
Apr 19, 2008 16:53

Title: Whispers
Pairing/Characters: Kurogane/Fay, Tomoyo  (Characters by CLAMP)
Warnings: Spoilers.
Notes: A short piece of what the people of Nihon say about the people staying at the palace.

It was said that when they were still children, Tsukuyomi banished a demon from within the ninja.

Some said she wasn’t entirely successful.

It was whispered that when the blond foreigner stayed at the palace, he was given rooms normally reserved for visiting royalty.

It was common knowledge that Tsukuyomi loved cherry blossoms.

The reasons for the ninja’s disappearance ranged from dismissal for shameful conduct to being dispatched on a secret mission.

Though it was surely impossible, it was said that the blond foreigner had an eye the colour of liquid gold. Those that had actually seen him arrive with the ninja and the boy said it was blue.

There was a rumour that the ninja had lost an arm, but had grown it back again.

Many were of the opinion that the ninja Tsukuyomi sent away was not the same man as the one who came back.

Several people claimed to have seen the blond foreigner fight, and that he was the ninja’s equal in that regard.

The home of the ninja and foreigner was carefully avoided by most.

Many agreed they were both cold-blooded killers.

One palace servant claimed it was the foreigner who was part demon, living not on food but on blood.

When the ninja and the foreigners had first arrived, bloody and lost, one older man was badly shaken. He looked at the one-armed ninja as though seeing a ghost.

There was a particularly good story of how the ninja and the blond foreigner fought off the rest of the palace warriors without breaking a sweat or saying a word.

A girl who served at the palace cried after catching a glimpse of the ninja’s scarred body.

Wasn’t it fortunate, people said, that there happened to be warriors from the palace in the village where they had first appeared? Coincidence was such a marvellous thing, sometimes.

A few people suspected the boy was actually the ninja’s son.

There were hushed meetings behind closed doors, there was Tsukuyomi seen carrying a sword.

There were reports that Tsukuyomi wasn’t sleeping well.

As in other worlds before this one, the whispers continued long after they were gone.

In this world, however, one question was asked over and over again.

Which of them would return?

tomoyo, fay, kurogane

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