The Suit - Chapter 10 (Bleach, Sado/Ishida)

Feb 12, 2011 15:02

Title: The Suit, Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sado/Ishida
Warnings: Set in Bleach universe, but the time skip made it A/R. HJ, oral, fluff
Summary: With less than a year left before Uryuu heads off to university, he'd been certain he'd avoid all the complications and distractions of a high-school romance. His attraction to Chad threatens to throw a wrench in his neatly-laid plans.

Chapter 10

And I'm not gonna take it back
Oh I'm not gonna say I don't mean that
You're the target that im aiming at
Got to get that message home

Uryuu knocked on the door to Chad's apartment at precisely 9 o'clock. He was certain Chad wouldn't be home yet, but he'd been out walking for nearly an hour, trying to blunt the edge of his slightly nervous anticipation, and he couldn't put it off any longer. After half a minute, he'd decided to make another circuit of the block, but then he heard the click of a door opening inside the building.

The door swung open, and Chad was silhouetted by the interior lights. He was wearing only a pair of sweat shorts and a towel draped around his neck, with his hair wet and a dollop of shaving foam under one ear. Uryuu was momentarily stunned by the great leap his heart gave in his chest at the sight.

Then Chad smiled at him, and Uryuu was helpless but to smile back.

"Come in," Chad said, backing away.

Uryuu took a deep breath and stepped inside. He toed off his shoes, then watched Chad's bare back until Chad disappeared into the bathroom. Once Uryuu had lain his satchel on the countertop beside the kitchen, Chad came back out, smoothing a tank top down over his stomach.

Chad smiled at Uryuu again, then took a step toward him.

"There's something I need to say," Uryuu announced, his voice coming out harsh. He'd recited this short speech to himself over and over as he'd paced the streets, and he had to get it out before it strangled him.

It stopped Chad in his tracks; he came to a halt a few feet away from Uryuu, the smile fading into an unreadable expression.

"I have to apologize," he said. "I was a coward and a fool, and I made a mistake by not telling you how I felt a long time ago."

At that, Chad frowned slightly, then walked forward again, slowly, until he was close enough to touch.

"Ishida," he said, then he paused, corrected himself. "Uryuu. You don't have to apologize."

Uryuu frowned and opened his mouth to protest, but Chad shook his head. "When you left the ball park," Chad said, "I thought that you... weren't interested in me. That I'd done more than you were comfortable with. I thought you regretted..."

Here Chad paused, his eyes focused on a point beyond Uryuu's shoulder, obviously searching for the right words. "Sharing a bed with me," he finally said, and Uryuu's frown deepened.

"Please understand," Chad said. "I don't tell you this to hurt you, but to explain. I thought I had my answer."

"It was all a misunderstanding," Uryuu said quietly.

"I know. It was." Chad nodded. "On both sides. No one is at fault, Uryuu."

At these words, a flush of relief warmed Uryuu's face. "I didn't regret it, you know," he said.

"I know."

Uryuu breathed in, the tension leaving his body, replaced with a pleasant, tingling sense of expectation. Chad's swept his gaze over his face and down his body, then back to his eyes, and it was all Uryuu could to not reach out for Chad and touch him.

But, he realized, he could reach for Chad. So he leaned forward, raised his hand, and swiped away the dot of shaving foam from Chad's jaw.

"You had a little... " he said, and Chad smiled warmly and caught Uryuu's hand in his. Then he moved in close, and his arms slid around Uryuu's waist, and he held Uryuu against him. Uryuu breathed in deeply, enveloped in the good, heady scents of shampoo and soap and shaving cream, and he wrapped his own arms around Chad. With his eyes closed, he squeezed.

The tension was broken, but silence still hung between them, and it made Uryuu want to fill it.

"I thought you wouldn't be home yet," he said against Chad's chest.

"I finished early. They let me go."

Uryuu nodded awkwardly, searching for something else to say. He was positive they'd eventually have long, meaningful conversations, and more often short, less-consequential ones, but it seemed like most of the big, important things that needed to be said, had already been. He was here with Chad, and they'd taken the necessary steps to begin... something.

The next steps, though, were a mystery to Uryuu. He was certain they involved a lot of kissing. But how to start? And was it too soon?

One of Chad's fingers skimmed along the curve of Uryuu's shoulderblade, sending a shiver racing through his body. Then Chad spoke quietly, his voice low and close. "What was the misunderstanding?"

It took Uryuu, lost in his thoughts as he was, a second to understand the question. "Oh. The park," he said, then cleared his throat. Now, knowing how Chad felt, it seemed like such an over-reaction. "I thought... you patted my head the same way you patted Karin's. I thought you saw me the same way... that I'd been reading you wrong the whole time."

Chad gave him a squeeze, then his hands drifted down to Uryuu's hips. When he spoke again, he sounded almost embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I... wanted to touch you, and that was the only reason I could come up with."

Tilting his head up to give Chad a serious look, Uryuu said, "No more apologies. No one is at fault. Right?"

In answer, Chad kissed him. It was tender, light, not much more than a brush of their lips, but Chad's hands squeezed down on Uryuu's hips, and his breath shuddered out through his nose. Sighing, Uryuu reached up to press a hand against the nape of Chad's neck. His hair felt like wet silk, and Uryuu's hand was damp when it slid down Chad's neck to his hard shoulder.

Uryuu closed his eyes, brought his other arm up to encircle Chad's neck, and he stretched upward. The little pecks turned into longer, lingering presses, and Chad's hands slid to Uryuu's sides, spreading warmth along his ribs and waist. God, but it felt good to be kissed by Chad, it felt good to have all the doubts out of the way, all the questions answered. He'd imagined this who knew how many times over the months, in endless scenarios and permutations, but none of them had felt as right as this: leaning against Chad's kitchen counter late in the evening, with Chad fresh out of the shower.

At a soft hitch in Chad's breath, Uryuu's imagination broke free and ran wild, racing forward to all the things they might do, all the things he wanted to do, all the things he wanted Chad to do to him. A lazy heat swirled in his lower belly, quickening his breathing and making his fingers clench against Chad's skin. Chad breathed out loudly and tilted his head into the kiss, and when Uryuu's lips parted, Chad's tongue licked between them, just a light, wet swipe. Light though it was, it had the heat swirling low inside Uryuu rushing upward in a quick, hot flare that left Uryuu dizzy.

He reached back to brace a hand against the counter and their lips slid apart. Well, we've gotten to the kissing part, haven't we? Uryuu thought fuzzily.

Chad stepped even closer, looming over him, his thighs bumping against Uryuu's, his head and shoulders blocking out the overhead light. With his hair wet, it was no longer in the thick waves that usually obscured his eyes, and they were dark and exotic and direct and burning. Uryuu had to swallow in a suddenly dry mouth. Then Chad bent again, his hands going back to Uryuu's waist, his mouth once again meeting Uryuu's in a kiss.

Uryuu kept his lips closed, trying to surreptitiously work up some moisture in his mouth. He gripped Chad's waist, then turned his head to let Chad's lips slide along his jaw. He shivered when breath curled in his ear, then jumped when Chad took his earlobe into his mouth.

What is wrong with me? he thought, frowning. It's just kissing. It's what I want.

But he knew what was wrong. It was just kissing... so far. However, he wasn't sure if he was ready to jump into everything else that might come after that. Even if, under what he imagined were normal-teenager-standards, they wouldn't really be jumping into anything. They'd already spent the night together. Three times.

It wasn't as if he didn't want to do whatever came next... it was that he didn't know how. Or what, even. Much as he would have liked it to, this kind of thing didn't come with a manual, and they'd already passed beyond the realm of his experience earlier when Chad had kissed him for the first time.

And this time... He swallowed, and it clicked in his throat. This time, there would likely be no Ichigo banging on the door, no passing out, no going to work. No interruptions. Just himself and Chad, alone together for the rest of the night. Nervous anticipation trembled and grew inside Uryuu, and though it wasn't entirely unpleasant, it still had him on edge, holding back a twitch at every touch.

Chad was kissing his jaw softly now, one hand gently cupping the opposite cheek, and Uryuu stroked lightly, distractedly up Chad's side. Then Chad pulled away.

"What is it?" he asked, his dark eyes concerned.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I am, I am, I am fine, he insisted to himself.

Chad's hands slid down his arms. "It's all right, Uryuu," he said.

"No, really, I--"

"Uryuu," Chad said, and Uryuu cut his protest short. "I'm nervous, too."

Uryuu sighed. Hearing that admission somehow made it okay for Uryuu to admit to his own nerves, and he felt some of the tension melt out of his back. He nodded, letting his eyes fall closed.

"I haven't done any of this before," he admitted.

There was silence, then he felt Chad's lips brush briefly against his forehead. "I haven't either," Chad said quietly, so quiet, nearly a sigh in his low voice.

Uryuu couldn't make sense of the reaction he had at that; his stomach clenched, his throat tightened, and he felt warm and somehow buzzy all over. He opened his eyes to see Chad watching him, a subtle flush coloring his high cheekbones.

"If you want," Chad said, "we could just lie down for a while."

Uryuu looked up into Chad's face, and it hit him that Chad was trying to take care of him, to soothe him, to protect him against discomfort. Uryuu had the intuition that this would happen over and over again, and in fact it would be one of the things that defined their relationship. Chad needed someone to protect. And while Uryuu was strong and capable, he wasn't indestructible, and he would occasionally need protecting... from his own interior turmoil, if nothing else.

With a deep breath, Uryuu realized that he was okay with that, if it was Chad. Chad could protect him all he wanted, if it made him happy. But Uryuu made an oath to himself: he wouldn't take advantage of Chad's nature. And he'd do all in his not-inconsiderable power to help Chad too, when Chad needed it.

"Uryuu?" Chad said.

"We could lie down. I'd like that," Uryuu said. "I'll be right there."

Once Chad backed away, he quickly gathered up his bag and stepped into the bathroom. He shimmied out of his clothes and changed into the pajamas he'd brought, used the facilities and washed up. The loud swish-swish of his toothbrush inside his mouth barely drowned out the sound of his heartbeat. After he splashed water on his face, he stood staring at the closed door for several heartbeats before finally pushing it open.

Chad was out there, waiting for him. Uryuu relaxed his shoulders and reminded himself: among Chad's numerous good traits, one of his best seemed to be patience. Nothing would happen if he wasn't ready for it.

Hell, who was to say anything would happen at all? Chad was as much a virgin as he was. Thus calmed, Uryuu left the bathroom.

The apartment was dark; the only illumination came from the face of Chad's CD player and the streetlights, in little slices of light filtering in through the cracks of the blinds. The closed blinds, when they'd been open the moment before. The implications of that slowed Uryuu's steps.

Music was playing quietly, something full of long, drawn-out piano chords and strings.

"It's too dark, isn't it," Chad said quietly, a few feet to Uryuu's left. Fabric rustled; the floor creaked. "Sorry. I can turn on--"

"No, it's fine," Uryuu said quickly. "My eyes had to adjust, but it's fine," he repeated. Then he turned in the direction of the voice, and as he acclimated to the dark he could just make out Chad sitting on the futon, his pale shirt glowing in the gloom, blanket rucked up around his waist. He was looking at Uryuu, but it was still too dark to read his expression.

The floor was cold to Uryuu's bare feet as he walked carefully toward him. He lay down without a word, facing away from Chad, who curled around him in a position that had already become familiar and comforting.

The music swelled and faded, and Uryuu took deep, slow breaths. Chad's hand cupped his shoulder, slid down to his elbow.

"That night, at the hotel," Uryuu said. "If I had turned over..."

Chad traced the tender curve of his inner elbow. "...I would have kissed you." His thumb swept along the thin skin on the inside of Uryuu's forearm. "I wanted to."

"Even with Ichigo in the room?"

Lazy, slow caresses trailed down his wrist, long fingers dipped in to stroke his palm, and Uryuu fought not to squirm, surprised at the sensitivity there.

"He would have slept through it," Chad said. His knees pressed momentarily harder against Uryuu's legs, then some of the warmth left his bottom and lower back as Chad shifted. Long fingers skimmed up Uryuu's triceps, and he licked his lips. There were the goosebumps Uryuu remembered, there was that warm, twisting feeling in his stomach when fingers slipped under the edge of his shirt-sleeve and slid up to his shoulder, and warm breath curled around the back of his neck.

Seconds ticked by, slow and heavy, and Uryuu closed his eyes and listened the the music and melted into the caresses of Chad's hand on his arm, and into the warmth of Chad's body at his back, and he let himself be touched and stroked. Chad's fingers slid to his hip, his lips brushed the side of Uryuu's neck. Then Chad opened his mouth and kissed his neck, and Uryuu shivered, his nipples going hard. The wet warmth traveled to the neckline of Uryuu's shirt, cooling and tingling in the air when Chad moved on, and Uryuu's mouth fell open in a shuddery sigh.

On the breath of that sigh, he twisted in Chad's arms, and kissed him.

Lips pressed and slid against his own, and Chad's hand crawled under his shirt, sweeping up his back and holding him close. Uryuu nudged a knee between Chad's parted thighs to get closer, their chests nearly bumping together as their mouths moved, breath quickening already. Chad's tongue dipped into his mouth and Uryuu groaned softly, intensely aware of his own arousal, the heat prickling through him, the heaviness of his cock in his underwear. His skin felt oversensitive, and every touch, every movement made it worse, made it better, made him feel like he might explode, or like he might push Chad away from him, shuddering with overstimulation.

Chad's hand burned on his hip and thigh, the fingers squeezing, digging into the muscle. Still carefully, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to relay Chad's eagerness. The fabric of Uryuu's pajama pants bunched up with the motion and then pulled, tightening against his crotch, and he moaned softly; even that accidental pressure felt good against him.

He wanted Chad to touch it, wanted to rub it against Chad, yet he was hesitant. Even embarrassed of it. It was so soon; they'd only been kissing for a few minutes, and Uryuu was already a shivering mess.

Chad sucked on the tip of his tongue and Uryuu moaned again, and he wondered if Chad was getting hard, too. It was too easy to remember the huge tent it made under the hotel blanket, and the way it looked in his boxers, long and stiff and only inches away from Uryuu's face.

Fingers brushed his ribs, and Uryuu shuddered. It wouldn't take much to find out, he knew. All he had to do was to tilt his hips forward, move them perhaps two inches, and he'd feel it. He'd feel it on him... maybe even touching his own cock.

He groaned at the thought and mashed his mouth against Chad's, fingers twining once more in Chad's wet hair. He felt uncoordinated and shaky and slow, as if he were in the grip of a deep fever. Sweat prickled on his skin. Chad swept his shirt upward, baring his back to the cool air, and Uryuu's sigh of relief turned into a moan when Chad pulled him closer, and the thick, hard bulge of his cock nudged Uryuu's hip.

Chad gasped and inched back, but Uryuu thought he could still feel the heat of it burning along his thigh. He groaned and gripped Chad's hair, and he curled his own hips forward until his hardness nudged Chad's belly.

Holding his breath, he stayed like that for only a second, just as Chad had. But this time, as soon as he began to withdraw, Chad caught him by the hip and coaxed him close again.

The kiss had broken, and they were now gasping into each other's mouths. Chad's hand squeezed his thigh and Uryuu moved, thrusting forward and up, pressing and rubbing both of their cocks between their bodies.

"Ahh," Chad sighed, his voice rough, dropping his head to press his forehead against Uryuu's. He rocked his hips slowly, and Uryuu had to bite his lip as the rhythmic pressure of Chad's hard stomach against his cock made all the muscles in his lower belly clench.

Uryuu realized that Chad was making rough, breathy sounds--ah, ah, ah--each time he thrust forward, and that his own breathing was loud and labored. At the next sound Chad made, a strangled groan, Uryuu's dick twitched hard in his pants, and he gripped Chad's damp hair tight in his fist.

When Chad stopped the rhythmic thrusting of his hips and pulled back, panting, Uryuu frowned and almost kept going. Something occured to him then.

"Are we moving too fast?" Uryuu asked, and was surprised by the thin, breathless sound of his own voice.

"No." Chad was still moving, untangling their legs. "I want to... "

Instead of saying what he wanted to do, he did it. With a hand on Uryuu's hip, he guided Uryuu toward him, then he breathed out heavily when their erections met between their bodies.

Uryuu sucked in air between his teeth and strained forward. There was actually less sensation now, but god, that was Chad's cock rubbing against his own, their clothing not much of a barrier. He could feel the shape of it, could feel how long it was, and how incredibly hard. They bumped together again, then Chad cupped his ass and ground into him, groaning.

"Yasutora," he whispered, the name strange and intimate on his tongue. Chad rumbled out a groan and bent his head, and he kissed him, and it felt miles away from the cautious, beginner's kisses of earlier. He couldn't pinpoint the moment at which things had stopped being awkward, and had become really good, but that moment was long past. And this, he thought, was sex, wasn't it? He finally understood why people were so obsessed with it; it was beyond good, it was beyond anything he could even put into words. This moment, with Chad's lips on his and Chad's cock grinding into him and Chad's big hand clutching and roaming up and down his side, was infinitely better than anything Uryuu could have imagined.

The fever was back, washing over Uryuu's entire body, and he clutched at Chad's waist and rocked with him.

"Se siente tan bien," Chad whispered, breathless, against his lips.

Uryuu didn't know what it meant, but it sounded good, so he nodded in agreement and kissed Chad again. The hand sliding along his side caressed his hip, then moved inward between their bodies, the thumb stroking up Uryuu's stomach. Up to his chest, slowing to languidly circle his hard nipple, and when Chad drew his hand back down he trailed his blunt nails gently along Uryuu's skin. Uryuu shuddered and let out a surprised gasp as goosebumps flashed across his whole body. He moaned into Chad's mouth, and he thought that it would probably only take a little more; one more grind, one more crush of their bodies, and it might very well be over for him. The head of his cock tingled and his lower belly and balls felt tight, and every time Chad as much as made a sound, Uryuu's eyes went unfocused in helpless arousal.

Chad's thumb slid under the waistband of his pants, skimming through the thin line of hair under his navel, and Uryuu couldn't catch his breath any longer. He panted as if he'd just run a marathon, pulling his mouth away from Chad's. At the same time, he swiveled his hips outward... not enough to completely remove the contact between them, but enough to invite Chad's hand lower, if it wanted to go. Because oh, god, he wanted it to.

It did. Chad's touch traveled down, rubbing along the outside of Uryuu's pajamas, fingers stroking the taut, heaving muscles of Uryuu's lower belly before they skimmed lightly against the side of Uryuu's cock.

"Mh," Uryuu grunted, and he turned a bit more. Chad's fingers moved slowly, almost reverently, tracing the outline of Uryuu's cock up one side and down the other. Then he flattened his whole, long hand over Uryuu's cock and gave it a soft squeeze.

"Oh," Uryuu groaned, and he felt Chad shudder. Then Chad's hand moved, rubbing up and down his cock with careful, but increasing pressure. Uryuu kissed him and tried not to thrust up too hard, and he groaned long and loud when he felt his cock twitch. The inside of his underwear was getting wet, and he was shaky and almost sick with need, and Chad's big hand just kept rubbing him, squeezing him, making his guts tighten and twist, making him moan and thrust and twitch and--

Panting, Uryuu rolled onto his back, away from Chad's rubbing hand. Chad went still beside him except for the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

"I'll... I'm going to make a mess in my pants," Uryuu whispered, voice shaky, the words tumbling over each other in his haste to get them out of his mouth.

"Uryuu?" Chad said, but Uryuu's hands were already going to his own waistband.

"You don't have to stop," Uryuu said. He swallowed and pushed his pajamas and underwear down to his thighs, then closed his eyes, his face hot.

The feel of Chad's fingertips touching the bare skin of his cock stopped his breath, and then the warmth of the hand folding around him made and shake and clutch at the blanket, now bunched up beside him. He jumped when Chad kissed him, then looped an arm around Chad's neck and opened his mouth into the kiss, his thighs quivering, fire twisting tight between his hips.

The music that had been playing, almost unnoticed, in the background faded to nothing as the CD reached its end, and in the sudden silence Uryuu could hear both of them panting.

Chad caught him in the loose circle of forefinger and thumb and stroked up to his head, and Uryuu's toes curled up tight. He let out a hoarse moan that was loud in the quiet room. He couldn't help it, and he didn't try to stop; Chad continued this, and every upward stroke pulled a moan out of Uryuu. The motions of Chad's hand on him sped, the strokes uneven, inexpert, and in the silence he could hear the soft, wet sounds of Chad's hand moving on him.

Chad's hardness dug into the side of his leg, and he clumsily worked his hand between them so that he could brush his fingers against it. It felt thick and heavy and hot, even though his shorts. Panting, Uryuu twisted his hand, knuckles gliding over rock-hard abdominals, and slipped his fingers under Chad's waistband. His fingertips encountered the fat, slick head of Chad's cock, then went lower, touching the hot skin of the shaft. His hand was shaking as he wrapped his fingers around it, his palm curving around the sticky-slippery head, and it jerked in his hand and Chad groaned, and Uryuu felt his hips thrusting up, fucking into Chad's hand, felt Chad's fingers become wet against him as precum bubbled out of his tip.

"Oh god," he hissed, shaking uncontrollably, and Chad kissed him as he came, swallowing up his moans as he poured out into Chad's hand. It was one hard spasm after another, his hips and stomach and thighs all shuddering and tensing until he was spent, and Chad kissed his lips, then carefully lay his softening cock against his belly.

Uryuu panted, eyes blurry, and he watched through a haze as Chad sat up and tugged his tank top over his head. Uryuu only had a second to admire the complex, shifting musculature of his back before Chad lowered himself to the futon, resting on one elbow beside him.

"Here," Chad said, using his bundled-up shirt to wipe at the wetness cooling on Uryuu's belly. Uryuu twitched at the touch, then sat up to help, the muscles of his midsection shuddery and aching.

Chad leaned in and kissed his jaw, nosed down to his neck and kissed there, and Uryuu tossed the dirty shirt away, and he barely had the patience to jerk his pants back up before he turned to Chad. His lips were raw and sore, his jaw starting to ache, but he thought that he'd happily kiss Chad all night. He rested a hand on Chad's chest, which was rising and falling rapidly.

Then he slid his hand down, reaching between Chad's legs to palm the heavy shape of his cock.

It was still hard as a rock. Chad groaned softly when he rubbed the heel of his hand against it, fingertips tracing the softness of his balls through his shorts.

With languid, sated sweetness singing in his veins, Uryuu pushed against Chad's chest, urging him to lie back. Chad did so, and Uryuu took a moment to look at him, at his long, dark, powerful body stretched out beside him, his face relaxed, his eyes hazy and heavy-lidded. His cock stood out from his body at a sharp angle, stretching the waistband of his shorts away from his belly, and it seemed to bob with every breath.

Just looking at Chad, Uryuu felt a fresh flare of arousal simmer through him. Relaxed from his orgasm, made confident by Chad's obvious reaction to him, he touched Chad now without a hint of hesitation. He slipped a hand under the edge of Chad's shorts and trailed his fingers down into the tight curls around the base of Chad's cock, then he pulled his hand out, pushed up onto his knees, and hooked his fingers under the waistband.

He peeled Chad's shorts down past his hips. His heart stuttered in his chest when laid eyes on Chad's bare erection. All he could do for a few seconds was stare; stare at the thick, jutting column of flesh, the shaft slightly darker than the rest of Chad's body, the head still partially sheathed in foreskin, the slick tip peeking out. Fingers shaking with adrenaline now, he reached forward and brushed his fingertips down the silky skin of the shaft. Chad made a soft noise, and Uryuu repeated the motion, pressing harder this time, swallowing as he watched the foreskin inch down to reveal the entirety of the broad head. Taut-stretched, shiny skin over firm flesh, and his breath shivered as he ran his fingertip up, between the rounded lobes of the head, to the wet slit at the tip.

Leaning closer, he took a deep breath and the scent--musky, masculine, strong--curled around in his nose and twisted up his guts. Saliva pooled under his tongue and he had to swallow again. He felt drunk, not himself. He knew part of it had to be pheromones, that had to be what drew him so strongly, why he was overcome by shockingly graphic thoughts of this thick cock filling his mouth, when an hour ago he would have shrunk away from the thought of initiating anything so involved.

But he wasn't shrinking away now; he had to try it. Had to taste it. He glanced up at Chad from under heavy eyelids, seeking permission as he brought his face closer to Chad's slick, swollen head.

As soon as their eyes met, he froze. Chad was watching him raptly, eyes shining and dark and unfocused, full lips parted. As Uryuu watched, Chad ran his tongue over his lower lip and his chest shuddered with a deep breath. It was more than enough permission, and with his heart slamming against his ribs, Uryuu closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and lowered his head.

If the smell was strong, the taste when Uryuu pressed the flat of his tongue against the fleshy curve of the head was even stronger, and it made his mouth water more, and it made him moan. Salty, savory, slippery against the surface of his tongue as he licked up, dragging his tongue-tip through the wet slit. Chad's low groan urged him on, and he gave another long, slow lick, feeling his own cock begin to twitch back to life. An open-mouthed kiss against the tip made the shaft swell in his loose grip.

A thick, strangled sound from above made him glance up to see Chad's arm thrown over his eyes, his head turned to the side. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, his dark nipples standing out hard and sharp, his stomach muscles twitching, and it hit Uryuu that Chad was about to lose it--Chad was so close that the twitch he'd just felt had to be a precursor to orgasm. This made him realize all over again how absolutely inexperienced Chad was--how he'd never done anything like this before.

That, in turn, made Uryuu conscious of his own level of inexperience, and all his instinctive, hormone-driven momentum deserted him. He looked down at Chad's still-twitching erection, at his own slim, pale fingers that didn't even wrap all the way around it, looked at the big, full balls drawn up against the base of the shaft, and he realized he had no idea what he was doing.

Frowning, he gave Chad a slow stroke, and the feel of thick veins and stony flesh under silken skin burned through his doubt, rekindled the fire in his belly. No, he didn't know what he was doing. But he knew what he wanted to do. And that was to take Chad's head into his mouth, to suck gently as it slid back out, to listen to the noises Chad made as he went back down, taking him deeper.

"Uh-hhh," Chad groaned, shuddering as Uryuu tightened his lips and pulled up, letting the head pop out of his mouth. Eyes closed, he rubbed the tip against his wet lips, covertly working his jaw. It already ached a little from all this unfamiliar exercise.

He didn't care. He slid his lips over the head, moaning a little as they passed the flare of the rim, and took in more. The way his name sounded in a throaty whisper made him moan, and he went lower, jaw creaking as his lips reached his fingers. Chad's hand clutched urgently at his shoulder just as the tip of Chad's cock bumped his throat. "Uryuu," Chad whispered harshly.

He felt the shaft swell and jerk as he pulled back, stifling a cough. The first hot splash against his lips shocked him into a gasp, and he stared transfixed as the next thick rope of semen painted Chad's shuddering abs.

His brain kicked in then, and he started stroking, and the thick moans Chad let out as he milked him through the rest of his orgasm, and the sight of Chad's body arching and shaking as he poured himself out, filled Uryuu with emotions he couldn't even name. He knew it had something to do with hormones, but there was much more than that. Pride that he could make Chad feel this good, that Chad had never let anyone else to do this to him. A feeling of tenderness at the way Chad swallowed and wet his lips when it was over, and drew his arm away from his face and looked down at Uryuu with eyes hazy with satiety and warm with affection.

Affection. That too. He liked Chad, liked him and more, and it made him feel warm deep inside when Chad reached down and gently guided him up onto the bed beside him. A broad thumb glided across his sore lips, reminding Uryuu of the shot in the face he'd just taken, and he flushed, embarrassed by it now that the heat of the moment had passed.

"Sorry," Chad said, wiping his hand on his discarded shirt.

"Don't be." Uryuu rubbed his mouth again with the back of his hand. "You were trying to warn me."


"Here," Uryuu said, wriggling his shirt over his head. He swiped it over his chin then handed it over, and he watched with something approaching awe as Chad wiped himself down, rubbing the shirt over his wet stomach, wrapping it around his softened cock, then pulling it away to toss it aside.

Uryuu worked his tongue around inside his mouth as Chad pulled his shorts up.

"I need a drink of water," he said, almost apologetically.

Chad nodded. "Me too."

As Uryuu drank a glass of tap water beside the sink, he found that there was pleasure in simply watching Chad walk around the apartment. Chad retrieved a sheet from the closet and laid it over the slightly sweaty futon, and Uryuu smiled, watching his shoulders, his back, his messy hair.

In the bathroom, a wet washcloth got rid of the rest of the stickiness on his stomach, and a quick scrub of his toothbrush got rid of the bitter, lingering taste in his mouth. When he came back out, the lights were off again, and Chad had put on more music: a husky, honest voice over mellow guitar chords, and Uryuu thought he wouldn't mind listening to this with Chad every night. He walked to the futon, climbed in beside Chad.

They lay belly to belly, arms crossed to wrap around waists. This put Uryuu's face level with Chad's throat, and he was fine with that; he felt raw and stripped bare now that it was all over, and the lack of eye contact felt a little like privacy in this moment. But it was privacy with strong arms wrapped around him, and somehow that made it just about perfect.

When Chad's mouth pressed softly against his own some minutes later, he startled, surprised to realize he'd been nearly asleep. He reached up to wrap an arm around Chad's neck, kissing back, and Chad's fingers were gentle on his face, tracing his cheekbone, ghosting over the corner of his lips. When the kiss broke, Uryuu sighed and allowed himself to melt into the affection, sleepy and sated.

He let the silence stretch out long, just breathing and feeling Chad's fingers glide up and down his spine, stopping to cup a shoulder-blade, palm flattening to trace the swell of his buttock. It was gentle and affectionate, and Uryuu almost wanted to say something else. But instead he stroked down Chad's side and up his back, and laid his forehead against Chad's chest, and drowsed. He let his mind skip along, touched Chad's thigh and remembered wrapping the measuring tape around it, so long ago. This reminded him of something, and he jerked out of sleep, the way he often did when he remembered a task left undone.

"Do you need me to take your suit to the dry cleaners?" he asked, and Chad stretched languidly, holding Uryuu closer. His nose brushed against Uryuu's temple, his hand flattened against Uryuu's lower back, and Uryuu became almost positive Chad was smiling.

"You can if you want. I haven't had it cleaned; I didn't want to ruin it."

Uryuu nodded. He opened his mouth, hesitated, then spoke. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but... this isn't just a one night thing, is it." It wasn't a question at all, and he was reasonably certain Chad was serious about this. But he'd learned quite a lesson about making assumptions, and knew that it never hurt to ask, besides.

"...No. It's nothing like that," Chad said.

Uryuu breathed out softly, relieved in spite of his certainty.

"You being here... feels right," Chad said. "I want you here whenever you want to be here."

Uryuu couldn't speak for a moment. He closed his eyes, stroked his hand down Chad's back.

"Did you bring a toothbrush with you?" Chad asked.

Uryuu bent his neck back and looked up at Chad, a curious frown wrinkling his eyebrows. "I did."

"Will you leave it here?" Chad asked, his voice quieter, now.

Uryuu smiled. "Yes. I will."

He made a mental note to buy himself a new one. And one for Chad too, that he could leave at Uryuu's apartment. Then he yawned, and Chad yawned in answer, and Uryuu rolled to his other side and let Chad scoop him up close.

He stretched comfortably. Chad's hand slid up his bare belly as he did, fingertips skimming around his navel, igniting a fresh coil of desire deep inside him.

"We need to get some sleep," Uryuu said, for his own benefit as much as for Chad's. "We've got school in the morning."

Uryuu's head spun at that. School in the morning. It was surreal that after this long and momentous twenty-four hours, he was going to go back to real life, to school in the morning and homework at night, as if nothing had happened.

But something had happened. Something important. Even though there would be school and homework and any number of everyday tasks to be done, he'd have Chad, and he'd have friendships to make and others to strengthen, and he'd have a life that it was time to start actually living.

Chad held him close, pressed a kiss against the back of his head.

And Uryuu squeezed the arm around him and smiled, because he knew that now, this was his real life.


Loooong A/N!:

And they actually did live happily ever after!

Thank you for reading! I'm so glad I decided to write this out and post it, I've had so much fun with it :)

The song for this chapter... I did searches for lyric phrases to begin finding music for this story, and this was the first song I found that made me go WOW, that totally fits! I know it's easy to hate on Coldplay, but give it a shot XD

The brain-movie that this was, was originally about twice as long, lol. STUFF HAPPENED, and there were some intimacy and communication problems that got worked out (Uryuu likes cuddling, but NOT 24 HRS A DAY, JEEZ), and there was some Ichigo dramas in which Chad took Ichigo's assurance that he'd call them next time seriously, and was actually planning to stay in KT so that he could be there when Ichigo needed the help (because that's Chad's thing, you know), and Ishida found out about this and he was like KUROSAKI YOU NEED TO TALK TO YOUR FRIEND and Chad was not *entirely* happy that Ishida interfered. Chad & Ichigo worked it out and their bromance continued, and Chad and Ishida made up after not speaking much for about a week (but it felt so long!) and Ichigo's dad hooked Chad up with the FIRST ANNUAL SUPER KUROSAKI SCHOLARSHIP (because once Ichigo said the thing about calling, Chad stopped making with the college application business) and Chad and Ishida moved to Tokyo together. Ishida went to law school, Chad went to vet school. And THEN they lived happily ever after XD

But wow, that is way too long, and too much stuff happening for me to write, and I never would have actually finished it. So I edited some stuff and ended it here, at what felt like a logical stopping point.

They continue to be active in my head, though :) I think I have at least one (porny XD) one-shot in me set in this 'verse, when I have time to write it. (intercrural, you guys, i'm gonna make it happen!)

But here's something I'd like to do, if anybody is interested: If you'll leave me a comment telling me something you'd like to see from the future, I'll try to write you at least a few paragraphs of comment fic! :D Or if you want to write fic set in this 'universe,' I would love to see that too! Even if it doesn't follow the story line. Ha ha, I know some people had some ~ideas~ about that drunken night in the hotel room, involving all three of the guys >:} I did too, but I don't think I can actually write it.

In short! I love you all, and I really appreciate you reading and sticking with me to the end <3

Lyrics (c) Coldplay - A Message

And thanks to yuuko_uchiha  for the help! <3

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bleach, fanfic, sado, ishida

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