OOC: About The Very Important Man

Jan 03, 2007 10:57

Everyone else was doing it, I figured that Valentine should have a go as well.

I realize that I've pulled Valentine from a bit of an obscure fandom-- either you know MirrorMask or you don't, but best of luck trying to find anything about Valentine that goes beyond a paragraph or a sentence or a grammatically-challenged blurb online.

This is where I step in with my obsessive knowledge of a very important man.

After the Exit plot!

Okay, so rather than edit ALL OF THAT STUFF that's down there that separates student-in-Fandom Valentine from now Valentine, I'm going to just list what you should know about Alum-Valentine here, and then leave the rest for blah-blah-blah too lazy to edit purposes. Aren't I awesome?

Currently, Valentine is a normal-looking human living in a less-than-glorious flat in Brighton with his girlfriend, Naminé. They're both quite real, despite both being shadows and echoes or drawings in charcoal their entire lives.

His PB from here on in is going to be Jason Barry, he's lived through all of his canon and then some, his face is rather firmly attached, and yes, he's still absolutely batshit. In a sane but flaily sort of way.


At first glance, Valentine might just look like a decently tall boy in a floppy coat with spiked hair.
Well, if first glance is from behind.
From straight on, one is bound to notice the mask -- a box-shaped construct that wraps around half his head, leaves his lips in plain view, and then reinstates itself again on his chin in a mass of pokey beard that matches the style of the mask from his forehead on up-- He's never seen without this mask, because it is for all purposes actually his face.
Yes, you're the funny-looking one. Attempting to tell him otherwise will probably result in you being stared at oddly with two little pokey-hole mask-eyes.

What's Normal for Me...
Valentine comes from in a world parallel to our own-- a sort of dream world that mirrors the artistic endeavors of a girl in the real world. In this world, it isn't unnatural to see fish flying down the street, and miniature rainbow-winged sphinxes roam the alleyways in lieu of stray cats. Everyone there wears a mask-- or perhaps the mask is in fact part of their face-- and anyone who doesn't have one is simply not a complete individual. Improper, unmasked faces are seen as just downright revolting.
Valentine has probably never seen the colour blue in his life-- the atmosphere of the place he's from is very bleached, very surreal, and if it doesn't exist in black, white, grey, or on a colour wheel between lemon yellow and burnt umber, then his world probably doesn't have it, or doesn't display it often.
Books have minds of their own and can fly, gryphons look like the sphinxes, only larger and they prefer riddles to eating the pages out of books, and chickens can talk.
Fandom High to Valentine is strange only because it's so oddly mundane.

Motivations, Obsessions, et cetera.
Although he always boasts that he is a very important man, Valentine's background is a little on the disconcerting side. He never really had a healthy family-- his mother bought him from a man when he was very young, and kicked him out not long afterward. This has left him fending for himself using every trick he knows, and he's something of an opportunist and a coward. He makes a living through street performing-- juggling is his specialty, and he has two partners at the point in canon where I'm pulling him from to assist him in his theatrical pursuits-- another juggler (Bing) and a fiddler (Eric).
He brags often about his tower-- A large, chicken-legged conical structure that gets from point A to point B using large, fluid leaps-- but he unfortunately had an argument with it, and refuses to apologize (Valentines never apologize), and so his tower refuses to come about.
Being as opportunistic as he is, Valentine is likely to grab any chance he can see in order to make things better for himself. He'll take riches and jewels over a good friend, and food comes before practicality, always.

But What Can He DO?
Valentine doesn't have special powers, per se, unless one counts taking off a mask to reveal another one underneath, and then holding conversations with the mask in his hand (this comes from the published scriptbook, and I'll probably not use it often-- unless I do?). He does juggle-- and he juggles well. It is, after all, how he makes his living. Oh. And he's good at flailing.
And, of course, he has a "FOOD!" radar. In his stomach. Usually at the worst moment possible.

Valentine in Fandom High
For Fandom High, I'll be pulling Valentine from a point just before the movie begins-- a darkness is ravaging the city that Valentine and his troupe are performing in, and there's no more business there to be had. For the purposes of the game, he's decided to move on and take whatever opportunity he can to better his financial situation-- Enter the FH Pamphlet. Seeing that this "school" place is such a wonderful chance to potentially increase his financial gain (or perhaps his ability to simply feed himself), Valentine makes a break for a certain island in search of better living conditions (and maybe an education.)

Little Notes on The Mun
I'm fairly easygoing when it comes to roleplay-- if you have something that you want to try with Valentine, by all means, let me know. I'll see if we can work it out without breaking rules/destroying canon/raging out of character.
If anyone ever wants to try removing his mask to see what's underneath, all I ask is that you ask me first-- It can even be in ooc comments while we're doing the thread, I'm all for spontaneity. I may or may not say yes to this, because I don't want it to be overdone-- this is the one piece of Valentine that I'm taking from cut scenes and the scriptbook rather than what made it to the screen, so I don't want to overuse it.
I, the mun, work two part-time jobs in real life, so my online schedule may be a little choppy at times. If there's a plot going on that you want Valentine to be a part of, then I'll do my best to let you know my availability well enough in advance that we can coordinate what needs to be coordinated.
Don't ever hesitate to ask if I want to do things-- I love the game, and I generally tend to sit around with rapid-fire-refresh-skills to see if something new is going on in Fandom.

More information about MirrorMask can be found here:

And, of course, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to answer them.

info post, ooc

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