Six Months: November: Spanish

Jul 19, 2011 16:05

Title: November: Spanish
Pairing: Sado/Ishida
Warnings: WAFF, oral, HJ
Summary: This is a series of short-ish fics set after the events of The SuitIt's not necessary to read that story first, however; most of these *should* stand on their own. These are based on prompts, and in some of them I veered quite a bit away from the original prompt XD ( Read more... )

the suit, fanfic, sado, ishida, smut, six months, fluff, bleach

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Comments 7

theablackthorn July 19 2011, 21:48:26 UTC
Loved this darlin' Chad talking to Uryuu about all the things he wants to tell him but isn't quite ready to.


imlikat July 20 2011, 15:12:46 UTC
:) Thank you!


theablackthorn July 20 2011, 16:30:18 UTC
Pleasure Hun :)


la_kalaka July 20 2011, 02:44:27 UTC
I'M DYIIIIIING *0* so lovely! so, waaaah Chad, oh Chad what a beautiful, tender moment in the middle of sex, I love tender!sex <3 <3 <3 <3

About the phrase Chad is saying in spanish, well if you don't mind, here is the translation:

-I love touching you = Amo tocarte
-All day, I want to touch you = Todo el día, quiero tocarte
-I think about you all the time = Pienso en tí todo el tiempo
-You mean so much to me = significas mucho para mí
-You make me happy = Me haces feliz
-One day I'll tell you how much = Algun día te diré cuanto
-You make me feel so good = Me haces sentír tan bien
-You're perfect = Eres perfecto

PS. Y tu también eres perfecta <3


imlikat July 20 2011, 15:15:21 UTC
Awww, thank you~ <3 I think Chad would do the tender thing a LOT, lol, he just seems like he'd be so romantic XD

And thank you for the translations! I think I'll edit the post to put those in a comment at the end :D


goat_dono July 20 2011, 06:16:05 UTC
By the third line, I was already in need of a cool-down. 8D

Absolutely gorgeous. *applauds*


imlikat July 20 2011, 15:15:36 UTC
:D Thank you so much!


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