Title: First Day
Pairing/Characters: Touya, Yukito, Doumeki, Watanuki, Fay, Kurogane (Characters by CLAMP)
Notes: Set in my High Scool AU. It's the start of Touya/Yukito. I have to admit, though, that I only know them from TRC and one random CCS manga I read a long time ago. So I apologize if they aren't themselves. Reading 'Red Strings'
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Comments 2
Hehe I found this funny: “The first person to introduce himself was Fluorite-kun. But the boy beside him didn’t seem to like that…”
“Oh, yeah, Sohi-kun is a little scary…”
And of course Watanuki knows exactly who Yukito is talking about, just from that.
I liked the reference to Watanuki seeing the red thread connecting Yukito and Touya.
Yukito decided to follow Doumeki’s lead: ignore Watanuki and eat. Yep, good idea Yuki! Its better for your sanity.
“Poor you. Losing all your files. It’s almost as though you didn’t exist before this day, isn’t it?” ... the situation cleared up and his status as a student and human being confirmed. And this just cracks me up. Love the CCS reference.
Very cute and fun! I really like how Yuki encounters all the other characters.
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