhere handy to set a tea cup or wine glass/drink glass, and one table which contains a very dusty chess set probably completes the sitting room.

When they expanded the kitchen, Minerva brought over additional table-ware and cook-ware from Hogwarts. The cupboards, too, are obsessively organised, and he keeps a blank piece of parchment attached to his pantry door, with an ever-inking-quill hanging at its side. Whenever he is getting 'low' on anything, he writes it on the 'list', thereby never running completely out of anything. His guests will be 'taught' the system, and I foresee occasional irritable comments...

"Who used the last of the butter and failed to write it on the list?"

The kitchen table is simply a long, narrow slab of wood--lengthened magically to accommodate the additional people--it used to only be square and seat four. The chairs are mis-matched, and there is also a bit of a bar area off one side of the kitchen counter with four bar-stools for those times when the table isn't really needed.

Snape keeps only 'normal' tea in his kitchen--'flavored' teas is an American invention which he finds barbaric. There is also no coffee, which dulls the senses by its strong taste and lingering after-taste. However, he is also keenly observant, and in spite of all his grumblings and protests to the contrary, he does want his guests to be comfortable. If he hears them mention 'missing' something, you can rest assured it will be in the pantry after the next shopping trip. There is already a plethora of varieties of chocolate--he has no idea if chocolate is a favourite of all werewolves, or just an apparent fondness of Lupin's, but he's not taking any chances.

Only his bedroom is completely 'off limits' to the werewolves, and this is where he has all his truly 'personal' items. Photo albums--the few he has kept--some of Lily, many of Draco, all of Lily's old letters, anything which might let out the shameful truth that he is human and has a heart somewhere in there--it's all hidden away. heh.

His Potions workshop in the cellar is not specifically off-limits, but you'd by-gods better be able to show some competence if you go in there. He generally has no fewer than six cauldrons going at a time, as selling potions mail-order was how he supported himself after fleeing Hogwarts. Voldie certainly didn't 'support' his followers financially! It is set up with long work-tables very much like his Potions classroom, with each table being an entirely self-contained work-station with its own scales, knives, cauldrons, measuring equipment, etc., though none of the tables bear the obvious signs of student-bungling like burn marks or spill-stains. Each table can house several cauldrons at once, and he has a variety of them to accomodate the various 'needs' of his delicate potions.

To sell his potions without being arrested/caught during the war, Severus used a pseudonym and was able to earn a comfortable enough income. He is still using the pseudonym, but will also start using his real name, just in curiosity to see which 'name' will garner the most 'orders'. The house is paid for with very little in the way of utility expense, and Severus, having grown up in poverty, has always lived exceedingly frugally, so he is perfectly capable of supporting himself and half a dozen werewolves without discomfort, though without luxury.

Severus is a worrier, and I think a bit ADD/OCD and even ODD (Attention Deficit Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Oppositional/Defiant Disorder). He rarely sits still in one place for any length of time, unless it is a really good book. He often runs down to the cellar (not drawn, stairs in the same place) to check potions, and will swoop from sick room to sick room like a cross between an overgrown bat and a mother hen, looking in on the injured. They're not going to die on "HIS" watch!

The house is common/public knowledge due to Ministry regulations, so anyone can come and visit if they wish/dare. *grin* The floo is 'locked' for security, but can be opened with a password which all the werewolves will know. It is permitted to be Apparition protected, so no one can apparate directly in or out of the house, though you can apparate to or from the front door. Minor security wards will alert the residents inside the house when someone is at the door, even before they knock. Severus uses further more distant wards which will do the same thing, but not nearly as extensive as he used to use, due to the new legislation.

I think this covers house and original occupant. Any questions, ask. If you are both talented in the area and desirous of fixing my shoddy drawings--be my guest! ;)

spinner's end, severus snape, snape's house

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