Oh my god. Over the course of yesterday I wrote somewhere around 1500 words worth of 5Ds/Killjoys fic (which is a lot for me since for a lot of things around 200 words is a good day) and it turned into this giant mess of "WTF is this, I never meant for Rick to be a former Draculoid where the hell did that come from? Oh, whatever, it's kind of cool I guess..."
(for those not up on this nonsense, the Draculoids are the guys in the "Na Na Na" video wearing the ridiculous masks and fighting the Killjoys.... as opposed to the Killjoys who are the guys in the ridiculous masks played by My Chemical Romance...... there's a lot of ridiculous masks in this XD)
I still have not written the part with Pearson and Bolger coming across Rick facedown in the desert though. And that whole rest of it is really odd and I'm still not sure if I want to post it until I go over it about a thousand more times and assure myself it's not incredibly stupid. So here's a direct continuation of
the stuff about Crow and Aki. Now with the inclusion of Sherry as Fleur Knight. (Aki and Sherry run the Zones together sometimes. And they are badass... no I am still not happy with Sherry's Zonerunning name, why is her deck archetype and ace all so awkwardly named? XD) PG. Gen.
[Neither setting nor characters are mine, I just felt like squishing them together... because I'm crazy like that]
It's another day or so before a friend (acquaintance, Rose is quick to correct him) of hers shows up. Blonde and leggy and even colder than the Witch herself if that's possible, looking genuinely disgusted while Rose explains the circumstances and eying Crow with the sort of distain that he's only previously seen from Jack (and maybe occasionally Bolger the few times he'd done something particularly stupid.)
"You crashed an energy centre with a car. Honestly, I'm surprised you survived to get away after being separated. It's the sort of escape vehicle that pretty much requires sticking close to the others. Who knows, maybe some of your companions didn't make it at all." She smiles at that even as Crow feels his face fall and Rose lets out this irritable sort of sigh.
"Honestly, Fleur. Must you?"
"What? Infernity is daring, obviously, but hardly clever. And he seems to have no problem with leaving his men behind or else you wouldn't be babysitting the wounded here." She pauses, studying Crow carefully until he has to fight not to squirm under those eyes that are sharp as green glass. "There's someone who goes by Game Star in your little foursome, isn't there?" Crow lifting his chin slightly in defiance because, honestly, who is she to be demanding information about them?
"Why you wanna know?"
"I hear things. Like the fact that he's a clever little thing who wires up most of Infernitiy's toys for him." She cocks her head to the side, studying Crow carefully. "And what about you? Rose here tells me you used to run after Blackfeather before you fell in with that crazy. Did he ever teach you a thing or two?"
"He didn't teach me to blow anything up, if that's what you're asking." Crow's voice a low growl in response and he isn't sure why he takes so much offence to the thought, other than the fact that he knows Pearson would find the very idea distasteful and having this vicious creature here disrespecting him....
"I don't mean that," she purrs back, almost sounding as if she's laughing at him. "Although I suppose that's a useful skill too. Mechanics, Blackwing. Out here they're a godsend. Everyone needs a good one on their side. So, how much do you know?"
"Enough," he replies with a shrug and Fleur's smile is tight and cold like she doesn't quite believe him but she'll accept the answer anyway.