Character Relations

Jan 08, 2011 23:59


Rin Tohsaka
JOURNAL → infinitemana
RELATIONSHIP → Nee-san | Magus of Tohsaka


JOURNAL → breaker_gorgon
RELATIONSHIP → Best Friend | Medusa Gorgon


Shirou Emiya
JOURNAL → inb4gar
RELATIONSHIP → Former Lover | Magus of Emiya

In her own world Shirou and Sakura were lovers. However in Mayfield this Shirou remembers a different set of events. This has made their relationship revert back to the way it was before the Holy Grail War. Sakura is still confused and trying to deal with it but Shirou is still the most important person to Sakura. None of the confusing stuff that has happened made Sakura love Shirou any less but she is keeping a respectable distance away from him for now.

Shirou admitted to Rin that he is in love with her. This, obviously, make Sakura a bit upset. She still does not know if telling Shirou about her true feelings is the right thing to do. For now, Rin and Sakura have both decided to keep silent about it.

JOURNAL → fatesjanitor
RELATIONSHIP → Teacher | Heroic Spirit Emiya

Archer and Sakura have a strange relationship that can somehow be called close. Sakura puts a lot of trust in Archer because of the way he acts instead of listening to what he has to say. He does feel bad for him and wishes that he would live for himself but she knows inside that she can't make anyone do anything. Archer has promised to kill her if she reverts to her Dark self which Sakura considers to be a favor.

Archer has taken Sakura on as a student and is now teaching her Archery.

Shinji Matou
JOURNAL → dothecreep
RELATIONSHIP → Brother | Failed Magus of Makiri


JOURNAL → mongrelangaems
RELATIONSHIP → Stalker | King of Heroes

The ever arrogant King. Gilgamesh wants to use Sakura to kill everyone in Mayfield. Sakura will have none of that shit. Their relationship really can't be called a relationship between enemies. It's more like the relationship between a bully and a victim that refuses to give up and lie down.


JOURNAL → sky_seventh
RELATIONSHIP → Not!Mom and Teacher | Seventh

Ciel is actually really important to Sakura right now. Sakura feels very strongly about Ciel. She's the only person that she's connected with on a personal level besides Shirou and Rider. Ciel is also one of the only people who accepts Sakura for who she is despite her past which means the world to Sakura.

More recently Ciel has taken Sakura on as a student to teach her sorcery.

Zelos Wilder
JOURNAL → theillchosen
RELATIONSHIP → Not!Father | Golden Boy


Mami Tomoe
JOURNAL → headedforhope
RELATIONSHIP → Not!Sister | Puella Magi


JOURNAL → wise_king
RELATIONSHIP → Not!Brother | Crown


Important Relationships

The Captain
JOURNAL → heartstar_blues
RELATIONSHIP → Cooks and Cleans for | A ☠☠☠☠ Superhero!


Other CR

Xiaom​ei​ Wang
JOURNAL → naichaa
RELATIONSHIP → Close Friend | Taiwan


JOURNAL → redorblueshot
RELATIONSHIP → Friend | Synchronizer


Wriggle Nightbug
JOURNAL → badend_hero
RELATIONSHIP → Acquaintance | Firefly Youkai


Keiichi Maebara
JOURNAL → badend_hero
RELATIONSHIP → Acquaintance | Magician of Words

For some reason Keiichi and Sakura both seem to be awkward around each other. Sakura's attempts to talk to Keiichi so far have been nothing but trying to squeeze information out of him. But now that she knows he's just a normal human their relationship has switched from manipulation to Sakura actually trying to get to know Keiichi.

Peter Parker
JOURNAL → seriousbigtime
RELATIONSHIP → Acquaintance | Spider Man


Juri Han
JOURNAL → byeontae_geomi
RELATIONSHIP → Bully | Feng Shui User

Sakura cannot stand Juri. She reminds her of all of the people that simply wanted to use her for what she is. Juri is also one of the very few people Sakura will willingly attack which is big considering Sakura's feelings as a pacifist.


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