RBB Post 2 - Open Cage

Feb 13, 2015 02:08

This is my second RBB for the brilliant fic "The Open Cage" by the lovely synn!

Read her fic: HERE

She's been fantastic and fun to work with and I really hope my art contribution does her fic justice! I had more art planned but sadly RL issues interveened and prevented me from doing everything I'd planned. But I do aim to post more art even though ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

naturaljelly February 15 2015, 08:25:41 UTC
Gorgeous art work. Do you have a link to the story? Tried synn at the top but can't find any link at all to the story. Would love to read it. A reply would be very much appreciated. Thank youx


imogen_lily February 15 2015, 11:31:06 UTC
Aww thank you

Yes I've got the link, she's posted it on AO3, the link is here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3343370


naturaljelly February 16 2015, 00:52:47 UTC
Thank you so much for the link to the story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope she writes more rpf. Have you done art work for other stories?


imogen_lily February 25 2015, 22:56:56 UTC
I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. I really hope she writes more too!

Yes I've done other art for stories. I've done another reverse bang entry at my LJ and there's more art in general you can find on my LJ profile.

I do a lot of plot bunnies and do art to inspire them and I also do fanart for people who take my bunnies. I have a website that's in progress here: http://bunny-burrow.moonfruit.com/ a lot of my art is on there.

I've also done things like art websites for stories. One's here: http://les-destins.moonfruit.com/


art: Open Cage manictater February 21 2015, 13:50:20 UTC
Wonderful. Loved the bios and that you created so many beautiful pieces.


Re: art: Open Cage imogen_lily February 25 2015, 22:57:17 UTC
Thank you! That's really kind of you :)


(The comment has been removed)

imogen_lily February 25 2015, 22:58:07 UTC
Thank you :) The fic was really good so I wanted my art to at least attempt to reflect that, as I wanted it to be a thank you

thanks for the feedback!


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