Mess - GenRai Holiday fic

Nov 22, 2007 18:07

^__^ So,
fuyu_no_akegata posted a great holiday challenge, and it inspired me into a frenzy of porn-writing. I'm posting this as speed-porn, no editing aside from spell-checking, because it feels more like a Thanksgiving fic than a Christmas one, and I wanted to post it today!

Thanks for the great prompt, fuyu! And if this isn't *exactly* what you were suggesting, well, I think it's close enough. ^__^

Title: Mess
Characters: Genma, Raidou, Raidou's family (don't get your hopes up - they don't have sex with Raidou's family. OR DO THEY?)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: anal, oral, alcohol, sex in a non-private place, questionable use of cooking supplies, OCs whose first names I ganked from Naruto seiyuus
Summary: You know you hate family dinners sometimes - Raidou does too. But the evening gets much more interesting when it comes time to do the dishes.


Raidou knew he was grinding his teeth, and he knew there was no need, but he couldn't stop.

Invited or not... what was he thinking, bringing Genma to a family event?

Raidou sat in the corner, trying to finish off his dinner, praying that Genma wouldn't let anything slip. That they'd get out of this without it falling apart, or exploding, or turning into one of those disastrous dinners he remembered clearly from the time shortly before he moved out.

It wasn't looking good.

Genma was trying, and almost, but not quite, succeeding in charming his mother Masako, who was casting occasional dissapproving glances at Raidou. Raidou's uncle Jin, well into his cups so far into dinner, was glaring daggers at Hiroshi, Raidou's father, who had been frowning at his sister Keiko all night for whatever recent mistake she had made. Raidou shared a sympathetic look with her.

At the same time, though, he was secretly overjoyed that she had started dating an Inuzuka, or failed an exam, or come home late last night, or whatever she had done to take their father's attention off of himself and Genma... His parents had nearly disowned him for moving in with Genma three years ago, never mind that they had been friends for years, and Genma lost his parents in the war. Just this year they finally forgave him enough to extend the olive branch and invite both of them over for dinner.

They would probably kill him if they knew he was now sleeping with his room-mate, and had no plans to stop in the immediate future.

Genma's eyes found his and he gave Raidou a reassuring smile in the middle of the slightly tipsy story he was telling Mrs. Namiashi. Raidou smiled back, and then clenched his teeth even tighter. Too personal... room-mates don't smile at each other like that, do they?

He filled his cup with sake, tossed it back, and refilled it. He tried to ignore his father's stare and swallowed it down again. He tried to tune out everything around him, pulled the bottle closer, and settled in to wait. He just wanted it all to be over.

Twenty minutes and countless tiny cups of sake later, Hiroshi finally pushed his plate away and leaned back.

"I'll clear the table," Raidou offered immediately, desperate for an excuse to leave the room. His father nodded, vaguely approving, and Raidou levered himself cautiously to his feet, using every ounce of skill he had to hide the fact that he was utterly shit-faced.

"Want help?" Genma asked, already pushing himself up.

"Sure," Raidou replied, and they gathered the first load to take to the kitchen.

Raidou allowed himself a long, head-clearing sigh when the kitchen door closed behind them, and heard Genma do the same.

"We gonna make it out alive?" Genma asked with a half-smile.

"God, I hope so," Raidou said, leaning against the counter for balance while he scraped a plate into the trash.

"You were really putting them away, back there," Genma pointed out. He handed Raidou the next plate.

"Was I?" Raidou focused on Genma's face, turned his head, noticed that the corners of the room seemed to spin slower than the rest. "Huh. Guess I was."

"Me too," Genma said, then he patted his chest and grimaced when he let out a short, alcohol-flavored burp. "Your mom is... "

"Yeah, I know," Raidou sighed. He dropped a spoon in the garbage bin, then wrinkled his nose and reached in to dig it out of the globs of discarded food. "Shit, shit, shit."

"Three shits to the wind, baby," Genma grinned. "I'll go get some more dishes."

Raidou managed to produce a sink full of soapy water by the time Genma got back. The smaller man's arms were heavily laden with a precariously balanced stack of Namiashi Masako's best china.

"Whoa, whoa," Raidou said, and he rushed to unburden his friend, nearly tripping in his haste. He only remembered to breathe after every single dish was safe on the counter.

"Phew," Genma wheezed, leaning against him. "Probably shoulda made two trips."

"They let you walk outta there like that?" Raidou slurred. He rested his hand on Genma's waist. Genma's firm, finely muscled waist... he bent his head down, rested his forehead against the side of his friend's head.

"They were gone. I heard em in the living room," Genma whispered, leaning closer. Raidou was so warm and solid, and as their faces get closer, though neither of them realized they were moving, he smelled like pumpkin pie and cooking sherry...

"Are you drinking the cooking sherry?" Genma asked with a quiet laugh. Raidou jerked, remembering where he was, and took a step back.

"Yeah, you want some?"

"Why not?" Genma answered, leaning against the counter. He took a swig from the offered bottle, grimaced, then took another drink.

Raidou started scrubbing dishes, his ears and face burning. Genma swung around beside him and started rinsing.

"They always like this?" Genma asked quietly. Raidou nodded and tried to focus on what he was doing, tried to ignore the way Genma's hip brushed against his. Trying to ignore it only made it worse, of course, and he kept thinking about what that particular part of Genma's body felt like under his hands, what it tasted like, the way the muscles flexed when Raidou slid his fingers inside...

Genma bumped him again, and he almost dropped a plate.

"Sorry, sorry," Genma laughed, and reached for the bottle of sherry. "Maybe I should get out of the way. I'll just sit over here and get drunker," he decided, then hopped up onto the countertop.

Raidou shook his head in amusement. This, washing the dishes with Genma, was the most fun he'd had all night. He dreaded going back out there... this night was going to be interminable.

"There's some better stuff behind you," he suggested, and Genma looked around the counter.


Raidou wiped his hands off and took the three steps that would put him directly in front of Genma. Another step forward, and he was between his friends legs.

"Behind you," he said again, and he reached behind Genma to open the cabinet, not taking his eyes off of his friend's face. Only just now realizing how close their bodies were, when he saw Genma's eyes burning into his.

"Watch your head," he whispered, his mouth only inches away from Genma's.

"Raidou," Genma whispered, "We're... "

"I know, we'll hear them coming," Raidou interrupted, leaning in closer. He should stop now, he should just finish the dishes, and then go and sit with his family until they decided he could go, and then he and Genma would go home, and they'd fuck until they passed out...

Instead, he met Genma's mouth with a rough, sloppy kiss. He let go of the cabinet door and grabbed Genma's bottom with both hands, slid him across the tiles until their crotches were pressed hard together. He squeezed and kneaded at his room-mates ass, thrust his hips forward, rubbing his half-hard cock against the tight-stretched seam of Genma's pants. They swayed together, neither sober enough to keep them both completely upright. Genma reached back to steady himself on the countertop, and that pulled their mouths apart.

"Wait," he panted when Raidou leaned in again. "I have no problem with this, but it's your family--"

"Shut up," Raidou whispered, and he latched onto Genma's mouth again.

He had realized, with a sort of horrified awe, that maybe he didn't mind so much if his parents were to catch him making out with Genma, drunk, in the kitchen. And while part of him recognized it wasn't the best decision in the world, he was hard as a rock now, and when he thrust forward he could feel that Genma was equally affected... and the rest of him was too drunkenly, aggressively horny to listen to that voice of reason that faded more with every brush of Genma's body against his.

He yanked Genma's shirt out of his waistband and snaked his hands underneath, clutching at hot, scarred skin. He felt the muscles work under his hands as Genma rolled his back in an attempt to push their hips harder together. Genma's sides heaved under his touch, and he shoved a hand down the back of Genma's pants, clutching and kneading a firm, tense buttock.

"Feel so fucking good," he panted, and that was as long as he was willing to let their lips separate. Feeling like his fly was going to burst open at any second, he forced his hand deeper into Genma's pants.

"Gonna tear," Genma whispered.


"Pants. Gonna tear," Genma repeated, and then he took Raidou's earlobe between his teeth. Raidou groaned, then cut off the noise immediately. He pulled his hand out of his friend's pants, only now aware of raw skin on the top of his wrist where the waistband had chafed. He quickly found and neutralized button and zipper, and reached in to hook Genma's erection out of the fold of cloth binding it to his hip.

Genma gasped softly in his ear, then let out a hissing breath when Raidou wrapped long fingers around his aching dick. Genma reached blindly for the bigger man's crotch, fingertips scrabbling over beltloops and cotton-blend until they found it, a hot, hard mass of flesh that warped the front of Raidou's pants. He went on to the zipper, and the purring rasp of tiny metal teeth was audible in the nearly silent kitchen.

Only five minutes had passed since Genma brought back the second load of dishes, but already the two men were deep in the clutches of reckless, intoxicated lust, clumsy fingers stroking swollen flesh, thick tongues tangling wetly, hearts pounding. Raidou tried to press closer, but the crotch of Genma's pants rode up and pressed uncomfortably against his balls when he spread the smaller man's legs. So instead, he tucked his fingers into the waistband and pulled down. The position and the countertop continued to frustrate his efforts, until Genma started shimmying from one buttock to the other, and inch by inch Raidou was able to work the stubborn trousers down past his hips.

He hadn't thought this through, though... he hovered for a few seconds, unsure what to do next. Now Genma's crotch was exposed, but the pants were still in the way if he wanted real body contact.

But Genma's dick looked good, it looked tempting, lying against the hem of his shirt, the head shiny pink and a little damp. Raidou dropped his head down abruptly and took his friend's cock into his mouth. Genma moaned, a long, whispered vowel, and Raidou's cock jerked, begging for contact.

I want to fuck you so hard, Genma. I want to spread you open and pound into you until you scream. I want to fill your ass with my come, and then I want to catch my breath and start all over again. I want to fuck you all night, until we can't even move any more, he would have said, if it was safe to talk, if he didn't have his mouth full of Genma at the moment.

A few more bobbing sucks and he pulled off just as abruptly as he started. He lifted a reeling, panting Genma up by his thighs, scooted him a few inches to the left, and reached for the cabinet door. While he dug around, Genma took a deep swig of sherry and distracted him by caressing the head of his cock with the pads of his fingers.

With shaky hands, Raidou uncapped a bottle of olive oil and set it on the counter. He took the bottle out of Genma's hand, took several long swallows.

"Olive oil?" Genma whispered.

"Will it work?" Raidou asked, plunking down the sherry and wiping his mouth.

"I think so... " Genma answered, his face flushing even darker as his stomach processed the new addition of alcohol, and his brain processed what Raidou was planning. He licked his lips and made a loose fist around Raidou's cock. "Yeah."

He slipped and barely kept from knocking his head against the cabinet when his legs were hoisted up, ankles coming to rest on Raidou's shoulders.

"You want me?" Raidou whispered, nearly forgetting where they were when he rubbed his cock between Genma's thighs, over his balls, pressed his head against the warm cleft of Genma's ass.

"The oil," Genma reminded him, shifting to ease the strain on his lungs from being bent almost double.

"I know," Raidou said, but truthfully, at the moment he wasn't even sure if he knew his own name. All he knew for certain was that he wanted to be inside Genma, right now.

He poured a slick of olive oil over his palm, not caring that he spilled it on the counter, rubbed his hands together and pressed his fingers against Genma's pucker. Genma clenched his teeth and closed his eyes when Raidou wriggled his fingers in, lubing him up roughly.

A few heavy, humid breaths, a wet kiss, and then Raidou loomed close, lined himself up. Genma readied himself not to make a sound when Raidou pressed his blunt cock-head against him and pushed. He leaned his head back, gripped the edge of the counter with his fingertips, and cursed wildly in his head as his asshole stretched to accomodate Raidou's thick cock. He absolutely loved it, being stretched to his limit, being forced to adjust to having a dick shoved into his ass, and he fought hard not to cry out.

Raidou stopped, panting, when he was halfway buried.

"You okay?" he whispered, knowing that they had been in the kitchen awhile now, probably ten minutes already, and they had very little time left before someone would get curious why they were taking so long.

"Good. Go," Genma answered, and Raidou gripped his thighs and thrust the rest of the way in. A shaky moan slipped past Genma's teeth, and both men tensed up. Raidou clapped a hand over his friend's mouth.

"Shhh," he cautioned, and Genma nodded, looking a bit panicked. Raidou pulled back to thrust again, and Genma's quiet moan was muffled against his palm. A muscular clench made Raidou light-headed.

"God," was all he could say, a shivery whisper against the inside of Genma's knee. "God."

And then he moved again, thrusting blindly into Genma's hot body, the danger of their situation only high enough in his consciousness to urge him to go faster, fuck harder, get to the end as quickly as possible. A sharp thrust met Genma's prostate, and Raidou felt pain in his hand as teeth clamped down on the web between thumb and fingers.

Raidou leaned in closer, pushing deeper and forcing Genma's knees back against his shoulders. He was panting now, biting his own tongue in an attempt to keep from moaning as he found the perfect angle, the perfect rhythm.

Suddenly Genma struggled, pushed him away.

Heart slamming in his chest, Raidou glanced back to see his sister staring wide-eyed with her back pressed against the kitchen door.

"Shit," Raidou cursed, struggling to cover his erection while Genma did the same beside him.

"Go," Keiko whispered, motioning toward the back door. They all heard footsteps in the dining room. "Get out of here!"

They didn't need to be told again. Holding their pants closed, they bolted.

Once they were in the Namiashi's back yard, Genma was ready to sprint the rest of the way home, but Raidou grabbed him by the wrist and motioned him up onto the roof. They paused there, shocked into a decent level of sobriety, and Raidou motioned unnecessarily for silence.

"Where did they go?" they heard Raidou's father ask. Genma took in Raidou's wide-eyed look of tension.

"They got a summons - it was an urgent mission. I said I'd finish up in here."

They heard Hiroshi grunt in dismissal, and Raidou relaxed into a near slump. He owed Keiko now, big time. He looked at Genma, who was watching him warily, and motioned for a retreat. They took the rooftops all the way to their apartment.


Genma relaxed when the door was locked and bolted behind them, and Raidou didn't rush immediately to his room. He didn't know what to think, didn't know what Raidou thought about any of this, being caught, this not being their little secret any more. He followed Raidou to the kitchen where the bigger man started in on their emergency supply of whiskey.

"You okay?" Genma asked, hanging back in the doorway.

"I don't know," Raidou answered, squeezing his eyes closed. He took a deep drink out of the bottle. "Yeah, I guess. I don't want to talk about it." He didn't want to think about it, either, just wanted to forget it ever happened. His cock was slippery and uncomfortable inside his pants, and his heart was still beating erratically in his throat. He took another drink.

"Okay," Genma agreed. It wouldn't do to push Raidou, especially when it came to this. "Share?" he asked, taking a step forward and reaching for the bottle. He took several burning gulps, and exhaled loudly when he pulled the bottle away from his lips. Pleasant warmth returned to his belly, spreading and lighting tiny fires all through his body. He thought of the look on Keiko's face when she first saw them, and tried not to laugh - he thought it might be a little soon for that. He handed the bottle back to Raidou and suppressed a sigh. Their relationship these days was difficult to think about for too long, and he never knew exactly where Raidou stood. Especially now, after tonight.

Raidou didn't know where he stood, either. He drank deeply and leaned back against the counter, trying not to figure out what it meant that he wasn't completely mortified that his sister knew he had sex with men. He would have panicked had his father found out - that was stupid, what the hell was I thinking? But Keiko knowing was just... not that big a deal.

He opened his eyes to find that the ceiling was spinning. He slowly turned his head to look at Genma, who was staring at the floor, his face still pink from the alcohol, the excitement, the run in the cold air. He handed Genma the bottle and watched his throat work as he tilted his head back. He knew the perfect way to gain the oblivion he sought tonight. And so what if it was painfully obvious, who cared if it was what got him in this situation in the first place? It always worked, and that was all that mattered right now.

"Finish what we started?" Raidou suggested in a low voice, and that surprised Genma enough that he wasted a few ounces of whiskey on his chin and shirt. Raidou took the bottle from his hand, leaned in, licked a line up Genma's throat to his chin, finding the combination of smokey liquor and Genma's salty skin to be intriguing. He swiveled his body, trapping Genma between him and the countertop, and continued licking and sucking at the skin of Genma's neck and jaw.

Genma moaned low in his throat, and the sound seemed to echo in Raidou's head. He realized he was fixating on Genma's neck to the exclusion of everything else... kissing was good, but why just kiss when you can be touching, too? He tugged Genma's shirt up, licking at ribs and biting a hard nipple on the way.

Shirt out of the way, Raidou bent down to run his tongue into the hollow of Genma's collarbone, and the tail end of his adrenaline-fueled sobriety deserted him, left him dizzy and clutching at the smaller man's waist for balance.

He hummed against Genma's cheekbone when he felt hands running up his sides, over his back, pulling at his shirt. He swayed when he leaned back to jerk the shirt over his head, but Genma caught him by the beltloops, and before he regained his bearings, his pants were around his ankles.

"Want you," he whispered, then he caught Genma's lips in a sloppy kiss, pushing his tongue deep inside his friend's mouth, and the taste of whiskey tingled on his tongue. He fumbled with Genma's fly, those pants the last barrier between their naked bodies, and with some effort he finally managed to shove them down to the floor.

They both groaned when their hips came into contact, cocks hard and hot, and the leftover oil on Raidou's cock made for an unusually slippery grind. Raidou swayed forward, caught himself on the counter, and thrust forward against Genma's lower stomach.

"Want you now," he breathed into Genma's hair.

"Pants," Genma pointed out. They stepped out of their pants and somehow succeeded in kicking them to the side, and then Raidou grabbed his friend by the waist.

"Up," he said, and hoisted Genma onto the countertop. He pulled and positioned Genma until his ass was at the edge.

"Ready?" he asked, pressing his cock against Genma's crack, hoping that it was still slippery enough.

"Yes," Genma panted, gripping the edge of the countertop. Raidou wrapped one hand around Genma's thigh, took a deep breath.

"Fffffuck," Genma hissed as Raidou thrust, burying a few inches of hard flesh inside Genma's body. Raidou paused, sucked in another breath through his teeth, and shoved again, and Genma's head did smack against the cabinet this time.

Raidou looked a hazy question at him, and Genma focused long enough to reassure him, "Drunk. Didn't hurt. Fuck me."

So he did just that, throwing Genma's legs over his shoulders and leaning in, pistoning into his friend's body with abandon, looking for that perfect angle again.

He knew he found it when Genma started gasping on every breath. The smaller man reached between them and tried to get a grip on his cock, wanting to add to the incredible friction, but with the way his body was bent he couldn't get a good grip. So he grabbed the countertop instead, steadied himself as Raidou's thrusts got faster and shorter.

"Huhh-- huh-- ahh-- " Raidou panted, digging his fingers into Genma's hips. Genma groaned and banged his head against the cabinet door again, tried to hold himself steady as Raidou's forceful thrusts threatened to push him back.

"Oh, Gen," Raidou moaned, slowing to savor the final buildup, that twisting and tightening in his stomach that signalled his impending orgasm. And then it was there, and he couldn't control his hips - they shook so hard when it hit that he slipped out of Genma's body.

"Fuck," he hissed, and pressed his cock against Genma's inner thigh, thrusting, thrusting, shooting his come out over Genma's hip, his stomach, the countertop.

Panting, Genma dropped his legs down from Raidou's shoulders and reached for his cock. He began fisting himself roughly, nearly at the edge himself. Raidou, shoulders heaving, breathless and buzzing from his orgasm, leaned down to kiss him, to bite and suck at his lips. His hand wrapped around Genma's, and together they stroked and urged Genma to completion.

"Oh, God, Raidou," Genma moaned, arching his back, and a fresh flush of desire prompted Raidou to drop his head to Genma's lap. He pried their hands away and quickly sucked Genma's cock into his mouth, tasting olive oil and salt-skin, and the bitter taste of his own come.

"Oh, fuck," Genma groaned, digging a hand into his friend's hair. "Oh, god, oh, fuck..."

Raidou sucked vigorously, pressing his tongue against Genma's cock. Inside a minute, Genma was tensing rhythmically, moaning his name. Raidou groaned as a burst of precum joined the mix of tastes in his mouth, and then Genma's body shook under him, slipping on the dirty counter.

"Raidou, I'm coming, fuck-- " Genma whispered frantically, pulling at Raidou's hair. But on a whim, Raidou held him where he was, didn't pull away like he usually did... he already had his own come in his mouth; a little more wouldn't matter.

He felt Genma's hips flex up and stay there, heard Genma groan loudly, and then come was filling his mouth in short, salty-bitter bursts. He almost gagged as it hit the back of his throat and tears filled his eyes and ran over, but then he swallowed and the pressure was gone, and he kept sucking gently. After the last spurt, he held still, letting a panting Genma ride out the tail-end of his orgasm inside the wet heat of his mouth, knowing from experience that he himself liked it best this way.

Eventually, Genma's hands relaxed and fell away from his hair. He stood slowly, letting the softening cock slip out of his mouth, and leaned forward to rest his head against his friend's shoulder. The taste in his mouth was acrid, overpowering. He licked sweat off Genma's skin, found that the salt cut through the bitterness and made it almost pleasant, licked again.

The intoxicated, comradely urge to babble surfaced, and Genma wanted to say, 'Thank you,' he wanted to ask why Raidou was doing any of this after the night they had, but instead he leaned his head sideways against Raidou's and wrapped his arms loosely around that thick, muscular waist.

"What a mess," he said, casting blurry eyes around the kitchen. Meaning their scattered clothes, the come and olive oil and sweat all over their bodies and the counter. The uncertain ramifications of tonight's visit to Raidou's parents. Their own unexamined, outwardly simple but inwardly confusing relationship.

"Yeah," Raidou slumped heavily against him, kissed his shoulder, and agreed. "What a mess."

...and I need a new journal layout. I don't like this one, but I can never find a different one I like. I just wish the text window on this one was narrower, is all. O_o

raidou, smut, fanfiction, answers, genma

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