So I've searched Simscave and Blacky's Sims Zoo and various link on GoS, I found the grocery stand one but I can't find these two! Does anyone know of a valid link that I could download these at??
I have been searching hi and low for this damn hair, I swear it's by Nouk and there's recolors by pooklet floating around somewhere but I can't find it. I've found the one at nocturnalsims and simscave (the link dosen't work anymore) and I've looked on Nouk's website. So if anyone could help out that'd be awesome! :)
I'm not really sure if any one was planning on following my Wakarusa families but I've decided I'm not going to keep up with the storylines I had planned for them. I'm just going to post random picspam on them every once in awhile. :)
I figured it was time I posted this, seeing as how I have about 4 picture folders of 8 families waiting to be posted. Warning: I'm not the best at taking neighborhood pictures! >__________>"