Bitches with swords.

Feb 05, 2004 19:05

New layout featuring photos from the Chinese film Ying Xiong [Hero]. There are parts of it I really like, and then there are parts of it I detest. Well.

Guri's sister layout should be up by tomorrow. Our layouts are going to copulate.

film: asian, design: graphics, design: photoshop

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Comments 7

vanilla_otohime February 5 2004, 18:02:26 UTC
The new layout is lovely <3


breakage February 5 2004, 21:05:33 UTC
:( *grovles at your layout-goddess feet*


debauchery February 5 2004, 21:10:37 UTC
oh wow that ish pretty..very much so <33


firetortuga February 5 2004, 21:16:57 UTC
I love the colors and the divider between the posts. It is one of the best lyouts I have seen in awile. I like it alot and I will have to go see that movie now.


duwnel February 5 2004, 22:07:03 UTC
Holy crap on a stick... This has to be my favorite layout of yours thus far... Absolutely beautiful


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