looooong post of shenanigans, and photos!

Dec 13, 2007 23:36

i'm finally re-couped from the whole trip and show in LA.
despite the lovely LA weather and friends, it's always nice to come home.

my first installation - aka painting cavemen style.

the show at thinkspace went great, thank you to everyone that made it out that night!
here are what little pictures i took of the trip below...

+ also, my good friend roxy tagged me with a meme about "myself",
which i rarely jump on, but since she's one of my favoritest people, i'll do one here (see below the cut).

newspaper cutouts - to check the placement of the motifs i used.

pretending to be working really hard.
(the patterns were hand painted, with a guidance of a smaller printout i had.
uh... obviously not the brightest idea, but i couldn't carry a bunch of things on the plane).

all done! (kind of... i went back and forth to add some more things, which didn't work)

opening night!

snowing foam outside on matthew's head...

wonderful jesse hotchkiss, who was my install-mate for a couple days, had a show in the project room,
titled Greener Grass.

we made our first gallery art purchase from jesse's show!!

always amazing and sweet miss Audrey (i-seldom-do and Catherine Brooks.
Catherine was in the show, her pieces were amazing - a former brooklynite as well. :)
such cute people!!

that's my ham face with LC and Andrew Hosner of thinkspace gallery,
minus lovely miss Shawn, whom i didn't get a picture with. :(
they're in the new issue of juxtapoz magazine!
(picture borrowed from andrew)

Audrey and me.
i stole this pic from andrew also, because i like to spread hideous faces i make to the world!
my face there looks so creepy and burger-like, like i'm possibly molesting
poor, sweet Audrey outside the picture. i promise i wasn't!


intelligentsia coffee house at sunset junction. very good!
which is new (to me) - but was surprised to see that our local coffee house here in brooklyn use their grounds.

i loved their tiles.

at Mitsuru Cafe in little tokyo. that whole thing was $7.50 or so.
they also have delicious imagawa-yaki (red-bean filled pancake like buns).

tamago udon. (also from Mitsuru - which is the name of the owner lady).
i loved the half cooked runny egg, same as how i like in my ramen noodles.

i totally forgot to take more pictures of food before scarfing them down,
including the wonderful last meal at in-n-out burger <3.
so i am left with 3 measly photos out of all the great meals we had. :(


LA was very nice and definitely much warmer than NYC, of course.
it was so nice to hang out with good people, i caught up with a lot of old friends,
and spent quality time with some of our most favorite people.

many many thanks to those who made it out to the show,
and i'm REALLY SORRY for not being there (i had gone to dinner) when some of you came by.
i'll stick around the whole night from next time!!

also huge thanks to our friends, whose company made the trip such an amazing memory for us:
thank you, bryan & audrey, danny & lauren, sandamal & dana, pat & chris, and also ken, matthew's laugh twin.

thank you, andrew, shawn, and LC of thinkspace, and matt & leah, who did amazing prints!


+ for the meme i got tagged for:

6 facts about me:

1. "Im" is my korean name, also my "maiden" name, and rhymes with Kim or Him.
"Hultberg" is my husband's name, and is Swedish (but he's not even swedish - he's korean),
and really is read straightforwardly.
HULT (rhyming with ADULT) and BERG (obviously, like, BURG-er).
and i really hope people know how to say stella. haha.

2. america is the country i've lived the longest in.
even longer than my native korea, or any other countries i've ever lived.

3. i have laser eyes! (from the lasik surgery i got a few years ago, the best thing ever).

4. i have a bizarre aversion to butterflies and moths, though i've grown braver as of late.
it's not a logical thing, i know those little fluttery things can't harm me.
but i just can't look at the larger-than-life size photos of them.

5. i am not fond of velvet. obviously, i wouldn't be fond of velvet butterflies.

6. i hate being wordy. yet, here i am.

i'd tag a lot more people except they don't have blogs.
but here are a few of my lj friends i'm tagging, but definitely no pressure.

or anyone else interested!


+ also, some pictures from my show with Amy last month at Lineage gallery
in philly, are up on their website HERE, for those interested!


+ the HEARTBEATS prints are for saleon line now, HERE at thinkspace gallery website,
as well as off line at the gallery, if you're near.

whew, was that the longest post i ever made?
i hope i can do some blogging before the year ends,
(or hopefully update my site, at least, that i've neglected for the whole year :/)
but in case i don't, have a great december, and a happy new year!

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