Title: Tired Boys and Wired Eyes
Pairing: Travis McCoy/William Beckett
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: ~6000
Warnings: None (
see policy)
Summary: Elephants, friendship, touring.
Notes: Beta thanks to the fabulous
jamjar, American-checking thanks to the wonderful
st-lemur, all mistakes thanks to me. Title from GCH's 7 Weeks.
Additional RPS disclaimers: (1) NOT REAL NOT REAL NOT REAL. (2) If you found this story by googling your own name, please hit the back button now.
"I want an elephant," says Bill. Travis can see his eyes widen as he realizes what he's just said. Sometimes it takes a while for messages to get all the way from Bill's mouth to his brain. "I do. I'm a goddamn rock star, and I want an elephant."
Please click here to read Tired Boys and Wired Eyes at AO3.