Welcome to Round 17 of the Inception Kink Meme.
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When it comes to light that the title for the fourth book in the Dreamers quartet is Inception, Eames knows within the hour. When Anthony Ruske sells the film rights for the quartet to Warner Brothers for an undisclosed amount, Eames knows immediately ( ... )
Well this is a great story, but you switched tenses right there at the end of this and then you (as far as I've read) haven't switched back. I'd love to see this all in one tense and posted as one installment somewhere when you are finished. :)
Though, on further thought, and because I didn't mean to discount your comments...do people have suggestions for writing events in the past without jarring tense changes? Concrit anon--do you have any suggestions? Is there a way I could've made it clearer that bit was supposed to be in the past?
Well, hmm. It is really nice for an author to be open to concrit. It is a little sudden and confusing, I'll try to show what I mean. It happens here.
This information was revealed in the frantic aftermath the extraction, when Oliver and Grey are clearly about to kiss out of desperation and joy. At the end of the novel it looked like Grey and Lizbet were going to continue their mission alone. The Greybet shippers let out a roar of joy, but Eames refuses to read their improbably manifestos. Even when they pop up on his Google alert.Etc. So for the stuff that happened in the past, even if you broke it up into separate chapters or divided it in some way, that might make it less confusing. Because the rest of the tale is told in the past tense before this. It seems like an accident when read this way. The switch comes in the middle of the paragraph with no indication that time has "changed ( ... )
If I changed that bit to past tense, would this (the beginning of the next part) be less jarring as a transition to present?
And now, Inception. Eames looks at the exclamation marks dashing across the subject line of Ariadne’s e-mail, and dials her number.
The rest of the fic isn't actually in past tense--first 5 paragraphs are also in present. The first transition is here:
That might be getting ahead of the story, though. Eames is not Anthony Ruske; neither is he a writer, nor a historian. Ergo no one should expect him to get the pacing or even the chronology quite right.
The first book in the Dreamers series was published by Viking, released in America in July of 2010.
Thank you, both anons, for your help. That sentence was legit sloppy; I'll fix it in revisions. And no worries if you're busy--this (tense changes indicating past tense) is just something I've been wanting to dialogue about, so I grabbed the chance when I saw it.
Yeah I think that could be a simple fix just like you said. That could work. And maybe start a new section or at least a new paragraph. Anyway it's still a great fic, can't wait to read the rest!
Because I'm stupid in the 10 seconds between posting this and not posting it I changed the title to Mr Eames & The Story of His Life From Another Angle.
It's not a big deal.
But I'm posting this anyway.
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