on staying positive

Mar 02, 2012 18:33

I'm somewhat cynical, by nature I think, and also from experience. But I feel like I too often use this space to complain, vent, and bitch. So I thought I would post things that delight me today ( Read more... )

i don't know what i'm doing, mood, depression

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Comments 22

anonymous March 2 2012, 23:49:39 UTC
YOU are delighting me. I feel the same way about the tone and function of my posts, although I think the act of bitching is really helpful. Also, I think cooking at retreats sounds like a winner, if you can stand all the time at the retreat site - isn't it pretty spartan?

The only positive thing I can think of right now is that I have no need for an eyebrow pencil in my life. I am fairly obsessed with makeup tutorials and a lot of fuss is spent filling in brows and darkening them. That is....not a problem for me.


imaginarycircus March 2 2012, 23:54:25 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

imaginarycircus March 2 2012, 23:54:58 UTC
:D I actually looked up the IP and recognized that you are probably the only person in your state whom I know! <3


shehasathree March 2 2012, 23:56:24 UTC
1. I woke up before 9am today, and don't even feel like I'm dying!


imaginarycircus March 2 2012, 23:58:09 UTC
That is awesome and I can only hope that happens to me soon. <3


shehasathree March 3 2012, 00:03:40 UTC
Thanks. I know you of all people can undeerstand how significant this is, even if most people would roll their eyes at it. I hope it happens to/for you soon, too!
(Ooh, I have a "Sleep" icon now. *uses*)


imaginarycircus March 3 2012, 00:05:41 UTC
Awwwww, they are so adorbs. <3


imaginarycircus March 3 2012, 00:01:33 UTC
Wow. I don't even think I've ever heard about them before. How cool!!


rocsfan March 3 2012, 03:15:53 UTC
Those are delightful delights! I hope you are able to go to Sunset on the Beach. That would so wonderful!

It's always a delight for me to get comments on something I've written.

I don't think there's anything wrong with sharing on these journals. Sometimes it's the only place to vent or just sort out your feelings. I know that I think more clearly through written words than I do through speaking.


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