Prompt Post No. 3

Aug 06, 2010 22:46

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round 3, prompt post

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[arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [1/4] anonymous August 29 2010, 08:10:57 UTC
i feel like my kinks are so obvious anon-ing is just stupid, but i am not quite yet over the shame of how filthy this is. so, anon it is! hope you enjoy this, op!

WARNING: i don’t personally consider this dub-con, and it certainly wasn’t written to come across that way. HOWEVER, eames does do some slightly kinky things in bed that arthur has not expressly consented to, so please keep that in mind before you read.

Arthur doesn’t like sex in the mornings.

But of course, that’s a lie.

Arthur loves sex in the mornings, loves it when he wakes to the impossible heat of Eames’s mouth and the sharpsweet pain of fingers probing where he’s still sore from last night.

What Arthur doesn’t like is the sloppiness of it all. Not the sex itself-sex is supposed to be messy, and for all Eames’s teasing, they both know Arthur has never had a problem letting himself go in the bedroom. (Or the bathroom. Or over the kitchen counter. Or once, memorably, in the stacks of a New York public library.) But the careful line that demarcates the ( ... )


[arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [2/4] anonymous August 29 2010, 08:12:55 UTC
“Goddamnit,” Arthur says. He stops, chokes out a breath, because Eames has taken away his tongue but not those devastating fingers, and Arthur’s still raw enough from last night that his vision hazes a bit at the edges from the prickly pleasant scrape against his nerves.

“It’s a workday,” he manages when he regroups.

“Very good, Arthur! And have you learned your times tables yet?”

“We don’t do this on workdays,” Arthur grits out, and even if he’s maybe rocking himself down against Eames’s fingers as he says it, the point still stands. “It’s the rule.”

“It’s your rule,” Eames corrects, and just like that the fingers are gone. Arthur absolutely does not whine. At all. “And it’s a stupid rule.”

Arthur lets himself sink back down against the mattress, and the pressure against his throbbing dick is amazing, perfect, unbelievable, for all of three seconds before Eames is back, lifting him by the hips again and replacing fingers newly-slick with lube. This is overkill: Arthur’s already dripping, wet with saliva and Eames’s ( ... )


[arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [3/4] anonymous August 29 2010, 08:14:27 UTC
It’s a run-on sentence. It’s also the single hottest thing Arthur has ever heard in his entire life. His dick is so hard he aches with it, and the inescapable pressure in his ass is too much and not enough all at once and his skin burns against the soft cotton of the bedsheets. He shifts again, sits up, and for one impossible instant he thinks he’s going to come just from that. The movement leaves him wrecked and panting, and he feels cut open and vulnerable, horribly embarrassed until he hears Eames’s sharp gasp and looks up to find the other man just as destroyed as he is. Eames hasn’t even been touched yet, either by his own hands or Arthur’s, but he’s in just as sorry a state as Arthur is, his cock already flushed and sticky with pre-come ( ... )


[arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] anonymous August 29 2010, 08:17:17 UTC
He ducks back into the bathroom just in time to avoid the complimentary Gideon’s Bible Arthur sends hurtling toward the doorframe.

(Later, there will be Eames talking him down in the shower, turning the faucet on cold and promising how much better it will be if they both wait, if they save it until they can take their time. There will be Eames pushing them both back into the icy water and whispering filthy promises against his skin, until Arthur breaks down and shivers from everything but the cold and says yes yes yes ok yes and isn’t really talking about the orgasm at all ( ... )


Re: [arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] bookshop August 29 2010, 08:53:28 UTC

fflkjlflkkldslkjlklkfjl i have been thinking about this prompt pretty much NON-STOP ever since it was posted, because it was such an amazing prompt, but it seemed so unlikely that it would get a cleverly done fill that would do it justice.

and now it has, and it's SO HOT, and i'm so impressed by how much characterization you worked into here. It could have been so seedy and dirty but instead it was just spot-on and perfect and fantabulous. weatherfront, is that you?????? no wait, cherrybina!?!?! WHO ARE YOU

seriously. this. this, i just. i'm SO HAPPY ON BEHALF OF THIS AMAZING PROMPT :DDDD


Re: [arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] anonymous August 29 2010, 09:14:41 UTC
haha, i'm honored you think this porn is good enough to be bina's, bb! or that it's funny enough to be weatherfront. don't worry, i'm sure i'll de-anon soon and repost this on my journal. i'm not quite ready to abandon my shame yet, though.

and awwww, i'm so glad you liked it! especially that you thought i managed to sneak some characterization in there. i tried, i really did, but the ridiculous porn kept getting in the way. my big problem is that i get really squicky about power dynamics (which, ok, WAY TO PICK THE WORST PROMPT FOR THAT EVER, ME), so i wanted to be very careful not to make this all about poor arthur getting teased to death by eames.


Re: [arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] cherrybina August 29 2010, 13:06:32 UTC
Dude, if I had written it, it would have been seedy and dirty, haha.

Oh, anon. That was just the filthiest most delicious thing and so very perfect with my morning latte. Porn is the very best way to start the day. UNF. Now, no more of this shame business. There is filthy porn to be written, and that leaves no place for shame :D


Re: [arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] anonymous August 29 2010, 12:54:22 UTC
OP SO SO excited. But now has to wait 12 long hours before reading. Something to look forward to, yay! :D


Re: [arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] anonymous August 29 2010, 13:15:52 UTC
I don't even understand how anyone could possibly think this was written by this weatherfront person??? I mean, I've read some of their stuff, it was trash anyway, whatever, we're not going to talk about that, we're here to talk about this fic, oh my god, THIS FIC, I just, let me breathe a little here, except wait, I can't, because too hot to exist in reality I must be dreaming cue panic attack!

There's really... nothing to be said, Robert, about the level of hotness here. It's just-- transcendental, is what it is, holy hell, mother of Christ. It's beautiful. It really is. And I love, love, love, absolutely love that it's really about Arthur letting Eames make suggestions, not about anything less than this push-and-pull of equals, yes yes oh my god. ♥ ♥ ♥ It isn't even fair that something so blisteringly hot is also thoughtful, and also written in that effortlessly perfect way, where somehow every word just seems naturally to fall into place and it's always the right word, what, anon, I hope to god that your shame dissolves away very ( ... )


Re: [arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] meiface August 29 2010, 15:14:21 UTC
I THINK I KNOW WHO YOU ARE \o/ WHICH MAKES ME HAPPY BC I'LL BE ALL OVER THIS WHEN YOU DE-ANON and bookmark like a pro. lskghfdj oh my god this was so hot. Anything else I say will probably just be embarrassing. I have been eying this prompt for ages, desperately wishing someone would fill it.

and and and I love how tender and fond they are for each other underneath all that filthy filthy sex. ♥


Re: [arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] belle_t August 29 2010, 18:41:03 UTC
aõbsivhipobsjdviobsdhspod UNNNNNNF


Re: [arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] anonymous August 29 2010, 23:04:13 UTC
oh wow. WOW. now you know what, you need to write the sequel where eames gets the buttplug instead. XDXDXD or both of them with butt plugs. imagine that. D=


Re: [arthur/eames] washed, and somewhat slightly dazed [4/4] razberrycreme July 18 2011, 22:37:30 UTC


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