Title : A Series of Moments (or how Chris and Darren kept a secret right until the last minute)
Author : Jen
Rating : PG-13 (some naughty words)
Series : Like a Satellite & Chasing Daylight
Word Count : ~4800
Warnings : allusion to some naughty stuff, RPF...
Summary : Life is a series of moments. Some last for a moment, some last for a lifetime.
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Comments 46
(Also, was the Well, my dear reader. I married him. line a reference to Jane Eyre?)
(And yes, happy happy!)
*hands out the streamers*
I dont' know if I should be writing right now. My english skills got lost soemwhere underneath all of these emotions. I feel so mcuh right now. CREYS!
While reading this chapter I couldn't sit still, I was literally bouncing in my chair, heart pounding, squealing, trying to eat my hand to keep from screaming/laughing/crying.
This as seriously the best chapter of a CrissColfer fic I have ever read. Seriously.
My mind is blown. I have no words.
Thank you again! ♥
Ok...pleasantries out of the way....AAAAAAHHHHHH!! So much love!! Sooooo many feeeeellliiinggggssss!!!
I'll admit, you got me going with your ominous author's note at the beginning, but I kept the faith that it would all work out.
The ceremony, the subterfuge, Darren's blog post, all of it was just spectacular. This was absolute perfection.
Thank you so much for not only your faithfulness to this story but also your awesome feedback. Glad I kept you on the emotional rollercoaster!
Jen killed her. Again.
At least she was well known on the internet.
( ... )
But of course it came good in the end. Right from the start of Bean's little story (which seems to have blossomed into something quite epic) it's been pretty clear that deep down these two adore each other and are perfect together. So despite my last attempt at dropping stones into that little pond it all came good.
Now the real fun begins... ;-)
( ... )
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