-OOC- Application/Information [Pareidolia]

Jul 21, 2011 02:11

Name: Witchy
Contact: Personal LJ - witchmodoki
Email/AIM - nezumidegozaimasu@gmail.com

Character name: Lovino Vargas / South Italy / Italia Romano
Character journal: in_italia
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Point of Canon: Modern-day. The show follows history, so this would bring him from the date in 2011 that the application is accepted.
Tattoo number: 17419
Appearance: http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/10700000/spain-and-south-italy-romano-hetalia-10773645-600-395.jpg
The best word to describe Lovino: Southern Italian. He's got the charming good looks, nice tan, dark reddish-brown hair and brown eyes that used to be green and aren't completely done changing, thus giving them a hazel hue. He also has a permanent scowl. He's usually wearing button-up shirts and jeans if not in his beige World War II uniform. He has a serious thing against wearing anything that doesn't look at least remotely Italian, so. There's a curl sticking promanently out of the right side of his head, which is in fact not just a thing the artist drew on to look pretty, that's a real thing. And if it's touched, well, it's an erogenous zone. So I wouldn't.

Personality: Remember back in Kindergarten? That kid who never really figured out how to deal with society, so he just shoved it off instead? The one who tried to be tough, but never could be? His name was Lovino Vargas.
Lovino's personality divides between four categories: By himself, around his brother, around men, and around women.
Around women, he is flirtateous and clearly likes to land the center of attention. He's also a derp when it comes to getting affection back, and usually ends up unable to continue if his target reciprocates the action. In layman's terms: ignored, becomes a lady's man in seconds. Offered a kiss, blushes and hides forever. Which makes him pretty lovable until something ticks him off.
Around men, on the other hand, he's pretty much the world's biggest jackass. Since he's afraid of how useless he is in comparison to everyone else, he reacts by putting up the toughest act he can. This involves swearing a lot ("bastard", "allocco", "jackass" and "damn it" being his favorites) and physical violence (kicking shins and lame punches) in some cases. However, since he's nowhere near a level of ability to cope with fights, his attitude often gets him into fights he can't handle and subsequently seeming even more pathetic than he would usually. He developes deep grudges on men who have seen him cry (only men because women are trustworthy) and often ends up hating people who don't have any idea what they did to deserve it.
His brother, Feliciano/North Italy/Venniciano, is a special exception to all this. Even though Lovino is just as moody around Feliciano, he cares more about his brother than any other person on earth, including himself. Their relationship is closer than most of the other countries, partially because they're siblings while still being the same country, and by human terms being fraternal twins. At least, Lovino thinks it should be that way. Lovino blows up on Feliciano a lot, mostly as a defense mechanism for the fact that Feliciano spends more time around his friends than around Lovino and rarely comes home, and Lovino doesn't know a better way to express his frustration at how little he seems to matter to Feliciano. It's also shown that Lovino is easily depressed by the fact that his brother fails to compliment him when prompted (he can't think of anything himself, either.)
Inside his mind is where Lovino is weakest. As noticable by his inability to keep up bravery of any kind or to make friends, he's developed quite the bit of self-hatred. He's quite aware of how pathetic he is, but it only makes him hate everyone around him more. He's thoroughly convinced everyone laughs at him behind his back, and that it's not truly possible to be trustworthy. He's afraid of anything someone could do to him, and as such shuts himself off from any chance to let someone in other than Feliciano. In truth, he has a large abandonment issue that he wants no one to know about, and his fears are caused by the anxiety of who could leave him. He fears above all being left by Feliciano, which leads to his outbursts quite often. He's also convinced that God hates him, just a little tidbit he picked up from the mafia way back when. He has yet to find much to convince him otherwise.
It should also be mentioned that he has a huge phobia against rape and as such is VERY protective about the curl on his head. Even poking it will usually earn the offender a headbutt to the stomach (although his holds true mostly for men, as he's too polite to hurt women). He also seems to express his anger alot with the word "chigi" ("chigigigigi", "chigigigigigigigigigi", etc.) If tugged too hard, well, he'll just collapse in exstacy/pain for a while. Yyyyyup.

Powers/Abilities: In canon, his lifespan is connected to Feli's since both are kept alive by the existance of Italian people and pretty much fraternal twins. Because of this they also share brainwaves and can communicate through a twinlink of sorts. It's not particularly relevant if Feli's not here, and since Italians are absent here, he's pretty much human (otherwise he'd keel over and die upon awakening). He can also pull out anything normally found in Italy out of his pocket, but since that is primarily godmodding (since he can pull out food, bandages, people...), I'm just gonna cut that out.

Aside from that, he can run like a bat out of hell if he's frightened, and has some pretty good muscles for squirming away. He's also good at pickpocketing, but rather clumsy with anything else.

History: His history is the same as that of South Italy.
Character wiki ==> http://hetalia.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Romano
Country's history ==> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Italy
Anything else would be head-canon.

Journal sample: CHIGI! What the shit is going on, you fucking bastards!? Who the hell kidnapped me? ANSWER, JACKASSES. Damnit, where the hell is Venneciano!? OI, BASTARDS!! ANSWER ME ALREADY!! WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING SO LONG!?
Prose sample: Welp.

Lovi was sure there hadn't been anything in front of him when he was running. A tree, maybe. That's what he usually hit when he was running from Spain. Wait, no, he wasn't running away, dammit, he just didn't want to be near the bastard. Why the hell did he hit a fountain? What the hell was a fountain doing there to begin with? He looked up with a grimace, rubbing the spot of impact with a hand. "The fuck...?"

Getting to his feet, he looked around to find architecture he recognized as Italian. Or pretty damn close to it, at least. Not that he cared. It wasn't Italia, he could tell that much. And goddamnit, he couldn't reach Feli. It was like he wasn't there. No, that wasn't an empty feeling, damn it, it was just... damn it, where did that idiot go now!?

Slipping a hand in his pocket for his phone, he found instead something unfamiliar. He looked at it, noting that it was quite clearly a communication device. Trying it out wouldn't hurt, right? It was probably just some prank from England or Spain, damn it. Except neither of them were anywhere near smart enough. And they couldn't break his bond with Feli... Damn it, what the hell was going on!? With the device clutched tightly in his hands, he began his message. You better answer fast, bastards, he thought bitterly.

Anything else: Can he retain memories from the last time Parei was open, or...?

!ooc, !pareidolia, !app

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