Title: “An Age of Silver” (1/23) Characters: Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Stanley Hopkins, Molly Hooper, Ensemble Pairings: John/Lestrade, [Click to read]past Sherlock/Victor Trevor, eventual Sherlock/Stanley Hopkins Rating: R Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me. Warnings (overall):[Click to read]Language, angst, ongoing case dealing with rape/non-con (non-graphic), case-related
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I was going to say that you don't know how excited I am to see you finally posting this, but I rather imagine you do know!
I really, really like your description of Sherlock slowing down and feeling the aging effects. The messages left for Sherlock are really in character: John still exasperated after all these years; Molly as lovely and practical as ever; and then there's Stanley Hopkins.
Awww, thanks! I'm happy you're excited about me posting this. I'm excited as well!
It's good to know that you liked the description of Sherlock slowing down, and I'm glad everyone sounds in-character so far. John could make a career out of being exasperated at Sherlock ;)
Yes, you do need a Hopkins icon! He's so fabulous :)
I love your version of Hopkins, not to mention his close friendship with Sherlock! I know that Holmes is quite fond of Hopkins in canon, so this is such a nice extension of that. Saying that, I really like the idea that they bicker and test each other's limits. I also think it's great that Hopkins is so different from Lestrade. That comparison of their offices says volumes. *g*
I really admire all the details you've included to give the reader a real sense of the shift in time. It's not just things like the vid screens, but your description of an older Sherlock.
I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes and why Hopkins is so invested in the case.
Oh, thank you! It's such a relief to know that you like this version of Hopkins. I have to say, I've had a lot of fun writing him, and I'm excited to now be able to share him with all of you.
It's good to know that the shift in time is apparent not only in the technology, but also in the description of Sherlock. Means I did my job right!
I'm pleased you're looking forward to more. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment!
Comments 4
I really, really like your description of Sherlock slowing down and feeling the aging effects. The messages left for Sherlock are really in character: John still exasperated after all these years; Molly as lovely and practical as ever; and then there's Stanley Hopkins.
I think I may need to get a Hopkins icon.
It's good to know that you liked the description of Sherlock slowing down, and I'm glad everyone sounds in-character so far. John could make a career out of being exasperated at Sherlock ;)
Yes, you do need a Hopkins icon! He's so fabulous :)
Thank you for reading and commenting!
I really admire all the details you've included to give the reader a real sense of the shift in time. It's not just things like the vid screens, but your description of an older Sherlock.
I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes and why Hopkins is so invested in the case.
It's good to know that the shift in time is apparent not only in the technology, but also in the description of Sherlock. Means I did my job right!
I'm pleased you're looking forward to more. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment!
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