The Suit - Chapter 3 (Bleach, Sado/Ishida)

Jan 28, 2011 01:40

Title: The Suit, Chapter 3/?
Rating: currently R
Pairing: Sado/Ishida
Warnings: Set in Bleach universe, but the time skip made it A/R. Alcohol use. Sexual concepts. Violence in later chapters.
Summary: With less than a year left before Uryuu heads off to university, he'd been certain he'd avoid all the complications and distractions of a high-school romance. His attraction to Chad threatens to throw a wrench in his neatly-laid plans.

Chapter 3

Trying hard to speak and
Fighting with my weak hand
Driven to distraction
It’s all part of the plan

Summer break seemed to sneak up on Uryuu; one moment he was reluctantly sharing lunch with Ichigo and company, and the next, he was packing his overnight bag for a trip to Tokyo. It's funny how time passes so quickly, he thought as he folded a pair of underwear and placed it on top of his folded pajamas on the bed.

More than two years had passed since the Winter War, and it all seemed like a blur to Uryuu. A haze of schoolwork, projects, studying, training. He frowned as he carefully rolled up a pair of socks. Schoolwork, projects, studying, training... and not much of anything else. He glanced over to the shelf above his desk, where a neat stack of university brochures took up the space between a dictionary and an atlas.

He supposed it was understandable; one had to study hard and display excellence in one's schoolwork in order to be competitive. Especially if one wanted to win full scholarships.

Besides, he was doing something else now, wasn't he?

With a nod, he surveyed the clothing he'd selected for the trip, all neatly laid out on his bed: enough for one day and two nights, formalwear included. He glanced at his watch. Three hours before he was to meet Chad and Ichigo at the train station.

He began packing his clothing into his suitcase.


Uryuu thought that perhaps he should have expected the bachelor party. Western wedding, western traditions, and he told himself that he really should have insisted that Ichigo supply him with an itinerary.

"No. There's absolutely no way I'm going. That kind of thing holds no interest for me," Uryuu said firmly, stepping off the train and onto the platform, a warm, gritty wind blowing his hair into his face. It was the truth; he was not in the least interested in the 'one last hurrah' festivities that he understood a bachelor party to include. Reckless drinking, loud music, and possibly strippers: not his thing. And tapping at the edge of his mind was the deeper truth-that he'd feel out of place and very possibly unwanted. That was not the way he preferred to meet Chad's friends for the first time. He'd much rather meet them in the structured, scripted atmosphere of a wedding, where everyone looked nice and put effort into being civilized.

"So what're you gonna do?" Ichigo asked, scoffing. "Just sit in the hotel room the whole time? 'Cause we're not going to stay just because you don't want to go."

"I don't expect you to," Uryuu said, shifting his suitcase in his grip. "I brought some coursework. I'll be fine."

"We'd like you to come," Chad said from his other side. "But if you'd rather not, it's okay."

"Then it's okay. You two can go without me," Uryuu said, somewhat surprised that the argument was already tapering off.

To end it entirely, Uryuu stepped out in front of Chad to hail a cab.


At a quarter to two in the morning, Uryuu had begun to wish he had gone with the other two, if only because he wouldn't be fretting now, nervous and tired and annoyed that he was actually worried. Hollows were one thing, but two inexperienced teenagers possibly drunk somewhere in Tokyo was something completely different.

Not that Ichigo and Chad couldn't take care of themselves, of course... Uryuu briskly closed his Economics textbook. Not that they couldn't take care of themselves under normal circumstances. Uryuu had a suspicion that these were not at all normal circumstances.

Uryuu glared at the pile of their suitcases stacked up on the thick blue carpeting. It was a nice room, with pleasant cream colored walls and two big beds, but he could find no joy in having it to himself. He flipped open his cell phone and frowned at the tiny screen, thumbing buttons until he reached Kurosaki's number. He gritted his teeth, snapped the phone closed with a flick of his wrist, rolled his eyes. They were big boys. If they got into trouble, it was their own fault.

This made his frown deepen. Sighing, he pushed up from the little desk, packed up his books and notes, and went to the bathroom. He was in his pajamas, rinsing toothpaste out of his mouth when he heard the snick of the front door lock being disengaged.

Uryuu wiped his mouth quickly and stepped out. He did his best not to frown at the pair, who, it seemed, were doing their best not to look as intoxicated as they smelled. Even from across the room, alcohol fumes seemed to waft from them, and Uryuu watched critically as Ichigo stumbled on his way to bed. Ichigo dropped himself down on the blanket and kicked off his shoes as Chad crossed to his the other side of the room, his movements steadier.

The air conditioner kicked on, humming loudly, and Uryuu realized no one had spoken yet. He also realized that they'd never said when they'd be back anyway, and they'd invited him along, so there was no reason for him to be mad. He swallowed the last remnants of his irritation, and asked, "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah," Chad said, rummaging through his bag.

"Pretty good party," Ichigo said. Yawning extravagantly, he sat up again to unbutton his shirt.

"Good," Ishida said, nodding. He passed Chad on the way to the pile of extra blankets and pillows he'd gotten from the front desk earlier, and he was unfolding them as Chad closed the bathroom door behind him. Uryuu turned his back to Ichigo when he realized the other boy was changing in the middle of the room. He busied himself with laying out his blankets and setting his travel alarm clock.

He'd just placed the alarm clock on the table when Chad exited the bathroom, clad in an old pair of jogging shorts and a faded t-shirt with some logo on it that Uryuu couldn't quite make out. He didn't try; instead, he slipped his glasses off, folded them and placed them on the table beside the alarm clock.

"You good on the floor?" Ichigo asked, settling down onto his bed.

Uryuu narrowed his eyes as he unfolded the extra blanket. It wasn't like Ichigo to be concerned about his comfort; he suspected some subtle insult was being leveled at him, something about him being soft or pampered. He lay on the floor and arranged the blanket over himself. "I'm fine."

"You sleep in the bed," said Chad, who hadn't yet turned down his own covers. When Uryuu glanced over at him, Chad stood from where he'd been sitting on the edge of the mattress.

"No, I'm really fine," Uryuu insisted. He rolled over to face the wall and pulled the blanket up to his ears.

The silence that followed indicated that Chad was still standing there. Probably trying to find some way to convince Uryuu to... to what? To let Chad be... considerate? Uryuu sighed, torn between aggravation and feeling a little bit grateful that Chad would offer. He closed his eyes, frowning, the aggravation gaining more ground the longer Chad stood still.

Finally, Chad moved. And Uryuu yelped when he felt himself being lifted bodily from the floor, blanket and all, seemingly effortlessly. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm not going to make you sleep on the floor," Chad explained, adjusting his grip at the back of Uryuu's knees. His other arm curled around Uryuu's back, the hand gently squeezing his shoulder. He swayed to one side and Uryuu went still, fearing that Chad, obviously too far in his cups, was about to spill them both onto the floor.

"Put me down!" he ordered in a loud, hissing whisper.

Wordlessly, Chad dumped him on the bed.

Uryuu struggled to free himself from the tangle of the blanket. "What makes you think I want to make you sleep on the floor?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't mind," Chad said.

"I don't either!" Uryuu exclaimed, exasperated. "I was fine! What makes you think you can just-"

Ichigo interrupted with, "Jeez! Both of you sleep on the bed!"

Uryuu stared at Chad, feeling the color go out of his face. Chad stared back, expressionless.

"I just want to get some sleep," Ichigo grumbled.

Uryuu bit the inside of his cheek. Ichigo was right: it was late, all of them were tired, and they had to be up early. The bed seemed big enough for both of them, and he supposed it was a logical solution to their predicament. Besides, he didn't see a way to end this argument otherwise. He raised an eyebrow at Chad.

"Is that okay?" Chad asked; apparently he'd come to the same conclusion.

Uryuu sighed and flopped back down onto the bed. "Fine. I don't mind," he said, closing his eyes. He kept them closed as Chad's weight tilted the mattress. This bed, which had looked entirely spacious when empty, now felt smaller than Uryuu's own twin set at home. He heard the faint click of the lamp, the rustle of fabric, and then he felt some part of Chad's solid body press up against his arm, and he squeezed his eyes shut even tighter.

"You have enough room?" Chad murmured, settling in.

Uryuu swallowed. "Yes," he said, even though he was already seriously considering re-opening their argument. Ichigo may have been right, but this was a terrible, terrible idea. Heart racing, he turned on his side, facing the wall. Now he opened his eyes and stared through the darkness at the neutral shade of the paint, intensely aware of Chad's large frame taking up space on the bed behind him. The way it dipped the mattress down, the way he could feel Chad's body-heat even through the blanket. He could even smell him: underneath the smell of beer was the herbal scent of his shampoo and the last tired remnants of whatever cologne Chad must have put on that morning. Uryuu sighed and clenched his fist in his blanket, and he closed his eyes again, willing sleep to find him.


He awoke a few hours later disoriented, and had a moment of near-panic when the last shreds of a dream mingled with his reality, and he felt trapped, claustrophobic. He bit his tongue and tried to slow his breathing, doing his best not to disturb Chad, who was in fact trapping him with an arm draped lightly around Uryuu's waist and his nose pressed against the back of Uryuu's head. Uryuu struggled with decisions as his heart-rate slowed to something approaching normal. Try to move Chad's arm? Attempt to slip out of bed and settle on the floor? Do nothing, and just try to go back to sleep?

The faint, silvery light illuminating the wall in front of him suggested that it was very early in the morning. He didn't know if Chad was a light sleeper or not; didn't know whether he'd be able to go back to sleep once he was roused. 'Do nothing' seemed like the most viable option.

Another option presented itself to him, quite unasked-for. If he wanted to, he could turn in Chad's loose hold... turn until they were facing, until Chad's face was inches away from his own. Their breath would mingle, and he could slip his arm around Chad's waist as well, and run his hand up Chad's warm back. Under his shirt, feel the smooth skin, splay his fingers out and trace the hard lines of muscle...

Uryuu felt the impulse to shoot something. Possibly himself. More likely Ichigo, though this wasn't really his fault.

Chad's breath would probably still smell like beer, anyway, he thought.

He sighed and closed his eyes, and before he could decide what to do, he was asleep once more.


A/N: Thank you for reading and reviewing! I thought I had a lot of things I wanted to say in this A/N, but I guess I'll say them next chapter if I remember them XD

Lyrics (c) Coldplay - X & Y

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bleach, fanfic, sado, ishida

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