Back from State Fair. It was SO much fun meeting up with Jess [
hotfruits] and seeing David Cook in concert! ♥ Recap&pics to come ASAP.
I'm also excited to catch up on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report since I missed last week and I've been having withdrawals. Argh.
Finally got around to doing a friend's cut D: It made me sad going through my thinning list... I just defriended people who never have commented and/or had unfriended me, but I could have made a mistake so let me know if you didn't want to be cut! Along those lines, I started trying to go through all the communities I joined b/c some of them I don't even remember joining. Most of them are SPN or J2 related. SO I was wondering if I could get your opinions on SPN comms. With a poll! The last question is just about your fav. comm in general- and if there's any comms you want to recc, feel free! Answers are only viewable by me but I can post the overall results afterwards if y'all are curious.
Poll Supernatural Comms