How to Turn In Your Rough Draft

Nov 19, 2012 00:25

You have until December 5th, 2012 to turn in your rough draft for Round 3 of the Inception Big Bang challenge. First off, to answer some questions members may have.

- We would love it if you could turn in a minimum word count of 10,000 and around 80% of the story done, but IF you are ABSOLUTELY sure you will have your fic finished and more than 15,000 words by January 21st, 2013 then turn in the information we ask along with whatever you have. This is important because you have to be sure you will finish, all rough drafts will be going up to get claimed by an artist and we don't want an artist to claim someone's story only to have the author drop out.

- The summaries are important! This is what potential artists will be reading to claim a story for art. So please take your time, proofread it, and make sure its something that you think reflects your fic well.

- If you are not confident in your ability to finish but want to try you can join the Unofficial Track. Your story will not go into the claims post but if you are able to finish by the final draft date (January 21st) we will do our best to arrange an artist for you. If you finish sooner then this date feel free to let us know so we can find an artist sooner.

Now, instructions on how to turn in your rough draft:

Email to:

Subject line of email:
Rough Draft - Title - LJ Username

Subject line of email for Track Two:
Track Two - Rough Draft - Title - LJ Username

Subject line of email for Unofficial Track:
Unofficial Rough Draft - Title - LJ Username


LJ Username:
Current Word Count:
Percent Complete:
Type: (gen, slash, het, crossover - put all that apply)
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death, etc - if there is anything in your fic potential artists should be warned about include it)
Summary: (try to write 1-3 paragraphs, please no more then 3)


Author Username:
Artist Username:
Current Word Count:
Percent Complete:
Type: (gen, slash, het, crossover - put all that apply)
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death, etc - if there is anything in your fic potential artists should be warned about include it)
Summary: (try to write 1-3 paragraphs, please no more then 3)

Please keep the coding in your email, it makes it easier for us to just copy and paste this into the claiming post. The only things that will be taken out is the LJ username, percent complete, and current word count (that information is put in the spreadsheet)/

Then add your fic as an attachment, we would prefer it if you had it as an .doc but we can take .docx and .rtf, googledocs are fine as well.

We will email you back confirming we got the story. This may not be immediate so please don't worry. If you have any questions at all or need any help leave a comment in this post. Finally, if you don't believe you will be able to complete this challenge please leave a comment here or email us to let us know so we can remove you from the spreadsheet.

!round 3, !mod post

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