New layout.

Jan 06, 2004 21:37

So check it out and tell me what you think. I felt it was about time that someone represented the ever so molestable TM Revolution. I'm not crazy about the layout, but the main graphic is rather pretty.

design: graphics, design: photoshop, music: t.m.revolution

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Comments 5

burningvigor January 6 2004, 20:30:10 UTC
I like the contrasting colors. <3


debauchery January 6 2004, 21:24:19 UTC
I love the way the new layout looks,its soo pretty



corporeal January 6 2004, 22:58:19 UTC
I'm sorry I just dissappeared last night, Kirei X.x; My father decided to act like an arse and turn the computer off without my knowledge, refusing to let me back on.
Uhm, can I add you? XD; Well, I have done that, but if you don't want me to, tell me to take you off the list, because yes. *paranoid pushover*


nevaeheaven January 6 2004, 23:34:53 UTC
oh my goodness gracious they're all so beautiful! :X


bleedblackblood January 8 2004, 13:09:27 UTC
It's an awesome layout

Oh, but why would you want to work out your kinks? Kinks ish fun. Yesh yesh, much fun...


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