As you may have heard, LiveJournal is proposing a number of structural changes to the layout and design of comment pages.The proposed design can be
seen here; the entry is in Cyrillic, so it will require Google Translate or similar to read. (A translation of the text can be found
For this community and others like it the biggest alteration will be the removal of subject lines, where we currently request prompts have their preferred pairing and any trigger warnings )
Comments 25
"A note to users of RP, Meme and other communities, where subject line is crucial for operation: for the moment we are developing only standard commenting representation, well know in LiveJournal as S1 styles, but we will keep subject lines, both in terms of form and representation, in advanced - S2 - styles, and provide an ability to keep it forever for certain communities, as well as, by request, will develop an extra functionality for such communities thru OpensSocial applications going public next year."
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