Prompt Post No. 19

Nov 09, 2011 21:34

Welcome to Round 19 of the Inception Kink Meme.

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round 19, prompt post

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Comments 6041

Arthur/Eames anonymous November 9 2011, 21:37:17 UTC
Soccer AU (Or for you United Kingdom-ers, football.) I totally see Saito as the coach, with Ariadne and Yusuf as an assistant coaches? Cobb, Eames, Arthur and Robert are players. Cobb’s the captain. Eames is the British player on loan for the season that none of the fans actually thought would contribute to the team any. He’s really bad about the yellow cards. Arthur and Robert are the playmakers and let’s be honest, make way more money than any others on in the club.

Feel free to include other pairings as well. I am partial to Saito/Robert as well.


Re: Arthur/Eames anonymous November 14 2011, 00:22:51 UTC
this prompt is love.


fill: fútbol verse. (1/?) anonymous December 3 2011, 16:24:40 UTC
lmfao i'm not an expert in fútbol but i do love it so um. first fill too.
also yeah i'm making shit up as i go, i love madrid and ye this is so unreal and unlikely that it hurts my head (っ●´д`●)っ

Saito buys out the team in the late spring of 2015. It is, not surprisingly, one of the most discussed news of the season and time. Analysts poke and prod at the decision. Fans are overjoyed. People who've never even heard of fútbol know that los blancos have changed hands. Real Madrid is one of the most well-known clubs of Spanish - no, European, fútbol history. The club has a reputation for being filthily rich, well-endowed, and upsettingly good. In the past decade, however, they have squandered their money on useless transfers. They have drowned in debt and corruption, terrible decisions and games and people in general. They've sold half their actual functioning players, and the other half have left or retired, both too disappointed in their former club and too old for the sport. The ones left are arrogant and young, ( ... )


Re: fill: fútbol verse. (1/?) anonymous December 6 2011, 20:05:18 UTC
ooh, I really like the tone of this.


Arthur/Eames, mpreg, potential werewolves, alpha/omega, knotting anonymous November 9 2011, 21:40:09 UTC
"What you see is the manifestation of your own virility, which fills you with a sense of pride and power. It's natural to confuse that with attraction." -Bones S07E01

Arthur does not think that his very pregnant self is attractive. Eames disagrees with him very, very much.

Doesn't have to be (only) sexy. Eames rubbing Arthur's belly or just thinking Arthur is beautiful because he glows is absolutely fine with me.

Bonus points for werewolves, alpha/omega, and/or knotting. :'D


Re: Arthur/Eames, mpreg, potential werewolves, alpha/omega, knotting anonymous November 9 2011, 23:17:49 UTC
I know it's kinda cliché lately but can I second this so hard?


Re: Arthur/Eames, mpreg, potential werewolves, alpha/omega, knotting anonymous November 10 2011, 06:31:59 UTC
GAH, THIS IS SO SWEET! Please someone fill this. PLEASE. ::puppy eyes::


Re: Arthur/Eames, mpreg, potential werewolves, alpha/omega, knotting anonymous November 10 2011, 07:49:19 UTC
Oh god I hope someone fills this. I can't get enough of arthur/eames mpreg stories.


Arthur/Eames anonymous November 9 2011, 21:42:29 UTC
(in-verse please) Where they regularly exchange friendly handjobs and then share a bed for the night, all comfortable and feelings of safety.


Re: Arthur/Eames anonymous November 14 2011, 03:41:24 UTC


Arthur/Eames anonymous November 9 2011, 21:43:14 UTC
In verse please. My favorite trope! Pre-relationship Eames and Arthur being protective of each other and possibly murderous in retaliation when the other is endangered.

They are working with a new team and Eames overhears / is party to a conversation where skeevy team members describe Arthur as "expendable" and debate on leaving him behind during their getaway. And Eames is also a self-serving criminal, but then thinking of Arthur, stodgy, steadfast, hardworking, loyal, brave stupid brilliant Arthur, getting left behind to take the fall, makes Eames feel suddenly rageful.

Arthur, working with another team, hears about a hit taken out on Eames. And Eames is a cheater and a thief and really really annoying, but if that brilliant man was dead, then... And Arthur travels to a different continent to stop them before they get started



Re: Arthur/Eames sho_no_tabi November 11 2011, 00:54:35 UTC
Ooohhh this sounds nice. I'll have what you're having. ^_^


Re: Arthur/Eames lezzerlee January 24 2012, 23:10:41 UTC
This sounds amazing! Do want!


Arthur/many - TRIGGER: POSSIBLE NONCON anonymous November 9 2011, 21:45:37 UTC
Come on you lot, where is all the Gangbanged!Arthur fic in this fandom? Where's that one perfect fic where he's tied up on his back, legs held apart, and ravaged by many different people?


Metamorphis 1/? (Arthur/Others, NC-17, dub-con, non-con/rape) anonymous November 16 2011, 05:48:10 UTC
Author's Notes & Warnings: bdsm, power-play, rape-fantasy, humiliation kink, voyeurism, dub-con, non-con/rape.

It's sometimes difficult to distinguish between dub-con and non-con and/or rape, because these terms can mean different things to different people. It can get especially convoluted in a story like this, where part of the plot takes place in a self-induced dream and one's consciousness is subject to one's subconscious. Therefore (and because I haven't yet written the story in its entirety) I am warning for everything. The last thing I want is for unsuspecting readers to be triggered, so if you are not sure whether you'll be triggered or not, I respectfully ask you not to take the risk and refrain from reading.

(NB: I have exams on at the moment, so updates are going to be sporadic)


"There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion."- Carl Jung ( ... )


Re: Metamorphis 2/? (Arthur/Others, NC-17, dub-con, non-con/rape) anonymous November 16 2011, 05:50:57 UTC
please read complete warnings in part 1 aboveThe pouch is made out of worn rice-cloth, and it contains inside a fine powdery substance, royal blue in colour. It is ground so finely that it feels like silk when rubbed between Arthur's thumb and forefinger; the smell reminds him of aniseed ( ... )


Re: Metamorphis 2/? (Arthur/Others, NC-17, dub-con, non-con/rape) anonymous November 17 2011, 03:55:27 UTC
Nonnie author, I don't follow WIPs (especially one that already is going to be sporadic) but I do hope you will post this to the fill list when you complete it. :)


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