Fic: Once More With Feeling, Prologue

Apr 19, 2014 16:31

Title: Once More With Feeling (0/14+Epilogue)
Rating: R
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Blaine/Sebastian
Spoilers: -
Warnings: -
Word Count: ~2000
Summary: After a long year of separation, things are finally looking up for Kurt and Blaine. They're ready to start their lives together in New York as an engaged couple. Everything is perfect.
Until it's suddenly not.
Torn apart by forces beyond their understanding, they find themselves alone, facing a world that is just not quite right anymore. A second first meeting of strangers on a staircase brings another chance for love, but is that chance enough for them to find their way back to each other, and can they break the spell before it's too late?
Disclaimer: The characters aren't my property, neither are any song lyrics within this story, just borrowing it all for a bit.

Notes: So, this is definitely the longest thing I've written for Glee, and very much due to the influence of “Once Upon A Time broke my brain”.
I started the concept in December, so it only draws from the episodes aired until then. That means there won't be spoilers, and everything after episode 5x08 doesn't factor into this, including the Rachel/Santana fight, the Brittana reunion and the actual living arrangements once everybody got to New York. The plot starts after Blaine's graduation.
The story will contain supernatural elements, a few medical issues (including mention of canncer), discussion of psychiatric issues (depression, PTSD) and infidelity. Also, which I assume should be warned for, this story has Sebastian, as well as a dysfunctional to toxic Seblaine relationship, but Klaine are definitely endgame.
If somebody has concerns or questions about anything, please feel free to contact me.
The story is mostly but not completely done, and it should be updated around once per week.
As for titles, the story title is from the Buffy musical episode, while the chapter titles are taken from songs out of that episode - mostly because at the beginning I was very inspired by the first song Going Through The Motions, and I'm also a complete sucker for that musical.

That's about it, then. Let's get this started. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading!

Prologue - See You  All In Hell

When Blaine woke up that morning, it was to beams of sunshine falling through the window and right into his face. For a moment he just lay in his bed, turning his head to the light and warmth, breathing in the fresh air coming from his half open window.

He didn't usually linger like this before getting up. But he figured it was fine to just take it easy once in a while. Today was going to be a lazy, comfortable day, as most of the last week had been. Just for a little while, there was no stress. There were no rehearsals for glee club, no student council meetings, no all-day studying sessions or last minute finals preparations. Nationals were over, finals were done, he got accepted into NYADA, and a few days ago he had finally graduated. Now, all that was left was to spend a last week here in Ohio with his friends and family, before it was time for him to go to New York - and not alone, of course.

This thought was enough to make Blaine sit up in bed. His eyes went to the digital clock at his nightstand and for a second he worried he might have overslept. But he still had time. It was only a few minutes after nine. Kurt was coming over around ten. They hadn't been able to spend time together last night, since Blaine's parents had insisted on having a family dinner including his grandparents before he went off to the big city. It could have been worse, but it still only made Blaine look forward more to having a day just for Kurt and him.

While going through his morning routine, Blaine couldn't help but look back on how much had happened this year. Of course, it had seemed even longer, being the last year of high school, and especially with every single day keeping him away from the person he loved. He was thrilled, but sometimes he still couldn't believe it was over.

He checked himself in the mirror one last time, before he went downstairs. It had been a rough year at times, but everything had worked out in the end. A part of him was even a bit sad to leave McKinley behind... or maybe that, too, was latent fear of what was about to come. But he wouldn't let fear keep him back. He would do his best and face the new challenges head-on, and at least he knew he wouldn't be alone through it all.

His mother was in the kitchen downstairs, talking on the phone. When she saw him, she put a cup of freshly brewed coffee into his hands and smiled. Blaine took the cup with a short thanks and let her get back to her call. Sometimes he had wished he and his parents were closer, but during the last months at least his mom had made more attempts to bond with him. He guessed it came with the idea of letting her youngest son leave the state soon. They would never be an extremely close family - even with Cooper he only talked a few times a month, although they had worked out their respective issues - but during the last year, Blaine had learned to accept that. It was enough that they were comfortable with each other. It wasn't as important anymore, either. He was going to New York, why worry about Lima?

By now it was so close, Blaine could almost feel it. He had such a distinct idea of how things would be, living in the big city, living with Kurt... it was enough to get anyone excited, and Blaine felt as if he had been grinning like a madman for days now.

He checked the kitchen clock. It was almost ten, Kurt would be here any minute to take him out for brunch, although he hadn't shared yet where they were going.

Blaine put his cup into the sink and gave his mom a quick goodbye, before he left the kitchen and went to the front door. It was warm, but not yet too hot, so he would just wait outside on the porch for Kurt. Who knew how long he'd get to enjoy the sun? He was hoping their plans for the day included a picnic, but he wasn't quite sure.

He wouldn't have to wait, though. When Blaine stepped outside, he could already see Kurt's car pulling up in front of the door. He could feel his smile get so wide, it almost hurt. He stepped off the front porch and-

...the world shifted...

There was no step under his foot. For a second, he felt weightless - and then, he was falling. He could see the ground coming closer, felt panic surge up in him, harder and faster than anything he ever remembered. It felt as if he was falling from a skyscraper, as if he was falling for ages, and he wanted to scream, no, this was wrong, this shouldn't...

...and stopped.

Blaine's knees hit the ground, and so did his hands in an attempt to catch himself. He was gasping for breath and he could feel his heart hammering against his chest. When he took his hands off the ground, he noticed that they were shaking violently. What had happened?

Apparently, he had gone outside and tripped off the porch. But why on earth would that affect him like this? He ran a shaking hand through his hair and felt cold sweat on his forehead. Suddenly, he felt a chill, despite the summer sun shining down on him. His head ached. Was he coming down with something? But why so sudden, when he had been fine before... hadn't he?

Slowly, he got to his feet. What was going on?

“Excuse me?”

Blaine looked up when he heard the voice. In front of him, there was a boy who looked at him in concern.

“Are you alright?” the stranger asked. He looked gorgeous, all pale skin and long limbs, with a finely cut face, and sea-colored eyes. Blaine was sure his heartbeat accelerated even further. He was certain he had never seen this stranger, but he couldn't shake a discerning feeling of déjà-vu.

“I just tripped,” he said when he noticed he had been silent for too long. “I'm sorry, have I seen you before?”

The stranger tilted his head and looked at him with a frown on his face, as if he was as uncertain as Blaine felt. “I... don't think so,” he said. “I'm...” He looked around. “I'm sorry, do you know how to get to Main Street from here?”

“Oh, yeah,” Blaine said quickly. At least he thought he did. He quickly rattled off instructions. When he was done, his shaking still hadn't lessened.

“Thank you,” the stranger said. “Sorry, I'm... I'm actually not sure what I'm doing here. But thank you, um...?”


“Thank you, Blaine,” the stranger said. “I should... I guess I should be going?”

“I guess,” Blaine said with hesitation in his voice.

Suddenly, the stranger's hand was on his cheek. Between the cold and the shaking, the points where their skin touched was an unexpected source of warmth.

“You should lie down for a bit,” the stranger said. “It looks like you're coming down with something.”

For a few seconds they just stared at each other, and suddenly, the stranger dropped his hand. “Oh my god, I am so sorry, that was completely inappropriate. I'll... I'll just leave now.”

“It's fine,” Blaine said, but the stranger had already backed off and got into his car. Blaine watched him drive away. He wished the stranger had at least given him a name.

Blaine looked around, blinking against the bright light. What exactly was he doing outside anyway?

Slowly, he made his way back inside. He was still shivering, but at least his breathing had gone back to normal, even though his heart was still racing. He felt light-headed. Maybe he really did catch the flu or something?

“Are you alright, honey?” His mother had stepped out of the kitchen. Like the stranger, she had a look of mild confusion on her face. “Weren't you meeting someone?”

Blaine leaned against the wall. “I... I'm not sure,” he said and tried to remember. Who could he have wanted to meet?

His mother watched him out of narrow eyes. “Maybe you should rest some more, dear, you look a bit shaky.”

Blaine nodded. He did feel weird, and now he had two people telling him he looked a bit sick. Slowly, he turned around and made his way back to the stairs. He should be lying down... that did sound like a good idea.

He had hardly reached the stairs, when there was a ring at the door bell, followed by rapid knocking. Blaine frowned and looked at the door. Were they expecting somebody? Maybe whomever he had hoped to meet...?

“Blaine, dear, will you get the door?”The voice of his mother sounded shrill in his ears, but of course she was right. The door... he should get the door.

As if through a haze, Blaine made his way to the door, where the knocking had changed into banging. Every single knock seemed to pierce right through his brain. With a shaking hand, he reached out to the door, and opened it.

There was a boy standing in front of him, breathless and flushed, as if he had run for miles. For a second, he seemed only vaguely familiar, then...


The other boy stared at him for a second, as if he saw him for the first time, and in the next second he rushed forward and smashed their lips together. The sheer force of it made Blaine gasp, and then...

He blinked, as Sebastian stepped back and looked at him. That... had just happened. This was... it wasn't...


He blinked several times, as he kept looking at Sebastian, and then, he felt the shadow of a smile form on his face. “I didn't know you were coming over,” he said. “Sorry, I'm... I really don't know where my head is right now.”

“That's fine,” Sebastian said. He put an arm around Blaine's shoulder as he led him inside the house. “So... how do you feel now?”

“Still fuzzy,” Blaine said.

For some reason, Sebastian's face fell. “Oh... Well, just let me take care of you and you'll be fine in no time.”

“Blaine?” His mother stepped into the hallway again. “Who was it?”

“Just Sebastian, Mom.”

His mother blinked at him in confusion, then she looked at Sebastian. “Oh. Yes, of course, your boyfriend. It's good to see you, dear.”

“Thank you, Ma'am,” Sebastian said.

“If you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to get to,” his mother said. “Can you keep an eye on Blaine? He isn't well.”

“Of course, Ma'am,” Sebastian said. Putting a little more pressure on the arm around him, he led Blaine up the stairs. It felt like just a bit too much force to be comfortable. But that was probably just because he was feeling so strange anyway.

It was for the best to have him here, though. Blaine still felt... dazed. It would be good to have somebody here to look after him... to have his... boyfriend? It should be fine. He just needed some sleep. He was clearly coming down with something. That's why he felt shaky, and tired, and like he might want to shake off the arm around him.

It would be alright when he woke up.

Next Chapter

seblaine, fic, blaine anderson, once upon a time broke my brain, kurt hummel, glee, sebastian smythe, once more with feeling, klaine

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