Welcome to Round 16 of the Inception Kink Meme.
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However, when Arthur finally meets his boyfriend's twin brother, the brother who rejected the family fortune, the brother his boyfriend calls "the Ugly twin", he finds himself rethinking his entire relationship.
The Ugly twin, Eames, is scruffy, has crooked teeth, wears vintage clothes, but is so sexy, so impossibly clever, so full of life and humour that Arthur can't help but be helplessly attracted to him. Yes, his boyfriend is perfect, but in contrast to his brother, Arthur begins to see a man who is pretentious and austere, who is condescending and slightly stuck up...
Basically, why opposites attract and how Arthur discovered that his boyfriend was kind of a prick by falling in love with his lovable brother...
“No? But Arthur, without his last name how can you search him on google or stalk him on facebook, and myspace, and match.com, and monster.com-“
“Or have your brother run a background check on him?” Ariadne interjects before Mal can name off every website that any person has ever used.
“One time,” Arthur groans, laying his forehead on the bar top with an audible thump. “One time, I take advantage of my brother being a cop ( ... )
I know Eames is coming, but I'm having a hard time not liking Charles because all I can think of is Tom Hardy and how gorgeous he can be in a sharp suit! But I'm sure you'll remedy all that eventually and show the more negative aspects of his character eventually....take as much time as you want with the set up--I want this to go on forever! Horray!!! Thanks for filling this!
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