(1) New Message - Chad/Ishida/Orihime fic

Nov 02, 2010 23:12

Title: (1) New Message
Summary: Orihime returns home early from a month-long trip. Uryuu can't get out of class, but he doesn't want that to stop Chad and Orihime from having a happy reunion. They don't want him to feel left out, so they find a solution.
Pairing: Sado Yasutora/Ishida Uryuu/Inuoe Orihime
Rating: NC-17, probably
Wordcount: ~4300
Warnings: ( Read more... )

fanfic, orihime, sado, ishida, smut, threesome, fluff, bleach

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Comments 14

theablackthorn November 3 2010, 12:50:43 UTC
That was delicious and so sweet.


imlikat November 4 2010, 00:44:59 UTC
^___^ Thank you!


theablackthorn November 4 2010, 08:42:07 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

imlikat November 4 2010, 00:51:08 UTC
YAY! Thank you! Eeee, this threesome is the happiest thing in fandom for me right now :D And guh, they are so hot *___* At some point, I need to pull a few manga pages to show you, because they have a few really cute interactions throughout the story :D And Bleach just did a timeskip, and Uryuu and Orihime just keep getting prettier. Chad hasn't shown up yet, but I trust Kubo Tite to make him gloriously manly and handsome XD

Oh hell, here's Orihime these days: http://mangastream.com/read/bleach/19401614/11

And here's Uryuu: http://mangastream.com/read/bleach/19401614/19

Ha ha, I want to write actual threesome sexytiems! I think I'm kind of... sneaking up on the idea, getting used to it before I go all the way, lol. But thank you! It makes me so happy that you like this, especially since you're not familiar with the canon or characters! ♥♥♥


chorus_of_chaos November 5 2010, 07:14:47 UTC
I found this via the daily bleach recap comm and while I'm familiar with Bleach, I'm like frackin sweet above "Doooooo iIIIIIT!" lOL


imlikat November 5 2010, 23:21:27 UTC
:D I will try! Thank you for the encouragement :)


felinemoonchild November 5 2010, 06:28:13 UTC
*ahem* So I'm not into Bleach...but I am into your writing, as you know. XD; And I sadly had to skim the pr0n because I'm currently sharing an itty bitty bed with my sleeping mother and that just felt...wrong. >.>

But I still loved it! It was so cute! And I'm sure it would've been hot if I had thoroughly read those parts. It was hot enough before then. >.> So hot, I had to skip. >.>;

I miss you writing! Glad to have my writing!D back! Ever thought of writing any TVD fic?


imlikat November 5 2010, 23:23:05 UTC
Yeah, I can't imagine reading porn right next to my mom in bed, either XD

But thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed what parts you could read!

Ah, I am not familiar with TVD. After a minute I realized that must be The Vampire Diaries? I might be wrong, though XD

(and what is a writing!D? ^^;)


felinemoonchild November 6 2010, 08:29:14 UTC
Ugh, Jesus. Something is wrong with me. First, I'm getting my friends on facebook mixed up because they have similar names and now it's happening here. Basically, one of my friends started writing again recently, and your screen names are similar, so I thought it was her.

Just ignore the last part. Her name is D, so a writing!D is a D that writes. *nods* And we're both into TVD.

My review still stands!


imlikat November 29 2010, 04:18:16 UTC
Oh, no worries XD I totally know what you mean - I had two people on my friendslist for a long time who had similar names, and I ALWAYS got them confused, even though I talked to them both regularly. It's just a silly memory thing XD


raynos November 5 2010, 13:46:18 UTC
This is a TOTALLY AWESOME fic and I wish it had more comments but it is VERY AWESOME. The feelings in this fic MORE THAN MADE UP for Ishida not being able to participate! And all the details about having emails instead of smses so they could stay on the phone and talk, and Orihime being awesome and Chad being so game and Ishida being shy and intrigued -

I could go on forever. Totally going to check out your other fics for this threesome! Thank you for this lovely fic!


imlikat November 5 2010, 23:24:32 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! ^____^ Ha ha, I love thinking about little details, and planning around them - that is one of the most fun things about writing :D

Ah, there is not much more for this threesome. I've got a few very short fics and a few NSFW picture links a few posts back, and that's it. There is very little fanwork for this threesome, sadly :/


turkwriter November 11 2010, 05:38:15 UTC
Here from the Kurosaki Clinic! Just came in to say "YAY! In-character fluff fic with porn!" It's like everything that is good in the world put together! :)


imlikat November 29 2010, 04:17:02 UTC
^__^ Thank you very much! Ha ha, I have such a weak spot for fluff + porn XD


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