Title: February: Perfect Pairing: Sado/Ishida Warnings: WAFF, shonen-ai, FLUFF Summary: This is a series of short-ish fics set after the events of The Suit.
I missed your fanfics!!! This is sooooo beautiful! Made me seriously awww out loud. I loved how you connected their praises to each other, I LOVED IT, IT WAS PERFECT, THANK YOU -- to quote you, lol. XDD Can't wait for more!!
Lovey darlin' thank you! They are perfect in their imperfections. That they try even when they know there not good at something because they won't to make the other happy that's really special :)
Comments 5
I missed your fanfics!!! This is sooooo beautiful! Made me seriously awww out loud. I loved how you connected their praises to each other, I LOVED IT, IT WAS PERFECT, THANK YOU -- to quote you, lol. XDD Can't wait for more!!
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