Feeling a little down this morning, not sure why other than the weather may be causing it. Have always had trouble with the changing of the seasons affecting me; the aches and pains it causes let alone the devastation and havoc it wrecks on my allergies!! UGH
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Comments 14
Also, *HUGS YOU TIGHT* don't be down bb! A world with this much pretty i can't be all bad! *hugs some more*
I am feeling much better, just this morning started off bad, I hate the change in weather sometimes. it gets me allergies all in a frenzy and sometimes my regular meds don't seem to help as soon as they should!!!
But thanks for all the virtual hugs!! LOL!
Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear you are a little down. Abrupt weather changes can do that to you. It's never fun with the thought of going into winter and all the dreary world with cold and snow and such. Yuck! I hope your mood improves throughout the day. Go do something fun, or read a comfort fic, marathon SPN, take a nice long nap. Hope your shift goes well tonight. You are a goddess, my dear. **hugs**
I am feeling much better this evening, just the weather dropped and I had a ton of errands to run and my allergy meds weren't kicking in. It was just going downhill from the start!!! But I was able to start a good fic and then I got a pretty good nap before work.
Thanks for the love and virtual hugs!! **hugs** you back!!
And Naps are always AWESOME!!!
I can sympathise with your general downness, I hate this time of year! :(
And I am feeling much better this evening, just the weather can be a pain!! But I usually love this time of year!! LOL!
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