Title: Variations on a Theme (1/3)
Fandom: Sherlock
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, DI Lestrade
Pairings: asexual!Sherlock/John/Lestrade
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Word Count: c. 5,000 this part; c. 16,000 total
Warnings: Age Discrepancy; Mild Sexuality; Language; Incidence of Homophobia
Spoilers: for TGG
canonisrelative was very kind to look
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Comments 10
They have a soft place to fall and someone to hold them when they have nightmares. Someone to come home to, to worry about them, to notice when they are tired.
It's poignant that they can't be public. Threesomes are tough to write and I've read very few that I actually believed in, but this one rings true.
I'm so glad that they have each other!
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