SPN J2 BIG BANG: The True and The Brave

Jun 12, 2014 00:05

One year more here!!! And it´s my sixth year doing this, amazing... isn´t it???? So, here I go with my first art for this BB edition, a fic with powers!Jensen and knight!Jared, friends, bad guys, swords, castles... Amazing doing this with strive2bhappy  for spn_j2_bigbang , thanks, hon!!!!!!!!!!!

Go read now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fic Title: The True and The Brave
Author: strive2bhappyGenre: ( Read more... )

fanart, sobrenatural, big bang 2014, supernatural

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Comments 59

meus_venator June 12 2014, 00:09:15 UTC
Oh, isn't that just gorgeous art. I love the hands! with the mystical starbursts! Sooo evocative.
* CLAPS * lovely, lovely work.


inanna_maat June 17 2014, 17:56:24 UTC
yay!! You´re the first!!! *claps too* Ah the hands, it was VERY important and it was good to find the right image, thanks google xDDDDDDD *see you soon LOL* *hugs*


blackrabbit42 June 12 2014, 03:47:18 UTC
Beautiful! I love the hands, and how Jared's eye really draws your focus.



inanna_maat June 17 2014, 17:57:27 UTC
Thanks!!!!!! I love my eyes, and I love when people love them too xD


tebtosca June 12 2014, 04:08:30 UTC
Beautiful! I just love the textures you used especially


inanna_maat June 17 2014, 17:58:29 UTC
Thank you! I always spend a lot of time with my textures folder xD


galwithglasses June 12 2014, 04:57:43 UTC
Nice graphics!....I really like how layered everything looks and the sepia tones work really well.


inanna_maat June 17 2014, 18:00:07 UTC
Thank you! It was good to find the right sepia tone!


matchboximpala June 12 2014, 05:24:01 UTC
Those are just gorgeous. You picked some excellent images to work with and applied some really interesting effects. The textures and the coloring are really creative. And I love the common elements that link the artworks together -- really interesting idea (that I plan to borrow one day :D).


inanna_maat June 17 2014, 18:05:33 UTC
hahahahaha... do you plan to borrow the idea??? LOL, it amazes me when people think that. That makes me think I did the right art xDDDD. And really the base textures are two: one paper texture and one with text. Over the images I only used the lights textures. But I would like to see what you do!!!!


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