Fic - The Twenty-Four Months After

Jan 20, 2010 18:46

Title: The Twenty-Four Months After (Part 3/4)
Author: angelamermaid
Pairing: Cristina/Owen
Rating: Mature for adult issues - no graphic sexual content
Summary: What happens when Cristina and Owen have a baby?
Disclaimer: These characters are property of Shonda Rhimes/ABC and Grey's Anatomy. They do not belong to me. Reimbursement is not received for fictitious works.

Months One-Six ~ Months Seven-Twelve

Month Thirteen - January

"Well," Meredith says, looking around the Hunts' sparse living room. "This is - interesting."

"What?" Cristina asks, adjusting a throw pillow. "That I actually cleaned for Chloe's birthday party?"

"There's that - but I was commenting on the fact that you barely decorated." Meredith looks at the few simple balloons and the store-bought banner.

"Like Chloe cares. She's one. We'll do the big balloons and streamers crap when she's old enough to remember."

"She might not care ... but does Owen know you're not going to go all out?"

"What?" Cristina frowns. "He's a guy, Meredith. Have you not noticed the huge muscles?"

"Hard not to. But he's a guy who got the best camcorder, the biggest Thanksgiving turkey, the fanciest Christmas tree, because he loves going all out for Chloe. He's the one who invited half of the hospital over for the party. He's going to want the party to look nice."

Cristina sighs. "Seriously?"

Meredith nods.

"Aw crap. Well, the party is in three hours and we're hungover. What do you expect me to do?"

Her friend smiles and pulls out her cell phone. "We're calling in the rainbows and unicorns expert."

Cristina's face falls. "Not -"



"Don't worry, we can do this," Lexie says by way of greeting, marching into the foyer with her arms full of bags, and heavily pregnant. "Thanks for calling me!"

"Who else would already have decorations?" Cristina says. "All right, tell me what you want me to do."

"First - did you at least get a birthday cake?"

"Yes. Owen is picking it up. He's in charge of food."

"Good. Do you know what Chloe's going to wear?"

Cristina looks at her blankly.

"Go upstairs and pick out an outfit. Meredith, start getting balloons out of these bags and I'll go get the rest from the car."

"There's more?"


Owen enters the house through the garage, carefully carrying the cake. He sets it down in the kitchen, then goes into the living room. And starts to laugh.

"Oh shut up," Cristina scowls. She's helping Meredith hang up streamers, while pregnant Lexie is seated on the floor, tying ribbons to balloons. Chloe and Johanna are watching from the safety of a playpen.

"Looks great!" Owen chuckles, looking around the now pink and white room. "I was wondering how you were going to decorate. I thought you'd do something black and red and white. And blue."

"You're decorating next year," Cristina tells him.

"No I'm not!"


"All right, time to change your diaper and get you looking respectable for your party," Cristina says, bringing Chloe into her room, closing the door behind them. "You can wear your red velvet dress that Grandma Helen bought, that will look cute."

She pauses and looks directly at Chloe as she sets her down on the changing table. She leans close and speaks in a quiet voice.

"We're doing the 'traditional' birthday party thing, because I don't want you to be the kid with the weird party-hating mom that embarrasses you. And your father loves this kind of crap. But what's important is, you've been with us for a whole year now, and we love you very much, and that is what we are celebrating. You are a wonderful and bright child and I wish you a happy birthday today and many, many more to come." She kisses Chloe's forehead. "Don't tell anyone I got sentimental, okay?"


They look at the remainders of the birthday party.

"I cleaned up before the party," Cristina points out.

"I'll clean up after," Owen smiles. "Starting with Miss Chloe here." He bends down and scoops up Chloe, who has chocolate cake on her face.

"Do we have any beer left?"

"In the fridge." Owen carries Chloe up to her room and places her on the changing table.

"I hope you enjoyed your party, kiddo," he says. "The decorations were certainly - interesting. And although presents aren't why we had a birthday party, you are, it was nice of people like Alex and Mark to send you gifts from far away."

He smiles softly. "I hope we didn't mess you up too much in your first year. You have to be patient with us, we think that we know what we're doing as parents, but really, we're just making it up as we go along. The important thing is, our friends and family are there to help us, and they came today to celebrate your birthday, because we all love you and care about you. You have a world full of people looking out for you."

Month Fourteen - February

"I just want you to know," Cristina says, stretching out on a lounge chair on their private deck, "that I think we should start living on this cruise ship from now on."

Owen laughs as he picks up Chloe, who is decked out in a red swimsuit and shorts. "But the ship doesn't have an operating room."

"We could get one. Look at how old some of the other passengers are. A Cardio Goddess should be part of this set up. Imagine the package deal - get a bypass and recuperate in the sun."

"Uh huh." He leans over and kisses her. "Well, have fun soaking up the sun, while we go to the island today. You know, doing stuff."

She waves dismissively. "Whatever. We came to relax, I'm relaxing."


That evening, Owen laughs to find her still on the same chair. "Did you even move?"

"I did," she smiles, stretching. "I went to lunch, I went to the bar, I went to supper, I went to the bar. Where is everyone?"

"They went for dinner because Chloe was hungry." Owen grins and hands a rose to Cristina. "Happy early Valentine's Day."

She smiles and pulls him down for a kiss. "Mmm, happy early Valentine's Day to you too."

When they come up for air, she sighs happily. "Thank you for being a good sport about this. Even if cruises aren't your thing."

Owen shrugs. "We had fun visiting the island today. But you owe me a camping trip some day."

Cristina snorts. "Never! So how was your day?"

"Good. We had a lot of fun."

"How is Saul?"

"He's looking better. Much more relaxed." Owen smiles, looking very happy himself.


Owen strokes her face. "I'm glad to see you looking relaxed, too."

"I'm glad I'm feeling more relaxed. And I know what would make me even more relaxed. How much time do we have before Saul brings Chloe back?"

He kisses her, running a finger underneath her bikini top. "We have all night - Saul volunteered to take her in his cabin. It's all arranged."

"Oh, I do love you," she grins, standing up.

"Anything for my Valentine."

Month Fifteen - March

Cristina sits back and moans. She's sitting on her bathroom floor, feeling nauseous.

"You're a doctor, think," she tells herself. "Nausea, vomiting, but no fever, aches, or pains. You weren't sick coming back from the cruise, so you probably didn't pick up a virus."

Her eyes widen. "Oh shit."


Cristina stares at the pregnancy test in her hand. The plus sign does not fade or change. But the bathroom appears to be spinning slightly.

"Morning," Owen mumbles, stumbling in past her to relieve himself. She quickly sticks the test in a pocket of her sweat pants and leaves.


Work is miserable that morning. Every smell seems accentuated, making her nauseous. Sights that normally don't bother her are lurid and graphic. She has to bolt the Pit after consulting on an accident victim with an exposed abdomen.

Owen texts her to ask if she's okay. She replies with "VENT".


She sits on the little ledge in the boiler room and waits for him. He shows up shortly after.

"What's wrong?" he asks, pulling her up into his arms. She sighs.

"Am I a good mother?"

"What?" He steps back to look at her, puzzled. "You're a wonderful mother."

"I haven't messed up Chloe too much?"

"No." He looks concerned. "Cristina, what's wrong?"

"I'm not warm and fuzzy," she mutters. "I love Chloe, I love her so much but I'm not warm and fuzzy. Am I expecting too much from her? Should I be hugging her more?"

"Cristina," he says softly, "You are doing a great job with her. You want her to do well, I want her to do well, and you are incredibly patient with her. And you are, quite frankly, the right amount of warm and fuzzy with her."

"What does that mean, ‘the right amount'?"

"You're not too clingy or too distracted. You read the same Dr Seuss book to her fifteen times if that's what she wants, while she crawls all over your lap and pulls your hair. You let her make mistakes so she can learn. You are showing her that you can be a hardcore surgeon with a family. And we both have made mistakes as parents. Don't be hard on yourself."

She smirks then. "I was smart to marry you."

"Yes you were." He grins. "What brought this on?"

Cristina sighs and reaches into her lab coat. She pulls out the pregnancy test and hands it to him.

"What?" His face lights up. "You're pregnant?"

"That's what the plus sign means."

He grins and kisses her. "This is a nice surprise."

"Uh huh." Cristina's tone is not happy.

He looks at her carefully.

"You'd think, with how long it took to conceive Chloe, that I couldn't possibly get pregnant on the pill, but here we are," she complains. "I'm blaming your sperm."

He looks confused. "So you didn't plan this?"

"No," she mutters. "I don't know if I can handle this. I don't know if I can handle two kids so soon."

He opens his mouth, then shuts it. His eyes are asking a question that he can't bear to vocalize.

"I will have it," she says, placing a hand on his arm. His posture relaxes. "Owen, this is different than before. I can't - make that choice this time. It doesn't feel right."

"Okay." He tentatively smiles.

She paces back and forth.

"I just - certainly did not plan on having another so soon," she says. "We haven't even discussed having another! I'm really hating the timing at the moment. I'm upset at the timing. It sucks."

Owen nods. "Okay. The timing is not great, I agree." He looks at her, maintaining a serious, supportive face. His bright blue eyes betray his emotions.

"You can be excited about this," she says, rolling her eyes. "I won't mind."

He laughs and gathers her up in a bear hug, lifting her off the floor, making her smile a little. "We can handle this."

"We do make a great team." She kisses him, wrapping her legs around his waist.

He smiles quietly, his blue eyes warm and reassuring. "I'm sorry my sperm knocked you up at the wrong time. Cristina, I know that the timing is bad, it is not what you wanted and that is okay. We will make it work."

"Be prepared to wait on me night and day for the next eight or so months," she teases.

"If you can whine only when necessary, sure." He kisses her. She bites his lower lip gently in rebuke. He laughs and walks forward, until she's backed up against a wall. He starts kissing her neck.

"What, you want to make a twin?" Cristina sighs, feeling better.


Month Sixteen - April

As soon as Owen rushes into the OB/GYN wing, he's directed to an exam room by the nurses. Cristina's lying on a gurney, changed into a hospital gown.

"I'm spotting," she says, taking his hand. "That's why I had you paged."

"Okay," he exhales. "Any cramping?"

"No. I'm going to have an ultrasound soon."


She looks up at him and squeezes his hand.


"Everything is looking good so far," the attending OB/GYN says, looking at the ultrasound screen. "Your spotting has ceased, the baby is where it needs to be, and the heart is looking great."

The examination continues.

"I'm seeing a healthy baby, 9-10 weeks old," the doctor concludes. "A Valentine's Day baby?"

Owen smiles sheepishly. "So now what?" he asks. Cristina keeps her eyes on the tiny heartbeat on the screen.

"We've already taken some swabs and samples, to rule out infections. I recommend regular examinations, consult with your doctor about increasing the number of ultrasounds. The placenta is looking good, but you'll want to monitor it. Considering the age of the baby and the healthy heartbeat, I'm feeling optimistic for you." She pauses and smiles kindly. "Sometimes spotting happens with no explanation."

Owen nods.

"I'll leave the two of you alone for a moment," the attending says. "Come find me when you're ready."

"Thank you."

Owen exhales, as they find themselves alone. Cristina keeps watching the playback on the ultrasound screen as he strokes her hair.

"Forget everything I ever said about hating the timing of this pregnancy," she says.


They continue to watch the screen.

"I'm not claiming to be a Cardio God," Owen says carefully, "but that looks like a hardcore heart."

"It is," Cristina agrees, emphatically. "It is doing exactly what it is supposed to. Very well, in fact. That is a masterpiece. We've done it again, Owen."

He smiles, feeling some relief at her bravado.

"Do you know, there is an urban legend that says you can tell if you're having a boy or a girl based on the heart rate?" Cristina asks.

"I did not know that. What do you think we're having?"

"A boy or a girl. I don't pay attention to old wives' tales." They chuckle.

She puts her hand protectively on her lower belly. "It really doesn't matter. The heart is good." She pauses. "If I tell myself that enough times, maybe I will feel less scared."

He kisses her forehead. "We conceived against all odds. This baby wants to be born. I can feel it."

She sighs. "I would like a redhead this time."

Month Seventeen - May

"Here's to Lexie and Jonah's first play date," Meredith toasts, holding up her glass of wine. Cristina, Molly and Lexie raise their glasses in salute, as children run through the living room.

Lexie smiles tenderly down at her son, sleeping on a blanket at their feet. "And someday, he'll actually be old enough to play with the others."

Meredith looks sharply at Cristina. "Water? Didn't Derek offer you any wine?"

Cristina pauses, before responding. "He did."

The other women turn to look at her.

Cristina sighs. "We're at the three month mark, so it's okay-"

"OH MY GOD!" Lexie shrieks as Meredith erupts in laughter.

"-to announce that yes, we're pregnant again." Cristina scowls at Meredith. "Stop laughing."

"I knew you wouldn't wait too long," her friend chortles. "I just can't believe you haven't said anything."

"This one was a surprise," Cristina says. She places her hand against her lower belly. "Seriously, stop laughing. This pregnancy isn't like the last one. There's a reason I didn't say anything."

The women pause.

"I had some spotting last month, and everything has been fine since then, but that's why we have kept it secret," Cristina continues. "I've been seeing my doctor regularly, and we feel it's safe to say something now."

They smile at her.

"To pregnancy boobs!" Meredith says, raising her glass.

"To pregnancy boobs!"

Lexie smiles mischievously. "Can I throw you another baby shower?"

"No!" Cristina rolls her eyes.

They look up and laugh at the men gathering in the door of the living room.

"Did someone say 'pregnancy boobs'? 'Baby shower'?" Derek asks.

"Yep," Cristina affirms. She exchanges an amused look with Owen. "I told them."

Derek looks back and forth between them, smiling widely.

"It's his fault," Cristina smirks, pointing at Owen. "His bad ass stealthy Army sperm knocked me up again."

"Well, congratulations!" The men clap Owen on the back.

"When's the due date?" Meredith asks.

"November 20," Cristina tells her.

Meredith snorts. "Wait - you're going to have two children under the age of two?"


"God help us all." Meredith smiles.

"Thanks." Cristina wishes she had something stronger than water.

"And then while Chloe is in the terrible twos, you'll have a teething baby." Molly pipes up.

"Our Chloe is not going to be terrible. We've had several talks about this," Cristina says confidently. "She is going to be reasonable."

"Oh my god," Derek laughs. "She has no clue."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Owen grins. "Our Chloe is perfect. Just because Robbie -"

"-Don't talk that way about your future son-in-law," Derek teases.

"Don't go there!"

"I hope it's a boy," Derek says, ignoring Owen. "Then he can marry Johanna and we'll really be one big happy family."

Everyone stares at Derek.

"I mean - beer for everyone! Except Cristina!"

Month Eighteen - June

"Cristina, how did we get talked into this?" Meredith shields her eyes from the bright sun overhead.

"I told Owen we could do whatever he wanted for Father's Day."

"You are such an idiot."

They sigh and look around them, at the trees and the tent and the trailer. At the pile of fishing gear piled beside the camping supplies.

"The fresh air is making me nauseous," Cristina complains, rubbing her swollen belly.

"It's good for you!" Owen says cheerfully, sticking his head out of the tent.

"I'm going into the trailer to make coffee," Meredith says. "I can't handle all of this nature stuff."

"Coffee," Cristina whines, picking up a chair and trying to unfold it. "I miss coffee."

Owen laughs, crawling out of the tent to help her. "You'll live," he assures her. "I packed lots of chocolate for you and your cravings."

"When are we going to start having fun? You promised me fun."

"We'll finish setting up camp soon, and then we can go down to the river for fishing. That will be fun."

"Yay." Cristina makes a face.

Owen places the unfolded chair in front of her. She sits down and crosses her arms across her chest.

"If you like, you can stay here and keep the girls with you." Owen gestures to Chloe and Johanna, who are chasing each other in the clearing while shrieking very loudly.

"No, I am not getting stuck babysitting those howler monkeys. We're going with you."

"Okay, Cristina. But let the record show I did not force you to go fishing, I offered you an option."

She sticks her tongue out at him. He laughs, leaning down to kiss her. "Ever do it in a tent, city girl?"

"Get a room," Derek laughs, stepping out of the trailer. He grins and spreads his arms wide. "Ah, back to basics."

"Freak," Cristina smirks. She mouths "NO" to Owen.


That evening, they crawl into the tent, all three feeling exhausted.

"Come on Chloe, get into your pyjamas," Owen coaxes.

"No!" Their daughter tenses up and sits down defiantly.

"It's time for bed," he says.


Cristina and Owen look at each other.

"Yep, she's our kid," Cristina jokes, starting to change her clothes.

"We should have put her to bed earlier," Owen says, rubbing his eyes. "But the kids were having a lot of fun around the campfire."

"And now we smell of smoke and I'm going to puke if I eat another s'more."

"You had fun," Owen laughs. "You liked it when I played the guitar just for you."

"Maybe a little," Cristina admits. She takes Chloe's pyjamas from Owen. "Come on babe, let's get you changed."

"NO!" Chloe protests.

"Fine, sleep in what you're wearing," Owen says. "Come get into your sleeping bag."

"NO!" Chloe's eyes are drooping, but she remains defiant.

Owen raises his eyebrows. "It's pink," he says, holding it up. "Your favourite colour."


Cristina laughs. "Does this mean that you hate pink now? Please?"


Owen shrugs. "Where are you going to sleep, then?"

Chloe sits there and glares at them.

"Chloe, it's time for bed." Cristina says.


They can hear Derek laughing outside the tent.

"Make Chloe stop that," Cristina whispers to Owen. "Derek will think we can't control her."

"You make her stop," he whispers back.

She glares at him. Then her expression turns sweetly innocent.

"You're the better parent," she says. "I am sure you can figure out a way to get her into her pyjamas and into her sleeping bag without being difficult."

He smiles deviously. "I actually think that you are the better parent, Cristina. I invite you to show me how superior you are."

"No," Chloe says.

They look at her.

"Hey Chloe," Cristina says, reaching out and grabbing her, pulling her on her lap. "You are a very tired little girl, and that is making you stubborn. You need to go to bed now."

"No." She sleepily burrows her head against Cristina's chest.

"I'm going to bed," Owen yawns, settling into the larger sleeping bag. "We had a long day, Chloe."

"We did," Cristina agrees. "We drove all the way out here and we went fishing and Mommy caught more fish than Daddy -"

"Beginner's luck," Owen snorts.

"- and Daddy was a sore loser about that and now it's time to go to bed."

"NO!" Chloe pushes herself away from Cristina.

Cristina sighs and joins Owen in their sleeping bag, leaving Chloe sitting by herself. She rubs her stomach thoughtfully. "Hey, McBaby is moving."

"Really?" Owen turns over to put his hand on her stomach.

"Really." She moves Owen's hand so he can feel the movements. They lie next to each other, savouring the light fluttering. When the movements cease, Owen reaches into a bag and pulls out some cocoa butter, which he starts massaging into Cristina's belly. Chloe sits and watches them, clearly fatigued.

"Chloe is going to be terrible when she turns two, isn't she?" Cristina whispers.

"I'm afraid she's already started," Owen smiles. "It's to be expected. Look at who her parents are."

"We're doomed," Cristina laughs.

Chloe crawls over to them. She puts her hands on Cristina's stomach and leans.

"Too much pressure," Cristina says, moving Chloe's hands. "Come on, get into your stupid pink sleeping bag."

"No," Chloe says, settling down between her parents instead.

"Fine," Owen says. He puts away the butter and turns off the lantern. They lie there quietly.

"Does the forest always make those sounds at night?" Cristina asks. "With the wind and the trees?"

Owen laughs. "I was just thinking how nice and quiet it is, away from the city."

"Freak." Cristina pauses. "What about bears?"

"What about them?"

"What if a bear comes into our camping area? What if it's hungry?"

Owen chuckles. "We won't get bears. All of the food is locked away in the trailer. We burned the trash. And Derek and I marked our territory."

"How - oh, that's why you -"

"Yep." Owen grins in the dark.

"I thought you were just being guys," she yawns.

"That too."

"Shh," Chloe says.


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