Title: similar tastes Requester: woodburner Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender Requested Topic: Zuko and Katara (not as a pairing, just the characters) discovering that on some issues, they actually get along quite well
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But I can see Water Tribe spicing of food also being an important cultural thing -- imagine the winter's survival on stored seal meat and fish otherwise!
I love the whole concept of Zuko and Katara as cooking buddies. And seal blood vinegar!
Water Tribe spicing must be very idiosyncratic, though, give the limits of what they have available. I don't know of too many spices that grow in really cold climates, and trade can't have been booming in recent years. And in a climate that cold, they wouldn't need the salt, chili etc. as preservatives to quite the same degree, so it would really be more about flavor.
On a related matter, DeepDiscount informed me that my Season 3 box set shipped yesterday. (They seem to be where it's available the cheapest when you take into account the discount you can get by going to it through livesearch.com.)
Comments 14
Water Tribe spicing must be very idiosyncratic, though, give the limits of what they have available. I don't know of too many spices that grow in really cold climates, and trade can't have been booming in recent years. And in a climate that cold, they wouldn't need the salt, chili etc. as preservatives to quite the same degree, so it would really be more about flavor.
(Love the icon.)
They're so cute when they agree. *laughs*
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