Masa & Baba [Good Come 8] Interview translation ~ Part 2

Sep 21, 2008 23:30

You were waiting for this, right? You've better been waiting for this. :D

Continued from the previous installment. Scans @ twistedhalo711. ♥

[...] is page text, (....) are the notes of the interviewer, /.../ is me.

PAGE 08.

[Memory 11 - Get up...?]

Good morning! Day 2 begins! Nakagauchi-kun is already energetic upon waking up, but it seems Baba-kun is not much of a morning person. Then, let's have Nakagauchi-kun wake him up!
"Ba-chon..." (tickles his nose gently)
"Ba-chon~" (pokes cheek),
"....Pfft~ (can't hold back laughter)
"What? You're laughing!" says Nakagauchi-kun. "Get up, get up! (pulls the cover off) Is he gentle or merciless when waking up people, we're not sure, but at least we all managed to start the morning with laughter.

Q: Autumn is for Appetite! What kind of food are you into right now?
A: Hamburgers! I ate a lot lately.
Q: Any failed or successful shopping trips lately?
A: Shoes. I found a pair that not only looks cool it's also comfortable.
Q: Would it be good being rich?
A: No.

PAGE 09.

One of Nakagauchi-kun's special skills is massage. Since Baba-kun's body still needs to fully awaken, why not have him work out some of the tension? Careful not to hurt him, Nakagauchi-kun starts to knead a shoulder gently, but soon notes: "Huh? Ba-chon, you're not tense at all!" Baba-kun seemed to be on guard at first, but now looks relieved. "Really? Fuuhn~" (likely a sound of pleasure) "When someone's muscles are too tight, you can feel a hardness here", Nakagauchi-kun says while he continues kneading like a pro masseur. A real technician!

Q: Autumn is for Appetite! What kind of food are you into right now?
A: Pineapples.
Q: Any failed or successful shopping trips lately?
A: I went out to get some throat drops, then noticed that not only did I have some at home, they were unopened too.
Q: Would it be good being rich?
A: Yes! I want a mobile phone!! I've been using the same one for 4 years now.

PAGE 10.

[ Memory 12 - To catch or to be caught? ]

Is everyone awake now? "Yee~s!" Well then, since we're in Hakodate, let's visit the morning market. Wandering around the bustling marketplace, we discover an artifical pond where you can fish for squid. "Ooh~ Look what's there!", says fishing-fan Nakagauchi-kun, eyes sparkling. Apparently if you catch a squid, they also slice and prepare it as a dish for you. Baba-kun seems to be hesitating. "Nuu~ I guess you can't put them back once they're caught..?" Evidently yesterday's seafood dinner made a lasting impression. Well, it's a one-time chance, so please have a bite of the squid you've caught youself! You can banish the taste with sweets after...

[First it's Nakagauchi-kun's turn. "You have to aim for this spot here (the triangular part behind the ears)." Just as you'd expect from someone with experience, in a few seconds it's already a catch! Though he withers a bit when the elderly shopkeeper lady - upon inspecting his squid - nudges Baba-kun: "Onii-chan, now you catch a bigger one!" Next up is Baba-kun, but the big catch just won't come! "Be careful or they splash you with water or ink!" warns Nakagauchi-kun. Not paying enough attention to the advice soon has its result: "Hoo!", Baba-kun exclaims in surprise, then: "Uwa~!!" Just when he thought it's time for joy, he gets splendidly splashed with water by the squid. Nakagauchi kun is doubled over in silent laughter.]

Pictures /from right to left, top to bottom/
M: Here we go~♪
B: Oooh! (applauds)
B: *wordlessly following the squids with his eyes*
M: Ba-chon, aim at their heads!
B: Hoo?! (startled)
M: Really, now?!
B: *looking at his drenched T-shirt* Gone and did it again, huh?
M: Even the squids love you! (laughs)
M: You really... got water all over y-- *can't stop laughing*
B: Don't laugh like that! Enough now! (laughs)

This time around the two had two hours of free time. We entrusted them with cameras and money so they can choose a present for our readers. How did they spend the time, we wonder...?
M: "This melon soda tastes like natto!"
B: That's my line! (laughs)
/T/N: If you remember the previous GC article, Baba had a complaint like this. xD/

More and more first meeting memories!

Masa: Ba-chon is living his life while being absolutely in the clear about himself. This is not an easy thing to achieve. At the time we first met he was only 18, but back then I already tought "What a focused kid!"
BB: He keeps telling me that. And didn't hesitate to inform me about it the first time we met. /T/N: Baba uses the word "tameguchi", which implies talking to someone like you're on familiar terms, a bit overtly so. Basically, Masa was supposed to be more polite or reserved since it was the first time they met, but he wasn't./ Masa: That's right (laughs). Maybe because I had no idea how old you were? Or was it the atmosphere? (laughs)
BB: I wanted to get along with you, so I thought: "Okay, let us make free then." (laughs)
Masa: Even though I used keigo /polite speech/ with you! Though when I learnt your age, I stopped that immediately. (laughs)
BB: You were eager to do that! (laughs)
Masa: It's been two years now.
BB: Two years already...
Both: (look at each other) You haven't changed a bit! (laugh)
BB: We usually banter like that.
Masa: Basically whatever we do, we always respond to each other the way we feel like it.
BB: Likely because of that, we rarely fight. Anyway, if we haven't met, I wouldn't know how it feels to be tackled by a pro wrestler technique... (laughs) Ah- but we're sharing a hotel room again, I'm worried! Maybe I should move the beds a bit further apart too. /T/N: IN CASE OF SUDDEN NOCTURNAL EMBRACES, EVIDENTLY!! xDDDDDD/
Masa: Hey, just wait a sec! Talking from experience? Am I not always calm and quiet when we share a room?
BB: Actually, we shared a hotel room only twice until now. (laugh) But yeah, you weren't noisy at all. I wonder why?
Masa: Maybe it's relaxing when we're together.
BB: But if you're in a separate room...
Masa: There I'm on a rampage.
BB: What's "there" supposed to mean? (laughs) /T/N: This is very hard to convey. Basically Masa says "soriya" which a cutesy way of saying "sore wa". So what Baba makes fun of is his pronounciation. :D/
Masa: It's supposed to be cute! From now on this is my favourite pronoun!

PAGE 11.

[ Memory 13 - To roll or get rolled ]

Our Hakodate trip is slowly but surely nearing its end. As the last big event, our technician, Nakagauchi-kun is going to prepare sushi for Baba-kun! Donning an apron he gladly takes his place behind the counter. "Ah, so nostalgic~" he says. During the time he studied dancing in Nagano, he was working at a kaiten-sushi shop for three and a half years. Reminiscing this, Nakagauchi-kun notes: "It's been ages since I rolled sushi!" "Can you still do it?" inquires Baba-kun. "Just leave it to me!" comes the answer and the rolls are ready in a blink of the eye!

["Welcome!! What can I do for you?" greets us Nakagauchi-kun in a charming voice. Let's play sushi-shop! "One with salmon roe please~" orders Baba-kun.
"Oh sorry, we don't sell salmon roe."
"Really? Then, I'd like today's menu."
"Hey-ya, one salmon roe coming up!"
"That's what I ordered a moment ago! (angry)" /T/N: Apparently, the only one who CAN tsukkomi Masa, is BB. <3/
Before the battle can unfold further, Nakagauchi-kun is already preparing one roll after the other, from gunki-maki to tuna nigiri, with admireable skill. At one point he decides to play a little prank on Baba-kun (like he's prone to do), but all-in-all, everything tastes perfect! "Delicious! Masa, you're awesome!" says Baba-kun as he finishes off his 8th (!) serving.]

Pictures /Follow the arrows./

M: Let's put a "little" more wasabi in this one...♪

B: Wow, it looks like real sushi! (Unintentionally, but what a cruel thing to say!) Itadakimasu~

B: Haaa---! *receiving likely the biggest shock of this trip* Guuu---uu---
M: Ba... Ba-chon? Ba-chon, are you all right?!

B: Thank you, it was delicious!
M: Thank you very much! (sparkle)

After making Baba-kun cry with wasabi, Nakagauchi-kun offers another roll: "Here, there's no wasabi in this one, it's delicious. Wanna try?" Slightly roasted tuna with bonus mayonaise, it's Nakagauchi-kun's special dish! "Itadakimasu..." accepts Baba-kun, eyes still watering. "...Mmm, tasty!" Captain Nakagauchi, well done!


[With this, a trip where we tasted seafood and learnt about Nakagauchi-kun's special skills, has come to an end. The consensus upon arriving at Haneda is: "Tokyo's so hooot~!", True, but still, please do your best at work while remembering the gentle breeze of Hakodate. We're waiting for the next opportunity to level-up the friendship even more!]

If there was a chance to do something again together?

Masa: Next stop should be Okinawa! I want to go diving, diving!
BB: As a special feature in Good Come, we could try for a license in scuba diving.
Masa: And after that, we would escape to a deserted island, just the two of us! There'd be no need for anyone to follow us there. (laugh)
BB: The battery in the camera would run out so there wouldn't be pictures either. (laugh)
Masa: Ikemen should be prepared to face physical challenges such as this!
BB: Ahahahahaha---- (huge laugh) Calling yourself ikemen! Ahaha---
Masa: A man is at his coolest when he's pouring sweat while making effort! Showing such a side of ours, won't that make the readers swoon even more?!
BB: Thank you, I'll pass.
Masa: (quickly) Of course, each to their own...
BB: Then, I'm also fond of Kyoto. Masa looks good in traditonal clothing anyway.
Masa: Kimonos do fit sloping shoulders nicely. All right! Let's make a round trip to the "Big Three Hundred Famous Sights of Japan"!
/T/N: The "Hundred Famous Sights" are national treasure sceneries of Japan. What "big three" is supposed to imply, I have no idea. Neither has BB. xD/
BB: What on earth are the "three hundred famous sights"?! (huge laugh)
Masa: Hn? (realizing) Three? Or hundred? Either is fine! Going around all the beautiful places of Japan, just imagine all the great photos that could be taken!
BB: And if one of us had other work, he'd just go home then come back and join the other again?
Masa: Exactly. How does it sound?
BB: All right, let's make a round trip to the "Three Hundred Famous Sights".
Masa: Stop rubbing that in! (laugh)


PAGE 12.

[See you next time...]
Next time for Ba-chon and Masa?

Did you enjoy this fulfilling Hakodate-trip? Then, in the next issue, we'll present the snapshots that didn't make it into this article! You can also see the photos the two took during the two hours they spent on their own. Look forward to them~

/T/N: The second blurb is about the photo stand they bought and which is offered in a prize draw. :)/

I hope the guys at Good Come will try their best to top themselves again. ♥ Like I said, I'm all for Hawaii. :D

articles, translations, d1

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