Title: Goodbye (song: Time To Say Goodbye) Artist: Lee Mead Vidder: Genie Summary: "I guess you always were, you'll always be, the devil in disguise" Peter's always letting Neal back in
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Well, dude, credit to you for letting me borrow that CD. ;)
Believe it or not I'm still fiddling with the damn vid. Not the editing, but the aspect ratio in the output looks off. I have a new version of FCP, so I'm trying to find a way around it.
Glad you liked! As I said, complete act of self indulgence! :D
That was really pretty... Poor Peter, the song really nailed the idea of Peter forgiving Neal once and again. Even though we finally knew that Neal was gonna tell Peter that he tired of running at the end of season one. "You are the only one who could change my mind." How slashy is that? Didn´t know this Lee Mead song, thank you. Oh, I didn´t download it.
Comments 7
Believe it or not I'm still fiddling with the damn vid. Not the editing, but the aspect ratio in the output looks off. I have a new version of FCP, so I'm trying to find a way around it.
Glad you liked! As I said, complete act of self indulgence! :D
Am downloading to watch at home.
Even though we finally knew that Neal was gonna tell Peter that he tired of running at the end of season one. "You are the only one who could change my mind." How slashy is that?
Didn´t know this Lee Mead song, thank you.
Oh, I didn´t download it.
Glad you liked! :D
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