Title: 1982
Fandom: Lost
Characters: James "Sawyer" Ford
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Summary: He spends more time in the principal's office than in any actual classes.
Notes: For
drabblefix challenge #7, warning. I've been terrible with doing these challenges the past few weeks, I've been failing at making myself write lately.
They keep him waiting for twenty damn minutes. Drowning in faded carpet and eerie silence, seconds marked with a dull tick ... tick ... tick ... . They want him scared, they want him almost wetting himself by the time they haul him in. They ain't worked it out yet; their little waiting-game tactic don't work on him. How can it? It's always the same in there: same old song-and-dance routine, same old threats ("I've never expelled a student, James"), same old wheezy pleas to straighten up.
"James," snaps a razorblade voice. "He's ready for you."
He winks. "Thanks, Carol."