x000 - Application Post

Mar 23, 2009 22:23

In-Character Information
Name (and age if applicable): Venomoth (Stage name: "Venn Jones") (Age unknown, looks 25)
Series: Pokemon
Occupation (if applicable): Gym Leader's Pokemon, Gijinka Specialist, eventually will work late-night shifts at Starbeans

"I know what I'm doing, so everything will be alright!"

Ven is a clever and resourceful guy who will look at everything in a positive light and enjoy what he could get out of life. He's a famous lecturer of sorts and that fame majorly comes his smile and patience in his line of work that can sometimes rub off on who he's with. He may also seem a bit laid-back, nerdy and completely different from what his background applies, being Ven's actually a trained ninja from Fuschia City, but he's very serious and committed to his responsibilities. To him, stressing it out isn't the way to go, man!

He can grow concerned when something's amiss, but he never gets angry unless extremely provoked and it still takes a lot to go that far with him. He avoids pointless quarrels and strives for peace, as of course, part of his stress-reducing standards, and he wants to be friends with everyone even if it doesn't always work out with everyone he interacts with. Nevertheless, he tries to always be super nice!

And that's how most pokémon see him: A nice guy with wisdom that inspires them to be like him, or at least try the world of human living. Unfortunately, his fame is plagued with derogatory rumors such as him being an attention whore, having the entire Pokémon universe lick his feet, corrupting Pokémon into being what they are not, sleeping with Misty's Starmie, and then some! Poor guy!

Originally un-named, Venomoth was born a Venonat on Four Island with his parents being a mother Venonat and father Beautifly. While the two really loved each other, the breeding was done intentionally for this particular venonat and his six siblings to gain a special move called "Morning Sun" which allowed them to heal depending on the weather when the move is used. This was kind of ironic given sunny days replenished full health and venonats were actually nocturnal creatures, but the trainer was having fun with this. Venn never got to know his parents or trainer, however, as he was promptly traded at least several times in his earliest days and was almost never used in actual battle.

This was, of course, until he somehow ended up in Koga's gym in Fuschia City.

Venn was one of several Venonats trained by Koga and his daughter Janine (like the yellow version batch, particularly), and it excited him to not only learn to battle, but to learn this human art of ninjitsu. He wasn't very strong compared to his venonat bretheren, but that Morning Sun move always saved him in a pinch and he only grew stronger over time as he mastered current and later moves.

Television sparked interest for even further training. The Venonat came across an anime left on called Naruto and saw tricks there that he really wanted to learn himself- Namely the transformation jutsu. He saw Naruto turn into a woman via Sexy Jutsu and it got him thinking: What if he could change into something else with that same technique?

Whenever Venn wasn't battling, he was studying every last bit he can about transformation techniques, but the most he could get was how to replace himself with an inanimate object when under attack, so this took a long time to decipher even after finding writings on how transformations are done! When Venonat eventually evolved into Venomoth, he was still practicing and researching until one day he got it right!

His subject of choice was a human.

Originally back as a Venonat, he wanted to try and transform into a rare pokemon and see if it could really fool people, but something made him change his mind at that moment and it made him into a human. Was he the first Pokemon to do this? Hard to say, but it sparked a lot of curiosity in him with everything from how to use his newfound legs, to how to dress up and do all the things that humans do generally. With Koga having four other pokemon to use in gym matches, Venn was usually free for all the human foolery he wanted and this caught the attention of many pokemon in the Fuschia area. He shared his experiences with them and sometimes even posed as a trainer so he could take some of his wild Pokemon friends into restaurants.

When other humans asked him for his name, he almost mistakenly said "Venomoth", but it was cut off to just "Ven..." when he noticed a bottle of Jones Soda on a nearby table. "Jones.... Venn Jones."

Very few human citizens of Fuschia, including Koga himself knew of Venn Jones' true identity, but he became well-known to just about all the Pokemon there. Some Pokemon from other places even came to him to learn how to become human themselves! It involved lots of training depending on each person's ability to focus and master the technique. For some, it didn't even work at all and Venn wanted to find other ways for pokemon humanization to be possible. That along with being asked to visit varous underground Pokemon-run communities across the regions so he could share his wisdom, resulted in Venn leaving the gym. He always returned there occasionally and Koga was fine with his plans as long as he was careful, but more time was spent out and about. Pokemon humanization wasn't generally accepted by everyone, however. Most pokemon found it as a form of disrespect to their true selves or some found it wierd to be with their trainers that way, so of course, Ven had his share of being frowned upon too. Thankfully, it didn't get him down.

He did better away from the regeions of Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn and Sinnoh; namely in cities and areas where Pokemon weren't native. Pokemon still migrated to these places anyway, some opting to live their days away from the usual traditions of Pokemon, Trainers, and Coordinators and some felt they needed to be human or at least humanlike to live in these human-dominated areas. This became Venn's calling, and he stood in a few of these cities for the next few years, teaching at schools and community centers how to adapt to human living. He stopped teaching his actual transformation process when his growing fame caught the attention of commercial sorcery and other types of companies that sponsored Venn's teachings financially if his students used their humanization products (trinkets, charms, consumables, etc.) for the transformation.

He still taught his old way to people who preferred it, but less people began to prefer it.

By the time he started teaching regular seminars in high schools, it reached out to more than just Pokemon, but to all sorts of other creatures he had until now had never seen before! But he just did his job and opened up to everybody and everything was well appreciated. However, he had to retire one day when Koga needed him back at the gym. He was able to leave his job to his new well-experienced Kecleon assistant.

And for a while, Ven was back to being just a gym pokemon.

What brings this person to Diamond City?:
Koga himself left Fuschia City as a newly-appointed member of the Elite Four. Venn didn't join him as he found himself too under-levelled to catch up with his teammates in time, so another Venomoth was chosen for the team and he remained in Fuschia with Janine until he recieved a call do a guest lecture at Diamond Academy on humanization. Diamond was the city of all cities and it made him nervous, but he ventured out anyway.

Originally only supposed to stay for three days, he decides to live at Diamond for a while and work someplace that has night hours. This place ended up being Starbeans Cafe.

Misc. Notes:
* While Venn doesn't have his poison-flapping wings in his human form, he still sneezes stun spore to be careful!
* Current Moveset is Morning Sun, Psybeam, Stun Spore, and Double-Edge
* Venn is nocturnal and is usually up from 2pm until maybe 6am.
* He also doesn't really talk about his background. Ask him about that, and he'll tell you the plotline from early Naruto episodes.
* Hates Ramen
* He really DOES know the Sexy Jutsu move!
* Despite the Naruto jabs, he actually doesn't watch a lot of television and he's definitely not an otaku!
* He's not as innocent as he looks. Does get drunk on occasion and is disturbingly derp-happy when so!
* His imlikeaninja username is a Boogeyman quote from Billy and Mandy. I just wanted to throw that in!

In-Character Example Post:

Do you believe in true love? What about love at first sight?

I'd like to say I do believe in true love. I really had this nice relationship with a Tangela once! We met at the foot of Cycling Road one day and I just couldn't take my eyes off her! We ran around the grass together for a good hour, and then we went on dates every few days to the Safari Zone. Sometimes the bait that the trainers throw around taste really fancy, but we had to be really careful not to get caught!

That Tangela and I stood together for a good three weeks before she was caught by a trainer and we never heard from each other again!

But there's girls I've known for years and it doesn't feel anything like what I've felt for Tangela, so I'm pretty sure that had to be true love. .... And love at first sight!

True love at first sight!

But I'm just babbling over here, aren't I? I'm just listening to the radio now but it's playing that Ashley song again and I've already made at least ten journal entries asking myself if this is really necessary to broadcast!

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