I wanted to do it too~ Bunch of people have it, but I took it from koyappi
Name 3 characters, any three characters you want. Fictional or celebrities. I'll tell you which of the three I would marry, sleep with, or throw over a cliff.
Sleep with Jenna! She'd still hate me all the while cuz I'd be cuddling with her fluffy tail or trying to brush her hair, but she'd be a great bodyguard!! Better than Kevin Costner XD And IIIIIIIEEEEEIIIII...
Marry Darc!! He's Angsty, misunderstood, mistreated, part Dragon and so Incredibly SExY!! With his Blue scales and twisted horns nicely complimenting his Broze skin and pretty almond shaped eyes~ He can be Ruthless, but beneath that exterior is a sweet, if abused soul that just needs to be loved... By me of course ^_
( ... )
>0< I can't believe I helped you spell his NAme!! But It was worth it, cuz there is NO WAY IN Hell OR The other Place That I wouldn't Marry Bartimaeus!!! XDD What a smary bastard, oh how I adore HIm. I would learn so much, and I would happily cross the Gate to swirl around with him forever <3 If you don't get it, read the books by Johnathan Stroud
Jack is a good choice for an affair b/c I could get lots of ...booty (heh heh) out of the deal, but I'm a jealous person so Jack would be thrown over a cliff since I know he would sleep around
That leaves Sleeping with Zangetsu. No loss there, and as long as he isn't in Sword form I should be fine :D
Comments 14
What the hell made you think of her?! XD
Well, I went through all possiblities for everyone (except for Darc, cuz I'm not Throwing him)
and I felt guilty throwing Jenna, but I thought I would have to b/c she doesn't swing that way, and she's spoken for. But Then Sara reminded me of Lizzabit's answer and That solved my Dilema!
Sleep with Jenna! She'd still hate me all the while cuz I'd be cuddling with her fluffy tail or trying to brush her hair, but she'd be a great bodyguard!! Better than Kevin Costner XD And IIIIIIIEEEEEIIIII...
Marry Darc!! He's Angsty, misunderstood, mistreated, part Dragon and so Incredibly SExY!! With his Blue scales and twisted horns nicely complimenting his Broze skin and pretty almond shaped eyes~ He can be Ruthless, but beneath that exterior is a sweet, if abused soul that just needs to be loved... By me of course ^_ ( ... )
I love being the first to get ya'll with these :D
Captain Jack Sparrow
Jack is a good choice for an affair b/c I could get lots of ...booty (heh heh) out of the deal, but I'm a jealous person so Jack would be thrown over a cliff since I know he would sleep around
That leaves Sleeping with Zangetsu. No loss there, and as long as he isn't in Sword form I should be fine :D
The Predator
Marry the Predator ^_^ cuz he's my favorite! and oh so wiley that Predator is. Love the Dreads too!
Sleep with Jason- he has a mask so I won't see his possibly mutilated and scary face
Throw Feddy Kruger- because I'm afraid of what the consequences of "Sleeping" with him would be ::shudders::
Marry the Predator ^_^ cuz he's my favorite! and oh so wiley that Predator is. Love the Dreads too!
Sleep with Jason- he has a mask so I won't see his possibly mutilated and scary face
Throw Freddy Kruger- because I'm afraid of what the consequences of "Sleeping" with him would be ::shudders::
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