Title : Try The Swing
Author : Jen
Rating : NC-17 overall (language & stuff that happens in a marriage...!)
Pairing : Kurt/Blaine AU
Series : sequel to
VowsWord Count : ~9,000 (this part) / ~39,000 (overall)
Spoilers : as it's an AU, none. But there's so many spoilers for "Vows" so can I suggest that if you've not read that first that you go do
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Comments 70
He does want Ben there - he told Blaine that he needed to be sure Amelia would be 100% safe before he agreed to anything. He then agreed, he then fought the home on their reservations about two adoptions close together. He has stood firm through every issue and assured Blaine at every step that he does want Ben to be there.
But there's also something else going on with him as to why he is acting the way that he is, and the biggest clue was when he mentioned sides to Blaine. I can promise you that Kurt's thoughts and feelings about Ben and Blaine have nothing to do with not wanting him. It's about what Kurt "knows" about people like Ben, people who are so angry at heart, people who 'change'...
Hope I've not put you off completely; part 3 will be up later today and should answer a LOT of questions.
The three of them all want the same thing - they want to be a family together. The issues are coming about due to backgrounds and perceptions and influences. Each of them have been hurt by something in their past and they haven't fully dealt with that.
Ben's still not over his dad and his anger and is still scared of losing it. Blaine is scared of losing Ben and/or Kurt because he's lost them both before. Kurt is scared of... something we are going to find out about soon enough but the clues are there if you look for them!
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